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1...having to do a bunch of steps, but I cannot remember what it was.
2...I should develop a proposal for Denis to evaluate. He needs a
0201 - Kwan Henmi Arch & Planng 415 626 6766 fax 5231
020101 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Principal
Kwan Henmi SDS; Support, Capturing the Record
Task Descriptions
Doc Log Data Entry
Integrate with existing systems, Wordperfect
Printing, Printer Setup
0907 - ..
0908 - Summary/Objective
0909 -
090901 - Reviewed comments at ref SDS 11 line 98.
090902 -
090903 - We made some tasks for Denis. I showed him how to use the Doc Log,
090904 - and to do this in conjucntion with his use of Wordperfect for Windows.
090905 -
090906 - We transferred several letters he had prepared in the Wordperfect
090907 - directory, to a directory defined by the SDS Doc Log format
090908 - according to the project or other subject criteria.
090909 -
090910 -
090911 - Showed him how to create the Doc Log format using the mouse and the
090912 - menu.
090913 -
090914 - Modified his letter format file, so correspondence will fit correctly
090915 - on this company letterhead paper. Showed him how to use Alt F4 to
090916 - remove the letterhead.
090917 -
090918 - I recommended he write his correspondence in SDS ascii so he can open
090919 - them from the Doc Log, and from within SDS.
090920 -
090921 -
090922 - I agreed to modify SDS so he can do something directly instead of
090923 - having to do a bunch of steps, but I cannot remember what it was.
090924 -
090925 -
090926 -
090927 -
0910 -
Kwan Henmi SDS; General, Invoices
940321 for Dec 93 - Mar 94
Terms & Conditions
1106 - Summary/Objective
1107 -
110701 - Denis agreed to accept a billing for my time the past few weeks. I
110702 - have to figure out what the amount should be.
110703 -
110704 -
110705 -
1108 -
Kwan Henmi SDS; Support, Subject Index
Fisheries Center, Port of SF
1305 - Summary/Objective
1306 -
130601 - Discussed his SI for Pier 45 Fisheries Center project.
130602 -
130603 - Denis said their accountant gave them a new number, 93034, so I
130604 - have to transfer the structure for account number 93022, used to
130605 - identify the meetings I attended, into project 93034.
130606 -
130607 - [Actually I later decided not to do that for reasons at ref
130608 - SDS 12 line 56.]
130609 -
130610 -
130611 -
130612 -
1307 -
1308 -
1309 - 2117 Begin transferring
1310 -
131001 - Think I will transfer his records here, update them, then transfer
131002 - them back. When we left his office this evening, we set up his
131003 - computer to receive a call.
131004 -
131005 -
131006 - Could not log onto Denis' computer. Someone must have turned off his
131007 - computer before they left.
131008 -
131009 - I created the correct sublevels for the Pier 45 project.
131010 -
131011 - In considering the SI for KH, it seems to me I may have made an error
131012 - in creating an SI for KH that covers the project scope from Sedway's
131013 - perspective. KH is mainly interested only in subjects pertaining to
131014 - its contract scope which is "design."
131015 -
131016 - We could put all of the primary subjects for Sedway, in the
131017 - "Consultation Heading" for KH.
131018 -
131019 - The other approach is to say a feasibility project does not require
131020 - the same subjects as a regular design assignment.
131021 -
131022 - Need to discuss with Denis.
131023 -
131024 -
131025 -
131026 -
1311 -
Kwan Henmi SDS; Support, Capturing the Record
Fisheries Center, Port of SF
Kwan Henmi, General
1706 - Summary/Objective
1707 -
170701 - Denis does not feel KH can usefully apply Welch Co for project
170702 - support. I had hoped my work on the Pier 45 Fisheries project would
170703 - give him some ideas on this, especially since Stephanie Thornton at
170704 - CRC requested copies of the notes I prepared, but this has not been
170705 - helpful enough to demonstrate it is worth paying for.
170706 -
170707 - He thinks a generalized support might be possible.
170708 -
170709 -
170710 -
1708 -
Kwan Henmi SDS;
Integrate with existing systems
Design SDS LAN System
Workstations, PM
2107 - Summary/Objective
2108 -
210801 - Denis is evaluating a change in his location to a downtown office.
210802 - Jennel may stay on, if he does that.
210803 -
210804 - He is considering getting PC workstations for the other architects,
210805 - and thinks they may begin to use SDS. I suggested this could be
210806 - phased in by asking for volunteers to use SDS. Only 1 or 2 people
210807 - would have SDS.
210808 -
210809 - I should develop a proposal for Denis to evaluate. He needs a
210810 - notebook computer with a modem
210811 -
210812 - They can run OS2 so CAD, Windows and SDS can all be run from the
210813 - same workstation.
210814 -
210815 - [I later called Cindy at IBM on using OS2, at ref SDS 13 line
210816 - 51.]
210817 -
210818 -
210819 -
2109 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"