440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 20, 1993 03:10 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Find support for SDS & POIMS concepts.


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SDS Marketing Product Definition
POIMS/SDS Presentation Schematic
Thinking Through Writing
Meeting Notes, confirm understandings
Information Management

0707 -    ..
0708 - Summary/Objective
0709 -
070901 - Found more support for ideas set out in SDS & POIMS scope statement.
070902 - This follows up work at ref SDS 12 line 70.
070903 -
070904 - Made further modifications to give language wider application.
070905 -
0710 -
0711 -
0712 - 00028x
0713 -
071301 - Line 18 - Introduction, did more editing to make the language simpler
071302 - and hopefully of wider application by citing 3 common management
071303 - tasks. Also introduced the idea of making personal experience a
071304 - strategic resource.
071305 -
071306 -
071307 - Line 66 - modifications to use language of wider application, and
071308 - include idea of capturing personal work experience in a data base of
071309 - knowledge and ideas.
071310 -
071311 - Line 160 - same type of modification, but identifying more plainly
071312 - the idea of converting "information" into "knowledge" by linking
071313 - records and citations.
071314 -
071315 - Line 177 - same language modifications to clarify SDS as making
071316 - personal experience of each employee an organizational data base that
071317 - comprises a strategic resource of knowledge and ideas.
071318 -
071319 -
071320 - Line 46 - setting out SDS "Management Cycle", plan, perform & report,
071321 - is supported by a PMI article on the PMBOK reviewed at ref SDS 5 line
071322 - 071304.
071323 -
071324 -
071325 - Line 38 - Our view that "managers spend time in meetings ...," is
071326 - supported at ref SDS 4 line 231885.
071327 -
071328 -
071329 - The idea that "information" by itself is not knowledge, is partially
071330 - supported by Drucker's book under the analysis at ref SDS 8 line 98,
071331 - ref SDS 8 line 249.  Drucker identifies "communication" at ref SDS 8
071332 - line 342, as the primary goal of management, but the tenor of his
071333 - argument, seems to support our view that "conversation" is not the
071334 - answer.  He recognizes the importance of correlating new information
071335 - to existing "experience" in order to achieve the strategic resource of
071336 - "knowledge."
071337 -
071338 -