440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 22, 1994 09:40 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Received article showing Lotus stock dropped 28% today.
2...Rout in Technology Issues Leads Wall Street Lower
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SDS Marketing, Competition, Lotus Notes
Credibility - No Faith to Make Effort to
Killer Application
Productivity Disallusioned Computers Do Not Improve Management Produc
Running Out of Gas Using IT Needs KM Convert Information into Knowled
Disillusioned by Technology Failed Promise of Automated Management
IT Has Not Improved Productivity
Productivity Managers Reduced by Computers, Lost Focus Technology Req
1110 - ..
1111 - Summary/Objective
1112 -
111201 - Follow up ref SDS 3 3001, analysing why Lotus SmartSuite is a
111202 - "killer application" because it has sold well.
111203 -
111204 - The SF Examiner reported today, Jun 22, 1944 on p. 2 of the Business
111205 - section that Lotus stock dropped 28% in one day, loosing $650M in
111206 - stock value. They have dropped from a high of about $87 in May, to
111207 - about $34 today, nearly 3/5 of its value is gone.
111208 -
111209 - The drop was attributed to Lotus being late with upgrades of its
111210 - products, and lower than expected earnings. This is consistent with
111211 - analysis at ref SDS 3 2293. Lotus must produce another variant of its
111212 - products that reviewers will report "at last provides support of this
111213 - that and the other," so a lot of people will rush out to buy it,
111214 - hoping it does.
111215 -
111216 - The Examiner Business section on June 24, 1994 had another article:
111217 -
111218 - Rout in Technology Issues Leads Wall Street Lower
111219 -
111220 - The good news in this report is that Oracle reported a profit after
111221 - several months of poor performance, including reports of false
111222 - accounting.
111223 -
111224 - The Chronical reported on Jun 28, that Lotus is loosing ground to
111225 - Microsoft, because the programs included in SmartSuite are over a
111226 - year old.
111227 -
111228 - [On 001207 too many people having too many problems causes
111229 - productivity, earnings and stock prices to fall. ref SDS 4 V54M
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