440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 30, 1993 00:27 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Scanned PMJ articles on need for innovations in project management.
...........Reduced Management Productivity
.......2...Good Practices Produce the Best Results
..................The Long Way Around is the Short Way There
.......3...Command & Control of the Record
.......4...Internal v. External PM
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0201 - IMC 617 721 4804
020101 - Mr. Al Badger, PMP; President
SDS Marketing, Application to market
Project Management Trends, Changes, Innovations
Re-Engineer Project Management
Implementing Automation, 930119
Project Management, Trends, Changes,
0607 - ..
0608 - Summary/Objective
0609 -
060901 - Found another article, ref OF 6, calling for innovations beyond CPM
060902 - and cost control to improve project management. Explains how long it
060903 - took to implement CPM.
060904 -
060905 - The author, Al Badger, PMP, who is chairman of PMI Research
060906 - Committee, asks:
060907 -
060908 - Have we now reached a plateau in the development of PM
060909 - Methodology? ...What are the changes that are going on, or
060910 - should be going on, in our profession, to take advantage of
060911 - today's developing technologies?, ref OF 6 line 43.
060912 -
060913 -
060914 -
0610 -
Send product information, requesting give demo.
Badger, Al, PMP
PMI Research Committee, 1993
Long Way Around is Short Way to Success, Investing Paragidm
1207 -
120701 - Submitted ref DIT 1, responding to this request. Included ref OF 7,
120702 - SDS & POIMS scope statement, to support suggestions.
120703 -
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120705 -
1208 -
1209 -
1210 - Author Requests Ideas
1211 -
121101 - Al requests suggestions for carrying out his assignment as chairman of
121102 - PMI Research Committee, per ref OF 6 line 60.
121103 -
121104 - Here are four suggestions PMI might consider to address critical
121105 - project management dilemmas:
121106 -
121107 -
121108 - 1. Better Communication Has
121109 - Reduced Management Productivity
121110 -
121111 - Technology has produced a lot of new ways to improve the
121112 - speed and volume of communications, on the theory that
121113 - better informed managers are more productive. However,
121114 - while more information is being produced, "understanding"
121115 - has been reduced causing lower productivity (see for example
121116 - Byte Aug 1992, p. 360 article by Jim Manzi, President, Lotus
121117 - Development Corp.)
121118 -
121119 - It turns out managers are "people", and people are limited
121120 - in the amount of information they can absorb, organize and
121121 - retrieve when it is needed to solve problems and pursue
121122 - opportunities. Recent trends to downsize contributes to
121123 - "information overload" causing management by "30 second
121124 - sound byte." This means that today, the manager (i.e. the
121125 - "Boss") is the weak link in the production chain.
121126 -
121127 - This presents an opportunity for PMI to research whether
121128 - there is anything that can be done to enhance basic human
121129 - capacity to think, remember and communicate, so managers
121130 - can keep up with the pace of modern business life? That's
121131 - the objective. The deliverables would be:
121132 -
121133 - a. A paper defining this problem.
121134 -
121135 - b. A paper that explains the lineaments of a solution;
121136 - say, for example, a new innovative technology to
121137 - plan, organize, integrate and measure work perform-
121138 - ance, that enhances personal and organizational
121139 - integrated management. This might be called "POIMS".
121140 -
121141 - c. Symposia to present papers, demonstrate ways and
121142 - means, and debate the scope of the problem and
121143 - viability of solutions.
121144 -
121145 -
121146 - 2. Good Practices Produce the Best Results
121147 -
121148 - Wage escalation and a poor economy has led to downsizing
121149 - where experienced people are let go in favor of a younger,
121150 - hopefully better educated, more energetic, and less costly
121151 - management pool. This means lessons learned the hard way,
121152 - have to be learned over again, as inexperience and ambition
121153 - lead young managers to take the short cut, rather than fol-
121154 - low sound business practices.
121155 -
121156 - PMI might assemble a report on examples showing the disaster
121157 - that results from taking the short cut, under the heading:
121158 -
121159 -
121160 - The Long Way Around is the Short Way There
121161 -
121162 -
121163 -
121164 - The parable of the tortoise and the hare, applies here.
121165 -
121166 - An example is that rather than rely on conversation and
121167 - personal recall, check the record. 90% of the time informa-
121168 - tion is readily available in a company's files that flatly
121169 - contradicts what has become a consensus view of critical
121170 - facts, i.e. the official view of reality. Young managers
121171 - eager to please and with lots of meetings to attend, go with
121172 - what someone tells them, rather than investigate the record.
121173 - This seems faster and more personable, but leads to failure.
121174 -
121175 - Another example of this idea, is insisting on making a CPM
121176 - and keeping it current. Many managers try to skip this step
121177 - to save time and expense, and wind up not truly
121178 - understanding how everything fits together.
121179 -
121180 - Another example is following the contract, rather than rely
121181 - on the manager's experience from the last job, or feeling
121182 - about what is "fair" and "reasonable," particularly with
121183 - respect to General Conditions. On every project, time,
121184 - emotion, and perspective cause parties to ignore key provi-
121185 - sions in the hope of "expediting" the job. Almost always
121186 - this fails.
121187 -
121188 -
121189 - 3. Command & Control of the Record
121190 -
121191 - Much is written in PMI publications every year on the need
121192 - to "control" the job through CPM and cost systems. Little
121193 - if anything has been said about controlling the content of
121194 - the project record which has a far greater impact on the
121195 - success of a project than either of the other two, because
121196 - it establishes the reasons for the results reported by tra-
121197 - ditional control systems. Only the causes of such results
121198 - enable management to implement needed changes, or to recover
121199 - at law in the absence of an effective remedy.
121200 -
121201 - Typically, such causes are proffered by senior managers in
121202 - conversation based on "the official view of reality" because
121203 - they lack command of the record, i.e. cannot produce in a
121204 - timely manner that part which pertains to an issue at hand.
121205 -
121206 - PMI might sponsor a seminar to explore this untapped
121207 - opportunity, and means to implement it.
121208 -
121209 -
121210 - 4. Internal v. External PM
121211 -
121212 - People who seem to be successful with internal projects fail
121213 - when given responsibility for managing outside contractors,
121214 - and vice versa, because these are fairly distinct worlds.
121215 - While underlying principals apply equally, role of contract
121216 - law means implementation is quite different, particularly
121217 - with respect to Notice procedures.
121218 -
121219 - PMI might wish to alert its membership about this point
121220 - through a seminar.
121221 -
121222 -
121223 -
121224 -
1213 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"