440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 16, 1994 08:02 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Added format, notes to schedule for CDWR; corrected error.
2...Devils Den - Polonio Pass
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0201 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655 pger 510 810 3026
020103 - Project Management Group
Coastal Branch Aquaduct, CDWR
Interface with CDWR Activities
Delays, General, CDWR Schedule
0906 - ..
0907 - Summary/Objective
0908 -
090801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 4 line 69. Improved formatting and ID
090802 - stuff; discovered and corrected error. Scheduled follow up with Bill
090803 - and Kevin.
090804 -
090805 -
090806 -
090807 -
0909 -
0910 -
0911 - Progress
0912 -
091201 - Today I just added the activity id and assigned CDWR responsibility
091202 - codes to new tasks Bill added yesterday, ref SDS 4 line 190. Added
091203 - notes to new tasks. In review notes, discovered error in completion of
091204 - Devils Den - Polonio Pass plants completion activity. Fixed it, but
091205 - need to review with Bill what impact it should have on overall PG&E
091206 - schedule.
091207 -
091208 - Did more careful comparison of Schedule prepared 940914 with Bill's
091209 - revisions on 940915. Put notes at ref SDS 4 line 196.
091210 -
091211 - Need to get the correct correlation of activity ID's so we can follow
091212 - the evolution of task relationships.
091213 -
091214 -
091215 - Schedule Adjustment on
091216 - Devils Den - Polonio Pass
091217 -
091218 - Actually I found a substantive error in the schedule that needs
091219 - further attention by CDWR and PG&E.
091220 -
091221 - I had entered in the schedule prepared on 940914, task DH3D
091222 - "Plants Complete, Operational," which is Task #9 on CDWR's sched-
091223 - ule, to be done on Apr 8, 1995. This is an error. I discovered
091224 - it while reviewing the Notes for the task. It correctly stated
091225 - that CDWR's schedule shows its task #9 will be Operational on Apr
091226 - 8, 1996.
091227 -
091228 - I created a new schedule today called 940916, and it
091229 - reflects this correction for this one task.
091230 -
091231 - The schedule created on 940914 made task DH3D control the
091232 - installation of Meters by CDWR, task DH3P. This ment that for
091233 - scheduling purposes, installation of meters followed operational
091234 - completion of the Three Plants task.
091235 -
091236 - The change made yesterday in schedule file 940915 removed this
091237 - relationship, ref SDS 4 line 196.
091238 -
091239 - As a result the date correction to CDWR's task for "Plants
091240 - Operational" activity DH3D, has no other impact on the schedule,
091241 - because it is not connected to anything.
091242 -
091243 - It is expected that Bill intends there to be some relationship
091244 - between PG&E's "Construct" activity DD5D, CDWR's "Metering"
091245 - activity DH3P, and the date the plants will be operational. If
091246 - so, those activities need to be adjusted.
091247 -
091248 -
091249 - Scheduled discussion with Bill on Monday to review this matter. Left
091250 - him a voice mail message on this.
091251 -
091252 - I called Kevin to alert him that the schedule submitted to him and to
091253 - Lori yesterday at ref SDS 4 line 238, requires the above correction.
091254 -
091255 -
091256 -
091257 -
0913 -
0914 -
0915 - 1526 Kevin called back
0916 -
091601 - He left a message that he received my message about the correction
091602 - needed in the schedule.
091603 -
091604 -
091605 -
091606 - ..
0917 -
0918 -
0919 - 1430 Evaluated Schedule adjustments
0920 -
092001 - While waiting for Ross to arrive at ref SDS 5 line 39, tried schedule
092002 - revisions to accomodate the extra year that has been added to plant
092003 - compltions. Prepared notes to explain objectives and constraints to
092004 - review with Bill on Monday.
092005 -
092006 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"