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1...eliminate blank calendar area from printing?
0201 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655 pger 510 810 3026
020103 - Project Management Group
0202 - PG&E Transm Contracts 415 973 3872 fax 972 0871
020201 - Mr. Kevin Coffee, E.E.
020202 - Contract Manager, Rm 2334 Mail Code B23A =415 973 3872
020203 - Transmission Contracts =415 972 0871 (fax)
0203 - PG&E Building & Land Svcs. 415 223 8273 fax or 800...
020301 - Mr. Robert Masuoka; Room 2027, Mail Code H21A =415 223 8273
Coastal Branch Aquaduct, CDWR
Schedule Files
Interface with CDWR Activities
Delays, General, CDWR Schedule
GO 131-D
Integrate PG&E's Schedule with CDWR's
0909 - ..
0910 - Summary/Objective
0911 -
091101 - Followed up work at ref SDS 6 line 60. Completed first lift on
091102 - integrating CDWR schedule, ref DRP 1 line 10, received at ref SDS 7
091103 - line 121, This completes work on Lori's request at ref SDS 1 line 281,
091104 - which is Action Item 5 at ref SDS 1 line 102.
091105 -
091106 - Added missing sequencing, created permant activity ID field, provided
091107 - better common sequencing for certain work scopes that are the same in
091108 - each WBS level.
091109 -
091110 - Scheduled meeting with Kevin for review tomorrow.
091111 -
091112 -
0912 -
0913 -
0914 - Discussion
0915 -
091501 - Reviewed with Bill the changes and rational applied in updating the
091502 - schedule for SLO and Casmalia. He feels this is acceptable for
091503 - presenting the schedule to CDWR.
091504 -
091505 - We will review the finalized schedule this afternoon.
091506 -
091507 -
091508 -
091509 -
0916 -
0917 -
0918 - Progress
0919 -
091901 - I began a new schedule, ref OF 3 0000, to further show the evolution
091902 - of thinking on sequencing and schedule impacts. This modifies the
091903 - schedule created yesterday, per ref SDS 5 line 101.
091904 -
091905 - The main difference between the schedules is that the one created
091906 - today, does not include the 3 month lag allowed in the schedule
091907 - prepared yesterday, per ref SDS 5 line 112, per Bill's direction
091908 - below.
091909 -
091910 -
091911 -
0920 -
0921 -
0922 - 1438 Schedule Review
0923 -
092301 - Bill wants to use the actual operational dates shown in CDWR's
092302 - schedule instead of backing off 3 months, as I initially allowed and
092303 - supported by entries on the task notes.
092304 -
092305 - Schedule Delays
092306 -
092307 - This will push the completion of PG&E's work another 3 months
092308 - beyond contract completion. However, it is expected that CDWR and
092309 - PG&E can identify ways to shorten or eliminate these projected
092310 - delays.
092311 -
092312 - [This was changed the next day at ref SDS 8 line 196.]
092313 -
092314 -
092315 -
092316 - G.O. 131 D
092317 -
092318 - Bill feels the G.O 131-D rules will prohibit PG&E from working much
092319 - into 1996 (discussed at meeting on Aug 18, with CDWR at ref SDS 1
092320 - line 398), and that this will encourage CDWR to find a way to avoid
092321 - delaying PG&E's work in the manner reflected by integrating CDWR's
092322 - schedule.
092323 -
092324 -
092325 -
092326 -
092327 - He wants to show a common sequence for doing surveys and obtaining R/W
092328 - easements for Casmalia and SLO.
092329 -
092330 - We called Bob Masuoka to verify the activity sequence for this
092331 - work.
092332 -
092333 -
092334 -
092335 - We identified sequencing for a number of open ended activities.
092336 -
092337 -
092338 - Bill asked that the 4 week lag between Engineering tasks and tasks to
092339 - install the work, be removed because we could not identify its pur-
092340 - pose.
092341 -
092342 -
092343 -
092344 - Developed a format for Milestones so date is left of the symbol and
092345 - any Resource Name (which we are using to identify CDWR responsibility)
092346 - appears to the right of the symbol.
092347 -
092348 -
092349 -
092350 -
092351 - Plan to Finalize
092352 -
092353 - Will review with Kevin tomorrow morning.
092354 -
092355 - He or Bill will schedule meeting with Lori for CDWR to review, and
092356 - plan further meetings to sort out the interface between CDWR work and
092357 - PG&E's contract, per ref SDS 5 line 162.
092358 -
092359 - Also considered meeting with Bob Masuoka, since he has provided a
092360 - great deal of information.
092361 -
092362 - We are missing the Induction Study on the schedule, which PG&E needs
092363 - to complete by 9401101. What does it drive for CDWR and how might
092364 - that impact PG&E's work?
092365 -
092366 -
092367 -
0924 -
0925 -
092501 -
0926 -
Central Coast Aquaduct, PG&E, Controls
Schedule, Methods, Procedures, Printing
MS Project, Printing
1106 - Summary/Objective
1107 -
110701 - I am considering bringing the Lexmark PS printer into the PG&E office,
110702 - because the MS rep said yesterday said it supports scaling, to fit
110703 - any schedule on a single page.
110704 -
110705 - The schedule Bill produced using MS 3.0, easily fits onto a single
110706 - page, so I am curious why the thing now is not fitting, unless this
110707 - is a change from 4.0.
110708 -
110709 - We seem to have a partial solution by extending the period to show on
110710 - the first page to enable all printing to occur on a single sheet.
110711 -
110712 - In "File" on main menu bar, select "Print" and in that menu under
110713 - "Timescale" manually extend the "To" date of the schedule about 3
110714 - months for a format that shows only months.
110715 -
110716 - Another problem seems to be that we are printing a lot of sheets that
110717 - are blank because the calandar years are being printed for which
110718 - there is not activity in the schedule. It is not clear how to
110719 - eliminate blank calendar area from printing?
110720 -
110721 - Turned out there is a switch to set Page Set under the View tab, up
110722 - to avoid printing blank pages.
110723 -
110724 -
110725 -
110726 -
110727 -
1108 -
RW, Acquire by CDWR, Review by PG&E
Editing Task descriptions, Durations
1305 - Summary/Objective
1306 -
130601 - Changed task descriptions and created notes on tasks to make clear
130602 - the effect of integrating the CDWR schedule and the basis for the
130603 - impacts that result.
130604 -
130605 -
130606 - Bill changed the description of task DD0H from:
130607 -
130608 - Acquire R/W by CDWR review by PG&E
130609 -
130610 -
130611 -
130612 - Acquire R/W Easements for Arco Sub to Devils Den PP by CDWR.
130613 -
130614 -
130615 - My understanding is that easements are only needed for the
130616 - transmission line work from Arco sub to Devils Den, and that they
130617 - are not needed from Devils Den to Polonio Pass, because the
130618 - transmisison line will be within the Pipeline easements.
130619 -
130620 -
130621 -
130622 -
130623 -
1307 -
Schedule, Methods,
Activity ID
Task ID
1506 -
150601 - This follows up work at ref SDS 3 line 36. Used method of inserting a
150602 - row to the right of the task number field, using a text1 format, so it
150603 - could be alpha and numeric.
150604 -
150605 -
150606 - ..
1507 -
1508 -
1509 - 1957 Created Permenant Task ID Scheme
1510 -
151001 - This is to uniquely and permanently identify activities so there is a
151002 - way to refer to them after schedule changes are made. The MS Project
151003 - activity id tools are inadequate for this purpose, because when a
151004 - change is made to the schedule, the task number and WBS (also called
151005 - "Outline" by MS Project) number both change, and so they are not good
151006 - for refering to tasks in documents or in SDS, where it is critical to
151007 - have a stable means to identify activities/work scope.
151008 -
151009 - [Followed up at ref SDS 9 line 85.]
151010 -
151011 -
151012 - Procedure
151013 -
151014 - Was able to "Insert" from main menu, a column to the right of the task
151015 - number field. Somehow I was able to define its content to be text so
151016 - alpha and numbers could be entered.
151017 -
151018 - Then experimented to create an identification scheme that has
151019 - flexibility, so if new WBS levels are defined, or new activities
151020 - added, there is room to maintain a sort order for each of the
151021 - tasks that have been identified so far.
151022 -
151023 - Not sure how well it will really work out though.
151024 -
151025 -
151026 -
1511 -
1512 -
1513 - 2057 Finalized Schedule
1514 -
151401 - Printed version for review with Bill and Kevin tomorrow, and with Bob
151402 - Masuoka.
151403 -
151404 -
151405 -
151406 -
151407 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"