440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 1, 1994 03:34 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Received response from Father Sharp on analysis of "NWO..." paper.
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0201 - University of San Francisco 415 666 6292 fax or 800...
020101 - The Reverend Donald B. Sharp, S.J.
020102 - Associate Professor Old Testament Studies
020103 - Department of Theology & Religious Studies =415 666 6601
Writing for Publication
Knowledge & Ideas, Distinguish from
Religion, Knowledge
University San Francisco
0906 - ..
0907 - Summary/Objective
0908 -
090801 - Follow up ref SDS 8 0000.
090802 - ..
090803 - Father Sharp says he enjoyed the NWO article, ref OF 1 line 10,
090804 - and found it enlightening. ref DRT 1 5169 He recommends putting
090805 - "Automated Religion" in quotes, ref DRT 1 5169. We are already
090806 - putting it in italics and using quotes in some places.
090807 -
090808 - He does not provide support requested at ref DIP 1 0001, for the
090809 - original meaning of religion, except he indicates religion comes from
090810 - the basic Latin root religare (to "retie" or "rebind"). I wanted him
090811 - to point me toward research material that shows a tradition existed
090812 - for using written citations, and those who used this method a lot to
090813 - keep track of things, as in the Bible, were called "religious."
090814 -
090815 - [See follow up considering contact wtih Harvard University.
090816 - ref SDS 9 2564]
090817 -
090818 -
0909 -
0910 -
0911 - 1549 called Sarah
0912 -
091201 - Followed up discussion at ref SDS 6 line 82, and the letter
091202 - ref DIP 2 line 30 sent at ref SDS 8 line 62.
091203 -
091204 - Sarah has read the article, but not yet developed comments. She
091205 - feels it is difficult to absorb because of the subject, and the
091206 - number of ideas presented.
091207 -
091208 - She has submitted the article to a lady friend, who is a critical
091209 - thinker. She and Sarah discussed it last night by phone. Sarah
091210 - feels her friend will submit some comments.
091211 -
091212 - Sarah is considering submitting the article to contacts at Barry's
091213 - company, and that it might get distributed there for comments.
091214 -
091215 -
0913 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"