440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 23, 1993 12:57 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Interview with Edward Deming re TQM; supports careful review of POIMS.
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Deming Died Angry Frustrated by Years of Ignorance Fear Denial US Ex
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0804 - Summary/Objective
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080501 - Follow up ref SDS 2 0000.
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080503 - Edward Deming died within the past week according to a newspaper
080504 - article. He developed some of the ideas that comprise the practices
080505 - called Total Quality Management (TQM), reviewed for example on 931130.
080506 - ref SDS 2 3416
080508 - ..
080509 - CNN and other news organizations ran recent interviews with Deming in
080510 - which he commented bitterly about the lack of acceptance by executives
080511 - in the United States. His ideas however, were applied by the Japanese
080512 - and are attributed in some respect for the rise of Japan to prominence
080513 - in world markets. Only after the Japanese success, did US management
080514 - begin to examine Deming's ideas, and then the US followed Japanease
080515 - leadership.
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080517 - [On 950426, pleasant, patient, kindly personality transformed into
080518 - difficult, angry personality by years of frustration floating,
080519 - like a "Genie in a Bottle," on a sea of ignorance, fear, and
080520 - denial, discussion with staff at George Washington University.
080521 - ref SDS 8 1335
080523 - ..
080524 - On 931130 Drucker supports Demings idea of continual improvement, but
080525 - sunshine profits that buy off mistakes, cause managers to focus on
080526 - avoiding accountability, which is the essence of TQM. ref SDS 2 1504
080527 - Since a key component of TQM is accountability, it is understandable
080528 - why Deming had to leave the country to get his ideas tested and
080529 - deployed. The U.S. economy boomed after the war.
080530 -
080531 - [On 950911 the Tofflers, and Friedman propose continual learning,
080532 - ref SDS 9 2222, as the only remedy for the tyranny of the status
080533 - quo sustained by ignorance, fear, and denial. ref SDS 9 FK4N
080535 - ..
080536 - [On 990425 planning NSF study showing cost savings irrelevant when
080537 - economy enables managers to buy-off mistakes. ref SDS 11 6410]
080539 - ..
080540 - POIMS seems similarly positioned. It is a tool to make it practical
080541 - to implement Deming's ideas, and those of others, on sound management
080542 - practices, by adding automation so they can be used consistently.
080544 - ..
080545 - Our argument is that American management should not sit by as it did
080546 - with TQM, and miss the next wave of capability to lift productivity to
080547 - a new level.
080549 - ..
080550 - An interesting question is whether TQM principals permit it to be
080551 - improved?
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080553 - If someone comes forward with integrated scheduling and
080554 - reporting, integrating cost, schedule and communications,
080555 - automating the management cycle, using communication metrics and
080556 - investing intellectual capital. What does TQM say about
080557 - investigating these ideas?
080559 - ..
080560 - [A example of this occurred later trying to present POIMS and
080561 - SDS to the American Management Association, per ref SDS 7 line
080562 - 111.]
080564 - ..
080565 - [Another example is at Ford Motor, ref SDS 10 line 100.]
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