440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 31, 1994 12:08 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Called Merrill re analysis of POIMS.


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0201 - Digital Equipment Corporation      415 882 3600 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Merrill Malvini Jr.
020102 - Sales Executive =415 882 3592 car 415 269 0733
020103 - Multivendor Customer Service Sales   =Telephone/fax

SDS Marketing, Perceived Value
Developing Leads
Management productivity & Teamwork
SDS & POIMS specification/Graphics

0606 -    ..
0607 - Summary/Objective
0608 -
060801 - Followed up telecon at ref SDS 5 line 060801, confimred at ref DIP 2
060802 - line 10, via internett.
060803 -
060804 - Left message asking if my message was received, and whether he is
060805 - prompted automatically by an internet message?
060806 -
060807 - Advised this message has not significant priority.
060808 -
060809 -
060810 -
0609 -
0610 -
0611 - 1516 Merrill called back
0612 -
061201 - He received it, at 1510 PST, and he does get an alert message on his
061202 - computer screen that he has a message.
061203 -
061204 -       Merrill asked if I entered the record at ref SDS 5 line 061201,
061205 -       while we were talking.
061206 -
061207 -       I explained that I may have entered some of it, but most likely
061208 -       jotted down some keywords, and then wrote up what happened based
061209 -       on recollection.
061210 -
061211 -
061212 - He has not yet prepared a written response to SDS & POIMS spec, but
061213 - plans to by Wednesday or thereabouts (I hope).
061214 -
061215 - Merrill will call, if he can hit some balls on Wednesday.
061216 -
061217 -
061218 -
0613 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"