440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 20, 1994 06:08 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Enter notes of discussion with Bob and update Schdule on CDWR job.
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Coastal Branch Aquaduct, CDWR
Interface with CDWR Activities
Delays, General, CDWR Schedule
0805 - ..
0806 - Summary/Objective
0807 -
080701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 6 line 60. Created a new schedule file,
080702 - 940920 to incorporate Bob's comments at ref SDS 8 line 55, on
080703 - schedule file 940919.
080704 -
080705 - Added new task for CDWR to make operational the Switchyards, task #24.
080706 -
080707 -
0808 -
0809 -
0810 - Progress
0811 -
081101 - Added task DD0F for CDWR to develop easement terms using PG&E
081102 - standards.
081103 -
081104 -
081105 -
081106 - Added task DD3G for CDWR to complete its task #24 Power Circuit
081107 - Breakers & Switchyard Equipment, shown to be "Operational" as
081108 - follows:
081109 -
081110 - Operational Complete
081111 -
081112 - 3 Plants = 951215 960930
081113 - SLO Hydro = 960405 960930
081114 - Casmalia = 960102 960930
081115 -
081116 - Discussed this with Bill and decided to include a milestone that
081117 - controls contsruction on PG&E's contract.
081118 -
081119 - There is a question about what takes place between the Operational
081120 - date and the "Complete" date of 960930.
081121 -
081122 - For planning purposes, we use this date and lag it about 6 months,
081123 - i.e. 24 weeks, on the grounds that we can construct the
081124 - transmission line, and make the connections when the switchyards
081125 - are ready.
081126 -
081127 -
081128 - Created explanations so people know what is in mind for identifying
081129 - the construct activity.
081130 -
081131 -
081132 - Added task GD3G to link finish to finish so PG&E's construct
081133 - transmission line will be two weeks after CDWR makes the Switchyard
081134 - Operational in SLO Hydro.
081135 -
081136 -
081137 - Added task KD3G to link finish to finish so PG&E's construct trans-
081138 - mission line will be two weeks after CDWR makes the Switchyard
081139 - Operational in Casmalia Pumping Plant.
081140 -
081141 -
081142 - Moved Meters, by CDWR, so it occurs after the Switchyard task, since
081143 - it is likely part of that activity. There is actually a conflict, or
081144 - possible conflict between the contract and CDWR's schedule on this.
081145 -
081146 -
081147 - Changed WBS level of SLO - Santa Maria Substation Relays so they are
081148 - under "Control & Protection." This conforms with the outline
081149 - structure Bill set up for the Transfer Trip system.
081150 -
081151 -
081152 -
081153 -
081154 -