440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 26, 1994 07:20 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Mary Cocco at Sandia Labs in New Mexico to schedule SDS demo.
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0201 - Sandia National Laboratories 510 294 2569 fax 2338
020101 - Mr. Charles Oien; Manager MS 9032 =510 294 2134
020102 - Project Management & Engineering =Telephone
SDS Marketing, Sales Developing Leads
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 4 0000.
040602 -
040603 - Called Mary at...
040604 -
040605 - 505 844 8008
040606 -
040607 - Scheduled demo for 940831. Mary needs to coordinate on how I can
040608 - bring my notebook computer into the secured area to give the demo.
040609 -
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0407 -
0408 -
0409 - Discussion
0410 -
041001 - Mary said she did not know about this. Initially she said it would be
041002 - Aug 3rd off-site. I need to know if they want a lot of people or just
041003 - a few where I can use the notebook. Do I need to bring the large
041004 - computer, or do they have projection equipment?
041005 -
041006 - Mary said Carol is in a meeting. She will ask Carol about this and
041007 - call back to finalize the details.
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041009 -
041010 -
041011 -
0411 -
0412 -
0413 - 1633 Mary called back
0414 -
041401 - She has scheduled me for 940830 1300 for 2 hours.
041402 -
041403 - I understand there will be approximately 15 people attend and the demo
041404 - will be done a formal presentation room with computer projection
041405 - equipment similar to what was done at IBM on 940725, ref SDS 5 8750
041406 -
041407 - It looks like I can use the notebook computer. Mary said there are
041408 - restrictions on bringing a computer into a secured area. I explained
041409 - the computer is needed because it has the data base. Mary will
041410 - inquire further about how to get my computer into a secured area.
041411 -
041412 - I need to send the computer to have the disk upgraded, so it will
041413 - hold the entire data base.
041414 -
041415 - [Scheduled follow up for 940817.]
041416 -
041417 - I need to schedule flight.
041418 -
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0415 -
0416 -
0417 - 2033 called Southwest Airlines 800 435 9792
0418 -
041801 - Talked to Geri. There is a flight from SF at 0645, layover in
041802 - Phoenix for 1 hour, arrives 1130.
041803 -
041804 - Non-stop leaves Albequurqu at 1700 arrives in SF 1825.
041805 -
041806 - $228 roundtrip, 14 day in advance.
041807 -
041808 - Confirmation number: td88gt
041809 -
041810 - It will automatically cancel if not confirmed by tomorrow
041811 - at 2200.
041812 -
041813 -
0419 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"