440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 1, 1994 09:13 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Completed notes on meeting in Los Banos with PG&E project team.


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Central Coast Aqueduct, PG&E
Meetings, 940921 Los Banos team progress
Notes & Follow Up
940922 PG&E team in Los Banos

0506 -    ..
0507 - Summary/Objective
0508 -
050801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 15 line 51. Got my notes entered finally.
050802 - Spell checked.  Need to develop Action Items, and publish a draft.
050803 -
050804 - Going to try doing action items in a separate file, so they are
050805 - linked to specific lines instead of going to multiple locations as I
050806 - did on previous notes.
050807 -
050808 - Prepared ref DIT 1 line 30, transmitting notes and showing Action
050809 - Items.
050810 -
050811 -        Need to figure out how to produce this as MS Word file.
050812 -
050813 -        Need to get rest of attendees listed.
050814 -
050815 -
0509 -

Central Coast Aqueduct, PG&E
Meetings, 940921 Los Banos team progress
Action Items

0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - These are the action items that seem to be derived from the meeting in
060702 - Los Banos.  If something is already in another Action Item list, it is
060703 - not listed again.
060704 -
060705 -   1.  Substation Engineering needs to know when the Control Room will
060706 -       be available to install Transfer Trip equipment, ref SDS 6 line
060707 -       109.
060708 -
060709 -   2.  Substation Engineering will advise of pending information needed
060710 -       from CDWR, ref SDS 6 line 151.
060711 -
060712 -   3.  CDWR will submit control room design to PG&E --- PG&E advise
060713 -       CDWR when this information is needed, ref SDS 6 line 156.
060714 -
060715 -   4.  PG&E (Tony) submit memo advising CDWR to clarify contractor
060716 -       scope of connecting to PG&E transfer trip system, ref SDS 6
060717 -       line 178.
060718 -
060719 -   5.  Cost Estimate savings to meet project budget will be reported to
060720 -       Bill by 940930, ref SDS 6 line 202 and at ref SDS 6 line 263.
060721 -
060722 -   6.  Walter Stephens will be consulted on energizing and testing;
060723 -       PG&E and CDWR plan to meet in November on this matter, ref SDS
060724 -       6 line 361.
060725 -
060726 -   7.  PG&E will coordinate with CDWR on getting final design
060727 -       information on CDWR facilities, so PG&E's engineering will be
060728 -       accurate, ref SDS 6 line 428.
060729 -
060730 -   8.  Bill DeHart will inquire about getting a variance for line
060731 -       crossings, ref SDS 6 line 460.
060732 -
060733 -   9.  PG&E will modify schedule to show permit required to cross an
060734 -       aqueduct, ref SDS 6 line 552.
060735 -
060736 -
060737 -