440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 15, 1994 10:36 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
IBM conference "OS2 LAN Tour" attend with Denis, re "tools."
2...Attended IBM's conference on OS2...
3...OS2 v. Chicago
.....Voice Data Entry
.....OS2 New Version
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0201 - Kwan Henmi Arch & Planng 415 626 6766 fax 5231
020101 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Principal
0202 - IBM Desktop Software Mrktg 415 545 2000 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Edward Z. Cortes; =415 545 4146; LAN Systems Marketing =Telephone
Kwan Henmi SDS; Support, Capturing the Record
Applications, LAN
SDS, Future Improvements, User Interface, Voice
Attend seminars, and other product demos to
Computer Shows/Seminars
IBM Park 55 Hotel on OS2, 940915
1008 - ..
1009 - Summary/Objective
1010 -
101001 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000, ref SDS 13 0000,
101002 -
101003 - Attended IBM's conference on OS2...
101004 -
101005 - Scope is at ref DRP 1 line 105:
101006 -
101007 - Parc 55 Hotel 392 8000
101008 - 55 Cyril Magnin Street
101009 - San Francisco, CA
101010 -
101011 - Saw nothing new; the advertised agenda was not followed. The food
101012 - was pretty good.
101013 -
101014 - Denis seems to have made a good contact.
101015 -
101016 -
101017 -
101018 -
1011 -
1012 -
1013 - Progress
1014 -
101401 - Questions and issues are at ref SDS 13 0740.
101402 -
101403 - What version of Autocad will work with Lan Server?
101404 -
101405 - How much maintenance - can in-house expertise be developed for
101406 - daily support, or is an outside consultant who provides telephone
101407 - support adequate?
101408 -
101409 - Example of LAN Distance for access via Commercial Phone lines?
101410 -
101411 - We saw this, and it may be something we want to investigate
101412 - further.
101413 -
101414 -
101415 - Need to talk to LAN vendors who can discuss specific solutions and
101416 - cost, per ref SDS 15 line 48.
101417 -
101418 - Did not get any good information on LAN. Denis may have gotten
101419 - some when he attended the LAN seminar at 1500. I had to leave
101420 - before it took place.
101421 -
101422 - [Denis met a contact after I left, who may be of some help, per
101423 - ref SDS 18 line 60 -- turned out he awarded this consultant an
101424 - order to design and provide a LAN for his office, ref SDS 19 line
101425 - 122.]
101426 -
101427 -
101428 -
101429 - OS2 v. Chicago
101430 -
101431 - A main reason for inviting Denis was because he has indicated a
101432 - preference to wait for "Chicago" and I wanted him to see OS2 work and
101433 - hear about the advantages of OS2. The guy who did this presentation
101434 - started out by saying he was not going to do this, and the whole
101435 - session was simply a question and answer, but the presenter only
101436 - offered 30% answers. Most responses were "I don't know." It was not
101437 - a good sales effort for OS2 and did not help anyone thinking about
101438 - waiting for Chicago, to decide differently.
101439 -
101440 -
101441 -
101442 -
101443 - Exhibits
101444 -
101445 - Saw Keith Marks, Keith Kawas, and Ed Cortez at the event.
101446 -
101447 - Voice Data Entry
101448 -
101449 - They were very helpful. Keith Marks said he will arrange to show
101450 - Denis and I a demonstration of IBM's Personal Dictation software
101451 - that supports voice data entry, which David Hock said he would
101452 - demonstrate, and then changed his mind, ref SDS 8 line 34.
101453 -
101454 - This would make SDS easier to use for executives like Denis.
101455 -
101456 - [Followed up with Carol at ref SDS 19 line 176, still have
101457 - not heard from Keith on this demonstration.]
101458 -
101459 -
101460 - Ed Cortez indicated he could demonstrate IBM's LAN server and
101461 - quote on a complete solution for Denis' office relocation project.
101462 -
101463 -
101464 - OS2 New Version
101465 -
101466 - Keith Marks demonstrated some new utilities that will be included
101467 - in the next version of OS2, evidently due out next month. One
101468 - utility was a moving picture program. Millie and I saw this at
101469 - the Pathways to Growth event in June, and Mike Sommers said he
101470 - would submit information to us on this, per ref SDS 3 line 405,
101471 - but has not done so.
101472 -
101473 - Keith Kawas demonstrated the new OS2 program. Other than the
101474 - moving picture thing, which may jazz up presentations, there was
101475 - nothing apparent the new version accomplishes. I asked about the
101476 - improvements we have requested, and none seem to be included.
101477 -
101478 - Keith said the new version loads and runs much faster, so that
101479 - will be a good reason to upgrade. The session on Chicago v.
101480 - OS2 indicated the $50 rebate sticker we got when we upgraded
101481 - from 2.1 to 2.11 last week, will be honored in purchasing the
101482 - new Warp version.
101483 -
101484 -
101485 -
101486 -
1015 -
Competition for SDS
1104 - Summary/Objective
1105 -
110501 - I saw no computer tools that accomplish SDS functions, nothing that
110502 - Lou Gerstner or Carol Stafford can use all day to make more money, per
110503 - ref SDS 3 line 354. There was a program demonstrated called "Relish"
110504 - which does some SDS functions, but not in a way that is worthwhile to
110505 - an executive, for the reasons at ref SDS 1 line 66, and in discussing
110506 - "Information Revolution" at ref SDS 2 line 90 and at ref SDS 2 line
110507 - 264.
110508 -
110509 - It is curious that IBM would support something like "Relish," and
110510 - yet be unable to support SDS. Perhaps vendors paid part of the
110511 - cost of the event in order to show their products.
110512 -
110513 -
110514 -
110515 -
110516 -
1106 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"