440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 10, 1994 11:08 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Bill Last re standing to bring arbitrations.
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0201 - Bishop, Barry, Howe, Haney & Ryder 415 421 8550 fax 362 4730
020101 - Mr. William C. Last, Jr., Esq.
AAA Rudd & Son v. Barnes, 74 E 110 001020400
Can Owner be a party?
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Bill returned my call from 940608. ref SDS 7 0977
040602 -
040603 - He initially was not familiar with CCP 1281.3, mentioned by Dave
040604 - yesterday at ref SDS 8 0001. Bill read it and feels the parties can
040605 - request joinder, per analysis yesterday. ref SDS 8 0001
040606 -
040607 - Bill has several Caltrans cases he has recently received. He asked
040608 - my opinion about permitting an audit of the contractor's books.
040609 -
040610 - I recommended this be permitted, since at some point the Contractor
040611 - will have to prove its case.
040612 -
040613 - Bill will call me next week about helping out with several cases he
040614 - has.
040615 -
040616 - He asked about SDS and POIMS, I will send information.
040617 -
040618 - [On 940616 demonstrated SDS. ref SDS 10 0432]
040619 -
040620 -
040621 -
040622 -
040623 - ..
0407 -
0408 -
0409 - 1434 Bill called back
0410 -
041001 - He left a message he found a case that seems to require a
041002 - subcontractor to join an arbitration brought by an owner, so he feels
041003 - it should likely be applied the other way.
041004 -
041005 - [On 940613 new case filed on point. ref SDS 9 0001]
041006 -
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041008 -
041009 -
041010 -
041011 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"