440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 27, 1994 02:12 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Called Mary Bolland on status of EIR to CDWR.

2...Letter from PG&E on Construction Practices
.....Fish & Game Requirements
3...the Sep 20 memo, at ref DRT 1 line 15.
4...Action Items 10 & 11
5...Cultural Resources

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Mary said to check with Allison McDougal who works out of the

0201 - PG&E Tech & Ecological Svcs        510 866 5840 fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Mary E. Boland; Associate Wildlife Biologist =510 866 5840
020102 - Mr. Jim Smith; =510 866 5828
0202 - PG&E Building & Land Svcs.         415 973 8273 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Robert Masuoka; Room 2027, Mail Code H21A =415 973 8273

Environmental Documentation, DWR
PG&E Work Outside Fenced Areas
Land, East, 70 kV TL, Environmental Protection
Schedule, Cultural Resource & Biological Pre
Action Items, Sacramento Prog Meeting,
Fish & Game opinion on Environmental
Letter on PG&E construction practices

1009 -    ..
1010 - Summary/Objective
1011 -
101101 - I called to inquire about status of Action Items from Aug 18, meeting.
101102 -
101103 - Received ref DRT 1 line 30 from Mary, commenting on her Sep 20 memo
101104 - received at PG&E meeting in Los Banos, ref SDS 6 line 210, and dis-
101105 - cussed with CDWR in Sacramento on Sep 22, ref SDS 7 line 357, as
101106 - discussed below.
101107 -
101108 -
101109 - Letter from PG&E on Construction Practices
101110 -
101111 - Mary said she is working on this Action Item 10, ref SDS 3 line 147,
101112 - per CDWR's request at ref SDS 3 line 492.  Her memo of Sep 20, issued
101113 - by Bill DeHart at the Project Team meeting in Los Banos, ref SDS 6
101114 - line 210, was intended as an internal and preliminary draft of ideas.
101115 -
101116 - She expected to receive comment on the draft, and then intended to
101117 - prepare a letter for Bob Masuoka's signature as planned at the 940818
101118 - meeting with CDWR, per ref SDS 3 line 499.
101119 -
101120 -     Fish & Game Requirements
101121 -
101122 -     Mary seemed to indicate that her discussions with Fish & Game
101123 -     staff mentioned in her 940920 memo, ref DRP 2 line 53, represent
101124 -     the "addendum" to Fish & Games opinion that will permit PG&E to
101125 -     construct the transmission line, which Chuck Vogelsang, said would
101126 -     be issued per ref SDS 3 line 497 (Action Item 9 ref SDS 3 line
101127 -     146).
101128 -
101129 -           Comment
101130 -
101131 -           This is not an "addendum," it is a conversation.
101132 -
101133 -           [Bob Masuoka later indicated PG&E cannot begin construction
101134 -           until it receives the actual addendum from Fish & Game
101135 -           approving PG&E's construction operations in the Arco -
101136 -           Devils Den area, ref SDS 8 line 59.]
101137 -
101138 -
101139 - Mary expressed concern that the Sep 20 memo was issued to CDWR, ref
101140 - SDS 7 line 357.
101141 -
101142 - Her concerns and intent is set out in her EM transmitting a copy of
101143 - the Sep 20 memo, at ref DRT 1 line 15.
101144 -
101145 -       I discussed Mary's concern with Bill DeHart.  He indicated that
101146 -       Mary's memo appeared to adequately convey an important point
101147 -       about the need for PG&E to begin construction in the Arco -
101148 -       Devils Den corridor by Feb 3, and complete by mid-Apr, and that
101149 -       this information was needed by CDWR to prioritze their efforts
101150 -       in obtaining easements.
101151 -
101152 -       Mary can still prepare a formal letter that confirms this point
101153 -       and provide any clarification needed to accomplish the aims of
101154 -       this part of the work.
101155 -
101156 -       [Bob Masuoka later supported Mary's position, ref SDS 8 line
101157 -       92.]
101158 -
101159 -
101160 - PG&E Environmental Reports to CDWR
101161 - Action Items 10 & 11
101162 -
101163 - I asked Mary about progress in submitting all environmental reports to
101164 - CDWR by 940101, per understandings at ref SDS 3 line 537? I think this
101165 - is part of Action Item 10 and 11, ref SDS 3 line 150.
101166 -
101167 -    Mary said the Sep 20 memo is part of this effort.
101168 -
101169 -    She said they had a lot of trouble getting the environmental
101170 -    information.  They were at the site last week, Thursday.  They had
101171 -    difficulty traversing the site. They needed maps of area which were
101172 -    difficult to obtain.  Survey results are impacted because some
101173 -    species are typically less active this time of the year.
101174 -
101175 -    Bob is aware of this status, and has asked CDWR for an extension on
101176 -    filing "environmental reports" until Tuesday, Oct 4. They will do a
101177 -    report based on best information available, so CDWR can determine
101178 -    if further efforts are needed.
101179 -
101180 -    She wants to hear from Bob Masuoka about status on this, and she
101181 -    needs input about construction practices.
101182 -
101183 -        [This was followed up with Bob at ref SDS 8 line 166.]
101184 -
101185 -
101186 - Cultural Resources
101187 -
101188 - Lori said CDWR is preparing plans and reports on Cultural resources,
101189 - Historical Preservation Treatment Plan (HPTP) that will be submitted
101190 - to PG&E.
101191 -
101192 -      Has this stuff been submitted?
101193 -
101194 -      Mary said to check with Allison McDougal who works out of the
101195 -      Chico office.
101196 -
101197 -
101198 -
1012 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"