440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 17, 1993 10:38 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Further improvements to SDS & POIMS scope statement.
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SDS Marketing Product Definition
POIMS/SDS Presentation Schematic
Thinking Through Writing
Meeting Notes, confirm understandings
0606 -
0606 - ..
0607 - Summary/Objective
0608 -
060801 - Follow up
060802 -
060803 - This is to explain how SDS applies the principal of "double entry"
060804 - bookkeeping, cited at ref OF 3 line 87. Worked that idea and the
060805 - concept of the SDS record as a "strategic resource" into the SDS &
060806 - POIMS spec.
060808 - ..
060809 - Had to modify some other explanations to fit it all in.
060811 - ..
0609 -
0610 -
0611 - 00028x
0612 -
061201 - Line 202 - added connection between SDS linking past to future, as a
061202 - form of relying on "experience." The basic concept is that humans are
061203 - "experience" machines, so the better we can capture and apply this
061204 - accurately, the more effective we can be. Theory is explained at ref
061205 - SDS 1 line 121618 and at ref SDS 2 line 110706, and also at ref SDS 3
061206 - line 161131.
061207 -
061209 - ..
061210 - Line 215 - this is one place where we might explain "double entry"
061211 - methodology cited by Drucker reviewed on 931130, ref SDS 9 4574,
061212 - because one result of writing down what we think, is a "check" on the
061213 - adequacy of our understanding. Since the purpose of the double entry
061214 - system is to achieve accuracy, writing down our impressions gives a
061215 - chance to recognize errors that are otherwise not apparent.
061216 - Unfortunately there is no room at this place to add more explanation,
061217 - and I cannot readily see how to edit what we have here. Was able to
061218 - accomplish this though at line 325, see below.
061219 -
061221 - ..
061222 - Line 177 - correlated creating SDS records to making "experience" a
061223 - "strategic resource," which is advocated by ref DRP 1 line 50,
061224 - received at ref SDS 7 line 091112. See also ref SDS 7 line 231880,
061225 - and Drucker's book on management reviewed on 931130. ref SDS 9 5820
061226 - and further at ref SDS 9 0756
061227 -
061228 -
061230 - ..
061231 - Line 325 - I changed "SDS illuminates the future by understanding the
061232 - past," to: "...'see' the future by understanding the past," and was
061233 - able to incorporate the idea of "double entry" bookkeeping, in SDS as
061234 - the process of writing the record in order to verify our impressions.
061235 - Also worked in the theme of SDS record as "strategic resource."
061236 -
061238 - ..
061239 - Had to eliminate the phrase:
061240 -
061241 - Investing intellectual capital yields high rewards.
061242 -
061244 - ..
061245 - Line 351 - would like to add in this section that sending the record
061246 - to others is a form of double entry bookkeeping to verify understand-
061247 - ings; however, there does not seem to be enough room for it.
061248 -
061250 - ..
061251 - Line 369, was able to modify this section to incorporate the idea of
061252 - issuing SDS records as a form of "double entry" bookkeeping to verify
061253 - with others mutual understandings.
061254 -
061256 - ..
061257 - Line 380 - changed "organizational conduct" to "organizational life"
061258 - to make this a softer statement, less legalistic.
061259 -
061260 -
061261 -
061262 -
061263 - Explain numbers as a narrow but important subset of the range of
061264 - knowledge humans can create and use. The principals that have
061265 - evolved to apply numbers cannot be applied universally to all
061266 - other knowledge, but a rough equivalent can be. Similarly, arms,
061267 - legs, ears and eyes are an important but narrow subset of the
061268 - entire human body.
061269 -
061270 -
061271 -
061272 -
0613 -