440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 6, 1994 08:10 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Called Maria about voltage under steady state.


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0201 - PG&E Trans Sys Engineering         415 223 0399 fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Maria P. Ly;  =415 223 0399

Induction Study
Steady State

0805 -    ..
0806 - Summary/Objective
0807 -
080701 - Follow up work at ref SDS 16 line 101.  Called and left message for
080702 - Maria to call back on this.  She called back, and we decided to meet.
080703 - Got clarifications requested by CDWR at ref SDS 14 line 360.
080704 -
080705 -
080706 -
080707 -
0808 -
0809 -
0810 - 0941 Maria called back
0811 -
081101 - She indicated there are two issues we need to consider.  The discus-
081102 - sion showed I need to visit with her to get a better understanding and
081103 - organization of the information on this matter.
081104 -
081105 - She is at 1 Calif, 5th floor, opposite main door in elevator, room
081106 - 530c.
081107 -
081108 -
081109 -
081110 -
0812 -
0813 -
0814 - 1054 Visitied Maria Ly
0815 -
081501 - She clarified the subject index for the induction study.
081502 -
081503 - Maria corrected the numbers used in the study, e.g. 630 volts, instead
081504 - of 640, etc.  Explained that touch potential and pipe corrosion issues
081505 - apply to both steady state and fault conditions.
081506 -
081507 - We added language to explain studies discussed at the Sacramento
081508 - meeting on the impact of induction on corrossion of pipeline coatings.
081509 - Maria indicated she gave Steve Burke the information PG&E has on this
081510 - issue.  Did the data entry in the SDS record, ref SDS 4 line 755.
081511 -
081512 - She will review the notes for the Fault conditions, and prepare an
081513 - explanation she feels better covers her understandings from the
081514 - meeting.  I need to know if there are separate issues for pipeline
081515 - corrossion issues as well at touch potential for the Fault condition.
081516 -
081517 -
081518 -
0816 -
0817 -
0818 - 1629 Maria called back
0819 -
081901 - She said she was unable to write the paragraph this afternoon.  She
081902 - will do it in the morning.
081903 -
081904 -
081905 -
0820 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"