440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 10, 1994 12:58 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Nick at IBM re evaluating SDS.
2...Pending Points
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0201 - IBM OS/2 407 443 2000
020101 - Mr. Nick Centofonti; Vice President =407 443 9301
SDS Marketing, Developing Leads, Industry Contacts
Proposal, Contract & Support
Trial Installations
SDS Marketing, Sales, Sales discussions
0706 - ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Nick followed up my call to him at ref SDS 4 line 47 and
070802 - ref SDS 6 line 66, and finally at ref SDS 7 line 44.
070803 -
070804 - He or Leo will call me by the end of the week to schedule a
070805 - demonstration of SDS. I should receive Leo's letter this week.
070806 -
070807 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 33, confirming these understandings (this
070808 - was sent via fax on 940111).
070809 -
070810 -
070811 - ..
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - Discussion
0712 -
071201 - Nick said IBM's response was signed and issued today by Leo. He said
071202 - Leo was in Canada for the holidays and called to request an additional
071203 - week of vacation, that is why it took so long to transmit their
071204 - comments on SDS to the work group evaluating the improvement to IBM's
071205 - automated management system.
071206 -
071207 - ..
071208 - Nick said he received my letter, ref DIP 2 line 33 issued at
071209 - ref SDS 3 line 58, and has read the proposal at ref SDS 3 line 202.
071210 -
071211 - I explained a demonstration is essential because SDS is new
071212 - technology that no one has seen before, so in doing the normal
071213 - thing of relying on prior experience with other software and
071214 - management improvement methods, executives and evaluators are
071215 - misled. This is like trying to comprehend the experience of
071216 - seeing a flower bloom by reading a specification; or, trying to
071217 - grasp the power of reading and writing without ever having seen
071218 - the letters of the alphabet, per ref SDS 2 line 89.
071219 -
071220 - ..
071221 - Nick said he feels a demonstration is needed in order for IBM to fully
071222 - appreciate the scope and value of SDS, as recommended in the proposal.
071223 - He or Leo will call back by the end of the week to set a date for the
071224 - demonstration.
071225 -
071226 - ..
071227 - Pending Points
071228 -
071229 - I did not cover the points in discussion with Sheri at ref SDS 5 9870,
071230 - because this can be done by implication during the demonstration.
071231 -
071232 - We did not discuss how automating the management cycle will improve
071233 - IBM's executive, product development, marketing and customer support,
071234 - as seen from the record on various OS2 problem numbers still pending.
071235 - The demonstration will establish this point.
071236 -
071237 -
071238 -
0713 -
Deming, Edward, TQM
Conflict with Existing Methods
0905 -
090501 - Did not discuss Edward Deming's experience developing TQM practices
090502 - that were rejected by US management in the 1950's until the Japanese
090503 - began to dominate the auto and electronics market, using Deming's
090504 - ideas. Thirty (30) years later, US management is now in love with
090505 - "TQM." IBM has the opportunity now to apply POIMS as the most
090506 - powerful means to automate and integrate TQM and MBO practices.
090507 -
090508 -
090509 -
090510 -
090511 -
090512 -
090513 -
090514 -
090515 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"