440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 16, 1994 01:00 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Trip to Yosemite with Ross to hike to Half Dome.
2...Usefulness Not Purchasing Criteria
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0202 - IBM Credit Corporation 510 277 5600 fax 5654 O-00000319 0201
Yosemite, 940826
Armstrongs, Ross, etc.
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000, ref SDS 7 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Traffic was very heavy coming out of SF, crossing the bridge and all
050604 - the way into Walnut Creek.
050605 -
050606 - Stopped in Concord at Safeway. Purchased the food Ross recommended in
050607 - telecon yesterday. ref SDS 7 0001 Got everything except the sausage.
050608 - Could not find what he wanted; will buy it at Yosemite.
050609 -
050610 - Arrived at Ross' about 1430. Visited with the kids and the maid.
050611 - Worked on the schedule for CDWR for about an hour, while waiting for
050612 - Ross to arrive from LA. ref SDS 8 M66G
050613 -
050614 - Ross arrived about 1600 with his Dad. Gordon seems to have suffered
050615 - a stroke. He was walking with difficulty.
050616 -
050617 - We got loaded and were on the road about 1645. So we were behind
050618 - schedule by about 2 hours.
050619 -
050620 - Stopped for a hamburger about 1930 in Escalon. .
050621 -
050622 - Arrived in Yosemite about 2230. The only place available to stay was
050623 - in Housekeeping, which cost $42 per night. There were no campsites.
050624 - Decided to do this and signed up for one night, since we will be
050625 - camping on the trail tomorrow.
050626 -
050627 - When we got to the camp unit, it was right next to showers, but they
050628 - had just closed the shower facility, so missed out on this.
050629 -
050630 -
050631 -
0507 -
Salesman Who Don't Use Computers Sell to
Usefulness Not Marketing Criteria
Computers Sold by People Who Do Not Use Computers to Purchasing Agent
0806 -
080601 - ..
080602 - Usefulness Not Purchasing Criteria
080603 -
080604 - Ross said sales of technology are made by people who do not use the
080605 - stuff they are selling, and purchasing is done by people, who, also,
080606 - do not use the "stuff" they are buying, so neither the seller nor the
080607 - buyer really care, if the technology is "productive" like Lotus
080608 - Smartsuite and Microsoft Office. The focus is on making a sale, and
080609 - on buying at low cost, not on whether the "stuff" will improve the
080610 - work being performed. Sales discussions address quanitity, price,
080611 - delivery, terms, and sometimes support, but never usefulness. There
080612 - is just an assumption that new computers improve productivity by
080613 - enabling staff reductions.
080614 -
080615 - On 890809 Ross pointed out the people who finally wind up with
080616 - computers have only 20 minutes to learn to use them. ref SDS 1 5U6K
080617 - This is not a strong deployment strategy for improving productivity,
080618 - earnings and stock prices.
080619 -
080620 - [On 950710 book reports computers do not improve productivity.
080621 - ref SDS 9 1222, used frivolously, because it is hard to design
080622 - computers that are useful for helping people think, remember and
080623 - communicate. ref SDS 9 1222
080624 -
080625 - [On 970919 article reports study showing IT has reduced
080626 - productivity of knowledge work the past 10 years because programs
080627 - that can be learned in 20 minutes are not productive. ref SDS 12
080628 - 4739
080629 -
080630 - [On 970116 technologists are designing computers to provide
080631 - pictures and games. Usefulness is not a design criteria, because
080632 - salesmen, purchasing agents and users want products that can be
080633 - learned in 20 minutes, and that means pictures and games.
080634 - ref SDS 10 I14O
080635 -
080636 - [On 970603 Intel producting high-end microprocessors to improve
080637 - sales by improving games. ref SDS 11 4486
080638 -
080639 - [On 001207 Intel reports lower earnings due to reduced sales;
080640 - separate report too many people having too many problems causes
080641 - productivity, earnings and stock prices to decline; connecting
080642 - dots suggests designing to improve productivity may be better
080643 - strategy than improving games. ref SDS 13 V54M and ref SDS 13 MZ7G
080644 -
080645 - [On 010521 Microsoft goal for technology to improve productivity;
080646 - report technology is not improving productivity at SRI.
080647 - ref SDS 14 954N
080648 -
080649 -
080650 -
080651 -
080652 -
080653 -
080654 -
080655 -
080656 -
0807 -