440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 15, 1994 05:40 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Received articles on MPM and impact of learning on knowledge work.
2...Case Studies Project Management Requirement Teaching Training
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PM, Trends, Changes, Innovations
Re-Engineering PM
Modern Project Management (MPM)
Correlation to accepted practice and
Training Resource, Case Studies
Empowerment Reengineer Remove Management Levels Give People Computers
Rececession Enables Executives to Consider Reengineer Enterprise Mana
TQM Similar but Different from Hammer Reengineering
1210 -
1210 - ..
1211 - Summary/Objective
1212 -
121201 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0000.
121202 -
121203 - Article by Harold Kerzner says organizations adopt aspects of
121204 - Modern Project Management (MPM), but does not actually define MPM.
121205 - ref OF 4 0001
121206 -
121207 - MPM is defined in a prior PMI article reviewed in the record on
121208 - 930929. ref SDS 2 6666
121209 -
121210 - [On 950204 attended a PMI seminar where Kerzner presented
121211 - ideas on integrating cost and schedule control. ref SDS 4
121212 - 0003
121214 - ..
121215 - Project driven industries are aerospace, construction and defense;
121216 - these use MPM more than in industries where profits are derived from
121217 - functional product lines. ref OF 4 G137
121219 - ..
121220 - Recessions force companies to change the way they do business, such as
121221 - "streamlining." per ref OF 4 3Q8I and ref OF 4 5R8N
121223 - ..
121224 - Management during the 1979-1982 recession focused on short-term
121225 - solutions, ref OF 4 ES9L, like.....
121226 -
121227 - short-term cost cutting
121228 - blue-collar layoffs
121229 - reduction in training
121230 - reduction in research and development
121231 - MPM was considered a slow, long-term solution
121232 - MPM caused cultural shock.
121233 - MPM would disrupt the organization
121235 - ..
121236 - MPM was not popular during the 1980's. ref OF 4 2T4K
121238 - ..
121239 - In the late 1980's new terminology like total quality management TQM,
121240 - concurrent engineering, self-directed teams, empowerment and
121241 - life-cycle costing led to long-term rather than short-term solutions,
121242 - ref OF 4 WV4N and at ref OF 4 AX8H
121244 - ..
121245 - MPM improves implementation of TQM. ref OF 4 AX8H
121247 - ..
121248 - Implementation of MPM will allow organizations to perform more quality
121249 - work in less time and at a lower cost. ref OF 4 MM6M
121250 -
121251 - Poor performance by computer companies such as IBM, Digital
121252 - Equipment and Unisys reduced led to reduced employment of
121253 - white-collar ranks, and planning for decades ahead, rather than
121254 - years. ref OF 4 WV4N
121256 - ..
121257 - Executives believe MPM can improve performance. ref OF 4 FO6H
121258 -
121259 - Sounds like MPM is another name for TQM.
121260 -
121262 - ..
121263 - Benefits of MPM, ref OF 4 NP5M, are listed....
121264 -
121265 - Improved efficiency and increased profitability through better
121266 - utilization of limited resources
121267 -
121268 - Enhanced planning, estimating and cost control leading to more
121269 - consistent achievement of milestones and objectives.
121271 - ..
121272 - This article does not define MPM nor distinguish from PM, TQM nor
121273 - anything else. It actually associates MPM with TQM. ref OF 4 MM6M
121275 - ..
121276 - TQM was presented during a PMI seminar at Asilomar on 940612.
121277 - ref SDS 3 GC4K
121278 -
121279 - What is the difference between "improved efficiency" and "better
121280 - utilization of limited resources?" Should not better efficiency
121281 - lead to more profit by definition?
121283 - ..
121284 - How are planning, estimating and cost control improved by MPM?
121285 -
121286 -
121288 - ..
121289 - Case Studies Project Management Requirement Teaching Training
121290 -
121291 - Kerzner recommends keeping records of projects to use for case studies
121292 - teaching and training MPM. ref OF 4 5W5H
121294 - ..
121295 - On 880415 Stanford project management office supported by new
121296 - Integrated Facilities department, getting case studies improve results
121297 - on construction projects for Stanford, and provide feedback to improve
121298 - classroom curiculum. ref SDS 1 PU91
121299 -
121300 - This is an example of "sound management practice" that is
121301 - automatically accomplished by using SDS, explained in the POIMS
121302 - paper for PMI. ref OF 1 7T9I
121304 - ..
121305 - Formal education offers degrees and MBAs in "historical" PM, rather
121306 - than MPM. ref OF 4 QL3L
121307 -
121308 - [On 971004 Stanford construction project management office
121309 - closed because "best of best" failed to meet objectives.
121310 - ref SDS 5 0001
121311 -
121312 -
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121314 -
121315 -
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