440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 21, 1994 04:04 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Revised CDWR schedule per comments at PG&E team meeting in Los Banos.


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Coastal Branch Aquaduct, CDWR
Interface with CDWR Activities
Delays, General, CDWR Schedule
RW, Acquire by CDWR, Review by PG&E
Purchase Bill of Materials
Permit to cross Aqueduct, by CDWR

1108 -    ..
1109 - Summary/Objective
1110 -
111001 - Followed up work at ref SDS 9 line 54.  Created a new schedule file,
111002 - 940921, ref OF 8, to incorporate comments at ref SDS 8 line 55, on
111003 - schedule file 940919.
111004 -
111005 -    Main effect is to reduce the delay that seems to be due to CDWR
111006 -    work.
111007 -
111008 -
111009 -
1111 -
1112 -
1113 - Progress
1114 -
111401 - Added task DH1L to purchase Bill of Materials from Engineering, and
111402 - to preceed 70 kV breaker and task Install relays, per discussion with
111403 - Jivat at meeting in Los Banos today, ref SDS 11 line 218.
111404 -
111405 -     Looks like this may have been the purpose of the 4 week lag we
111406 -     removed the other day at ref SDS 3 line 148.
111407 -
111408 -
111409 -     I did not do so, but it appears this same task is needed on the
111410 -     other two main WBS levels also.  They also show a 4 week lag
111411 -     between Engineering and installation, which is likely this same
111412 -     procurement step.
111413 -
111414 -         [This was done at ref SDS 12 line 69.]
111415 -
111416 -
111417 - Added task DD0N for CDWR to get a permit to cross the aquaduct, per
111418 - discussion at PG&E meeting, ref SDS 11 line 289.
111419 -
111420 -
111421 -
111422 - Decided not to break up tasks for acquiring R/W, DD0H and construction
111423 - of Arco Polonio Transmission line, DD5D to accomodate a Feb 3, 1995
111424 - start date for construction, which was discussed at the meeting today,
111425 - based on Mary Boland's Sep 20 memo, ref SDS 11 line 224, Put a note in
111426 - for this task to discuss with CDWR tomorrow.
111427 -
111428 -
111429 -
111430 -
111431 -
111432 -
111433 -
111434 - Printed reports for meeting tomorrow with CDWR.
111435 -
111436 -