440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 26, 1994 12:20 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Called Bob Masuoka re PG&E CDWR schedule matters.
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0201 - PG&E Building & Land Svcs. 415 973 8273 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Robert Masuoka; Room 2027, Mail Code H21A =415 973 8273
Coastal Branch Aquaduct, CDWR
Interface with CDWR Activities
Delays, General, CDWR Schedule
Pipeline Reach No. 1, by CDWR
Construct; Action Items, 940922 Meeting CDWR in Sacramento on
0907 - ..
0908 - Summary/Objective
0909 -
090901 - Followed up work at ref SDS 15 line 113, and discussion with Kevin
090902 - Winthrow at ref SDS 16 line 262.
090903 -
090904 - Left message for Bob to call on this.
090905 -
090906 - This completes work on Action Item #3 at ref SDS 14 line 107.
090907 -
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0910 -
0911 -
0912 - 1305 Bob called back
0913 -
091301 - Bob said he has returned Lori's call at ref SDS 14 line 184.
091302 -
091303 - He said CDWR's construction easement is 60' wide and 60' beyond that,
091304 - for construction room. He expects there will be spoils and
091305 - construction activity in the vicinity of the TL route, so the pipeline
091306 - must be constructed in advance of building the TL, including removal
091307 - of spoils.
091308 -
091309 - Comment
091310 -
091311 - It seems to me the requirement Bob proposed at ref SDS 8 line 157,
091312 - and was questioned by Lori at ref SDS 14 line 165, should remain
091313 - for this task.
091314 -
091315 - It is not practical for PG&E to build ahead of the pipeline,
091316 - because the poles and the line would be an obstical to the
091317 - construction operation, although a lot of pipelines have been built
091318 - next to power lines. This would be the best solution, but it is
091319 - unlikely the pipeline contractor would agree to this without an
091320 - adjustment in compensation.
091321 -
091322 - Therefore, it really seems that the start of TL construction should
091323 - be based on the projected end of pipeline construction, minus the 3
091324 - or 4 months needed to construct the TL line, because otherwise PG&E
091325 - will run out of work, will have to stop and start, and this will
091326 - cost extra money.
091327 -
091328 - The current schedule sort of reflects this sequencing, except there
091329 - is no actual tie from CDWR's work to PG&E's task of staking, so if
091330 - CDWR's schedule slips, it does not show any impact on PG&E's work.
091331 -
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0914 -
0915 -
0916 - 1528 called Bob back
0917 -
091701 - Asked if he has a copy of the pipeline that shows the TL, so we can
091702 - evaluate the issue of impacts and sequencing, per discussion with Bill
091703 - at ref SDS 16 line 306.
091704 -
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0919 -
0920 - 1536 Bob called back
0921 -
092101 -
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0922 -
FAA Application Filing Requirements
FAA Notification, File
1205 - Summary/Objective
1206 -
120601 - Has Bob notified Ed Hills that the FAA app needs to be filed prior to
120602 - 950301 otherwise a 45 - 90 day delay could be encountered by requiring
120603 - another filing, per ref SDS 14 line 448.
120604 -
120605 - Bob said he has not done this, but will do so. He believes the
120606 - information was submitted to Ed as part of other information from FAA,
120607 - but he will call Ed and point this out, per Lori's request.
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120610 -
120611 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"