440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 17, 1994 12:12 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Called Morri re pointer build and extraction programs.


ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...I will send Morri an Update so he can see how secondary selection

0201 - Frank Russell Company              206 572 9500
020101 - Mr. Maurice E. Smyth
020102 - Systems Development =fax 206 591 3495

SDS, Marketing, Thinking Through Writing
Frank Russell, Training

0605 -    ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Advised of my review of his records at ref SDS 9 line 41.  That I am
060702 - pleased to see he is beginning to capture more of the record.
060703 -
060704 - Mentioned that citations turn out to be a very powerful feature.  He
060705 - said he is still not using them.  I explained Fred Talegani's comment
060706 - about getting existing users to apply citatiions, per ref SDS 11 line
060707 - 82.
060708 -
060709 -     We went through an exercise so he could see how to do citations.
060710 -     His help is out of date, so the new code will help him.
060711 -
060712 -
0608 -

SDS, Reports, Summary Data Base; Summary pointers, 910304
SDS Summary Report Improvements
Morri's Work Product, Summary Pointers

0906 - Summary/Objective
0907 -
090701 - Advised of success using the new data base creation and extraction
090702 - programs he has created.  Said we need greater flexibility in
090703 - extraction, per ref SDS 9 line 69, if we are to substitute these new
090704 - tools for Supersort.
090705 -
090706 - I will send Morri an Update so he can see how secondary selection
090707 - criteria work.
090708 -
090709 -
090710 -
0908 -

SDS, Future Improvements
Windows Application
Objectives & Planning

1206 - Summary/Objective
1207 -
120701 - Followed up our discussion at ref SDS 8 line 68.  He has reported some
120702 - progress on this at ref SDS 6 line 20.
120703 -
120704 -
120705 -
120706 -
1208 -
1209 -
1210 - 1031 Morri called back
1211 -
121101 - He has tabled the SDS Windows project for now, while he is acquiring
121102 - further programming skills on work projects.
121103 -
121104 - I explained the concern expressed today by Fred at ICS about present-
121105 - ing the program to users so they can perform data entry in the
121106 - wordprocessing convention of their choice, ref SDS 11 line 59.
121107 -
121108 - Morri feels we can develop an environment that will emulate other
121109 - programs.
121110 -
121111 -
121112 -
121113 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"