440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 29, 1994 09:52 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Called Denis re using his SDS records for Turner demo, billing.


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0201 - Kwan Henmi Arch & Planng           415 626 6766 fax 5231
020101 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Principal

Kwan Henmi SDS; Support, Subject Index

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up work at ref SDS 6 line 24.  Denis said this problem is
040502 - corrected.
040503 -
040504 - I went on-line in the evening and made new SI accounts for both
040505 - project 93022 00, and 93024 00, to cross reference them in the SI, and
040506 - added subject control field lines in the records I created for Denis
040507 - on the Pier 45 Fisheries project to use the new account 93034 00.
040508 -
040509 -
040510 -
0406 -

Kwan Henmi SDS; Evaluation

0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Denis feels he is using SDS well.
050502 -
050503 -
050504 -
050505 - Can I use his SDS records for Turner demo on Friday?
050506 -
050507 -      Denis agreed to this.
050508 -
050509 -      I will go on-line this afternoon or tomorrow to get his records,
050510 -      and will at the same time update his SDS program.
050511 -
050512 -
050513 -
050514 - Advised I gave his name as a reference for SDS, per ref SDS 7 line 45.
050515 -
050516 -      Denis said he will be happy to explain how he uses SDS.
050517 -
050518 -
050519 -
050520 -
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - 1629 called and talked to Jennel
0509 -
050901 - She said Denis is out of the office, but is expected back later this
050902 - afternoon.  I asked her to have him set up his computer before he goes
050903 - home and to put a note on it saying it should not be turned off over
050904 - night.
050905 -
050906 -
050907 -
050908 -
050909 -
0510 -
0511 -
0512 - 2122 called Denis' Computer
0513 -
051301 - Got his records, per discussion above.
051302 -
051303 -
051304 -
051305 -
0514 -

Kwan Henmi SDS; General, Invoices
940321 for Dec 93 - Mar 94

0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Any Chance I can get paid on pending billing, has he seen it,
060602 - approved?
060603 -
060604 -      Denis said he has approved my invoice, ref DIP 1 line 31,
060605 -      submitted at ref SDS 5 line 43.
060606 -
060607 -      He will ask Jennel when she expects to make payment, and see if
060608 -      it can be expedited.
060609 -
060610 -
060611 -
060612 -
0607 -

Kwan Henmi SDS;
Integrate with existing systems
Design SDS LAN System
Workstations, PM

100701 - Status of his move to another office, discussed at ref SDS 3 line 172.
100702 -
100703 -      Denis said this has not been settled.  They are still
100704 -      negotiating on the terms of such a move.
100705 -
100706 -
100707 -
100708 - Does he have baseball season tickets again?
100709 -
100710 -
1008 -

Kwan Henmi SDS; Updates, 940329

120401 - Updated his SDS program from last time at ref SDS 2 line 61.
120402 -
120403 -
120404 -
120405 -
120406 -
1205 -
1206 -
1207 - 2128 called Denis' computer
1208 -
120801 - Updated his SDS program, per above understandings.
120802 -
120803 -
120804 -
1209 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"