440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 27, 1994 10:00 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Visited Sherrill at Moffett Field to demonstrate SDS.
2...Follow Up
3...Status of Moffett Field Project
4...Sherrill asked how long it takes to learn SDS?
Click here to comment!
0201 - ICF Kaiser Engineers 415 965 8486 fax 962 9056
020101 - Mr. Sherrill McDonald; Project Manager
020102 - Mr. William J. O'Hair, P.E.; Contract Coordinator
020103 - Mr. Kelvin Yu; Project Controls Manager
SDS Marketing, Sales, Contacts with Customers
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Followed up discussion at ref SDS 10 line 43, and at ref SDS 11 line
040602 - 44. Sherrill appreciated the objectives of SDS explained in the paper
040603 - on POIMS submitted at ref SDS 9 line 93 via ref DIP 1 line 30; he
040604 - recognized how SDS implements it. He feels SDS might be useful on a
040605 - mining project Kaiser is starting in Nevada.
040606 -
040607 - Follow Up
040608 -
040609 - Sherrill will call Wayne Wetzel about the level of effort needed to
040610 - learn SDS. He will discuss SDS with a colleague involved with the
040611 - Nevada project for further consideration.
040612 -
040613 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 20 confirming these understandings.
040614 -
040615 - [This was followed up at ref SDS 12 line 65, and again at ref SDS
040616 - 13 line 55.]
040617 -
040618 -
0407 -
0408 -
0409 - Discussion
0410 - ..
041001 - Sherrill and Bill recently took the PMP examination. They feel
041002 - it does not reflect the training materials and classes offered by PMI
041003 - to prepare for the exam (mainly true and false questions). It is based
041004 - on the PMBOK, but requires knowledge of sources referenced in the
041005 - PMBOK.
041006 -
041007 - Bill said the PMBOK at this time is more subjective than tests for
041008 - engineering and contracting. He thinks there should be more
041009 - objective questions on CPM, calculating and distinguishing types of
041010 - float. Those who pass an engineering exam can pretty much hire out
041011 - to perform the work covered by the exam, like designing a beam or a
041012 - foundation.
041013 -
041014 - My feeling is that management is an "art" of balancing competing
041015 - subsidiary objectives with limited resources including talents and
041016 - egos. I am concerned that many who get a PMP certificate are quite
041017 - likely not qualified to manage a project, while someone who cannot
041018 - calculate "float," make a WBS, or write a scope management, etc.,
041019 - can still perform project management because they know how to
041020 - "read" contracts and people. I am a strong advocate of CPM. We
041021 - need a "map" to see how to get from here to there, the various
041022 - routes and resources needed along the way.
041023 -
041024 - But we also need experience to recognize when relationships and
041025 - float are real, when they are volatile; and we need skill to work
041026 - the language of the contract, the CPM, the budget and anything else
041027 - that is necessary to insure that we spend less than is received.
041028 - So where an engineer can say "Look, I passed the test on how to
041029 - design a beam, so let me design one for you;" the PMP does not
041030 - impart the same level of competence in managing projects.
041031 -
041032 -
041033 -
041034 -
041035 - Status of Moffett Field Project
041036 -
041037 - Kaiser's job at Moffett is closing in a month. It was successful,
041038 - finishing within budget and on schedule. Kaiser provided CM services
041039 - for NASA's PM team.
041040 -
041041 - Bill's next assignment is on a mine in Ely NV. His experience and
041042 - perspective indicates he would make a good SDS person on the job.
041043 -
041044 -
041045 -
041046 -
0411 -
Correlation to accepted practice and
Executive Challenge, Self Dialog
Thinking Through Writing
Executive Work Practices
0807 - ..
080701 - Sherrill keeps a daily list of major tasks, and writes a diary
080702 - once a week of what gets done. I showed how SDS automates his
080703 - practice using "Controlled Visibility" to step deeper into details of
080704 - schedule tasks, and records of performed work, called the Diary.
080705 -
080706 -
0808 -
SDS Marketing, Sales, Contacts with Customers
Linking & Citations
Capturing the Record
1006 - Summary/Objective
1007 -
100701 - We discussed briefly the concept of "automated religion" in the paper
100702 - on the "New World Order...," ref OF 2 line 10, which I delivered to
100703 - Sherrill today. I used the record of the meeting today to step back
100704 - to the events leading to our meeting, including the Asilomar confer-
100705 - ence.
100706 -
100707 - We considered the TQM ideas presented and the ramifications of
100708 - Murphy's Law, per ref SDS 6 line 84. [Murphy is discussed further
100709 - in the papers on POIMS and "The New World Order,,," ref OF 1 line
100710 - 14 and ref OF 2 line 64.
100711 -
100712 -
100713 -
100714 - Sherrill asked how citations are embedded into narrative?
100715 -
100716 - I showed how to click to open a particular record, then click again
100717 - to cite a particular line in that record. Whether it occurred
100718 - yesterday or two years, ago, links are instantly created, including
100719 - necessary punctuation.
100720 -
100721 -
1008 -
SDS Marketing, Sales, Contacts with Customers
Subject Index
1205 - Summary/Objective
1206 -
120601 - Kelvin asked how information is identified?
120602 -
120603 - I demonstrated the primary organization structure of a straight
120604 - chronology, called the "diary," that mirrors the practice of
120605 - keeping a Schedule, except it goes backward in time.
120606 -
120607 - We looked at the Control Field that identifies a record by code and
120608 - conventional language according to organizational objectives. For
120609 - most public works projects the best way to define "objectives" is
120610 - to use the specifications, since they represent the scope of con-
120611 - tract obligation and have a natural structure.
120612 -
120613 -
120614 - Kelvin asked if the User has to remember all the codes and enter them
120615 - for each new task?
120616 -
120617 - The codes are looked up in the Subject Index to prompt the User to
120618 - consider alternative objectives at each level of detail. The User
120619 - then presses <Enter> or clicks the mouse, to assign a subject.
120620 -
120621 - Generally this process is only necessary the first time a new
120622 - sequence of events is started. Since performed tasks are used to
120623 - schedule follow up, there is a link between past and present
120624 - activity. This process copies the subjects, prior related events,
120625 - contacts, and documents, to the new task, so it is not necessary to
120626 - re-enter subjects each time a follow up task is created.
120627 -
120628 - Since every event has peculiar nuances, SDS enables the user
120629 - to assign multiple subjects to an event, so it can be found
120630 - and/or assembled in alternate ways. A piece of information
120631 - about a submittal approval, can in another context pertain to
120632 - schedule status, and in another context be relevant evidence
120633 - in a claim. Managers have the experience to recognize this
120634 - complexity. SDS provides the tools to apply a managers
120635 - experience, by assigning multiple subjects in seconds.
120636 -
120637 -
1207 -
1404 - Summary/Objective
1405 -
140501 - Bill asked how documents are identified to the system?
140502 -
140503 - Prepared a test letter to show how the data entry for the
140504 - document log is necessary in order to write a letter. This takes
140505 - 5 seconds, and is essential in order to maintain a viable
140506 - document log.
140507 -
140508 - We then ran a report on documents issued for which responses are
140509 - due. The letter just created was already in the doc log. The log
140510 - shows document chronology for each project. Reports can be
140511 - assembled by subject and contact within a project. The letter
140512 - itself can be opened by clicking on the entry in the log, and the
140513 - SDS record where the document was created can also be opened by
140514 - clicking in the log. This gives access to all of the related
140515 - context, analysis and links to other sources under which the
140516 - document was issued.
140517 -
140518 -
1406 -
Management Professionals
Design Professionals
Learning period/difficulty
1908 -
190801 - ..
190802 - Sherrill asked how long it takes to learn SDS?
190803 -
190804 -
190805 - I explained that SDS requires on-site training and support gen-
190806 - erally for a few months to transition users. The most economical
190807 - way to acquire this training is to use Welch for special manage-
190808 - ment support (e.g. project start-up services like CPM, contract
190809 - development, communications management; or things like claims and
190810 - change order support, fixing a "sick" project.)
190811 -
190812 - SDS has to be learned during the normal work day, so you can bump
190813 - into the various situations that require all of the SDS tools.
190814 - Managers are hired to turn out work. Welch supports the manager
190815 - so the regular work gets done, but through SDS. Initially, the
190816 - manager starts by using only the results of the data base begun by
190817 - Welch. Welch sets up the SDS Contacts data base and the Subject
190818 - Index in consultation with project staff. Welch shows how SDS is
190819 - used to control the record and project agenda; prepares and
190820 - analyses correspondence to tie everything together. Gradually the
190821 - manager begins creating the data base. Over time, the SDS data
190822 - base becomes "sugar," as the power of knowledge is experienced in
190823 - a new and more dynamic way.
190824 -
190825 - I asked Sherrill to call Wayne Wetzel (Deputy Director of DNRC in
190826 - State of Montana) who went through this process. Wayne can
190827 - explain the results an executive can expect to attain. I will
190828 - submit some of the dialog with Wayne on this matter, as follows:
190829 -
190830 - Report (from Mike Sims, plant manager for Broadwater Dam), on
190831 - learning SDS, ref SDS 2 line 22.
190832 -
190833 - Record of discussions with Wayne Wetzel that combine SDS
190834 - training and compensable project support, ref SDS 3 line 44.
190835 -
190836 - Sample of Welch expertise in fixing "sick" projects, ref SDS 1
190837 - line 58.
190838 -
190839 -
190840 -
1909 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"