440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 13, 1994 03:53 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Called Bill back re arbitration in Rud v. Barnes.
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0201 - Bishop, Barry, Howe, Haney & Ryder 415 421 8550 fax 362 4730
020101 - Mr. William C. Last, Jr., Esq.
AAA Rudd & Son v. Barnes, 74 E 110 002
Must Owner be a party?
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
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040601 - Follow up message from Bill Last on 940610. ref SDS 9 0877
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040603 - Seem to have a just released case on point.
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0409 - Discussion
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041001 - Bill advised that the case he mentioned last week, ref SDS 9 0877,
041002 - just came down. The court ruled that where a GC files a DFA against a
041003 - subcontractor to pass through a cross- complaint by an owner, the
041004 - subcontractor must join where the terms of the prime contract
041005 - requiring the GC and owner to arbitrate, were incorporated by
041006 - reference in the contract between the owner and the GC.
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041008 - Evidently, the subcontractor wanted to avoid the arbitration by
041009 - relying on a specific arbitration clause in its agreement with the
041010 - GC. The court said the arbitration provision in the prime con-
041011 - tract governed, because it was incorporated by reference.
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041013 - In our case, the contract between the subcontractor and the GC is not
041014 - incorporated by reference in the contract between the owner and the
041015 - GC.
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041017 - I think however that industry practice compells that the court's
041018 - reasoning be applied, since the intent of the parties is for the
041019 - responsible party to be liable to the injured party.
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041021 - The owner requires and expects its contract provisions to be
041022 - incorporated into the subcontracts, and so must be prepared to use
041023 - those procedures to resolve disputes that arise from performing
041024 - all of the contract provisions.
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041028 - Call him tomorrow after 10a to confirm meeting to show SDS.
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"