440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 13, 1994 09:47 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Edward at AMA to follow up on SDS.
2...Follow Up
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0201 - American Management Association 212 586 8100
020101 - Mr. Edward L. Selig; Sr. Program Director =212 903 8200
Seminars/speeches as sales presentation, AMA
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Followed up the call at ref SDS 10 line 101 re receipt of AMA's letter
040502 - ref DRP 2 line 30.
040503 -
040504 - Edward feels AMA's response may have been mis-directed. He will
040505 - locate my letter, and review it for "good" ideas that have not caught
040506 - the attention of recognized "experts" because, like TQM 40 years ago,
040507 - POIMS is new.
040508 -
040509 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 confirming these understandings.
040510 - Included record of CNN's interview with Edward Deming on the
040511 - viability of relying on "recognized experts" for determining the
040512 - value of new ideas, ref SDS 1 line 31.
040513 -
040514 - Submitted another copy of POIMS, in case the original was
040515 - mis-placed.
040516 -
040517 -
040518 - Follow Up
040519 -
040520 - Should get call from Edward about POIMS.
040521 -
040522 - Scheduled follow up for 940420.
040523 -
040524 -
040525 -
040526 -
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Discussion
0409 -
040901 - See points at ref SDS 10 line 55.
040902 -
040903 - Edward said he could not remember my letter, ref DIP 1 line 31, or our
040904 - discussion about POIMS at ref SDS 9 line 75.
040905 -
040906 - I reviewed the notes of our discussion.
040907 -
040908 - Edward said his letter of Apr 6, ref DRP 2 line 21, was a standard
040909 - "form" response made necessary by the large volume of inquiries
040910 - AMA receives. Edward felt his response could have been mis-direc-
040911 - ted, because the date cited for my letter of Mar 2, was different
040912 - from the actual date of my letter, ref DIP 1 line 30.
040913 -
040914 - ..
040915 - I asked how AMA accesses the viability of leading edge
040916 - management technologies, like POIMS?
040917 -
040918 - Edward said AMA does research by reading the Wall Street Journal,
040919 - Harvard Business Review, and similar industry forums. They have
040920 - contacts with business leaders and academics who keep AMA apprised
040921 - of new ideas that have gained a foothold. He said AMA is concern-
040922 - ed about the marketability of ideas.
040923 -
040924 - ..
040925 - I asked how AMA would apply this policy if they received a
040926 - letter from Edward Deming putting forward his ideas on TQM?
040927 -
040928 - Edward said he is a strong adherent to Deming's ideas, and feels
040929 - TQM is a powerful management concept. He noted that AMA sponsors
040930 - a lot of dialog on TQM.
040931 -
040932 -
040933 - I mentioned that Edward Deming was very disappointed about the poor
040934 - reception of his ideas by recognized management "experts" and practi-
040935 - tioners in the US, see for example ref SDS 1 line 31. I asked how AMA
040936 - avoids becoming so focused on what is accepted at the WSJ and Harvard,
040937 - that good ideas like TQM are overlooked for 40 years?
040938 -
040939 - Edward said he will retrieve my letter and read the SDS & POIMS
040940 - scope statement again to test this point.
040941 -
040942 - [AMA refused to evaluate SDS & POIMS at ref SDS 11 line 71.]
040943 -
040944 -
040945 -
040946 -
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - 1158
0413 -
041301 - Modified SDS & POIMS spec
041302 -
041303 - Removed the bottom of first page by removing the information about
041304 - price, and substituted following:
041305 -
041306 - The promise of POIMS to organize knowledge and link detail with
041307 - objectives, makes it the strongest technology since the invention
041308 - of writing, about 5000 years ago. After 5000 years, its time for a
041309 - change.
041310 -
041311 -
041312 -
041313 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"