440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 20, 1993 05:21 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Complete work on doc log to open SDS record for current day.

2...Special Bin
3...Evaluate Only Current Records
4...Options & Limitations
7...Multiple Users
.....Transferring records
8...Future Improvements

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SDS Reports, Doc Log
Dir Structure and Filenames
Concepts and Plans, Documents
Doc Log Current Date Data File, F2

0706 -    ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Follow up ref SDS 1 0000.
070802 -
070803 - Replaced a great deal of work on 930911, ref SDS 1 NI4F, to improve
070804 - the range and speed of reporting on documents, and avoid failure when
070805 - User's do not create new diary records for performed tasks.  We now
070806 - post a special current document inventory file, using existing contact
070807 - or subject posting code, modified to call new macro 1813 in 000009.
070808 -
070809 - We want to know what documents have been issued, as soon as they are
070810 - issued, so the next person can determine the document number to
070811 - assign.
070812 -
070813 -     [On 931006 nearly all of the work done today was replaced, but
070814 -     issues addressed today are important. ref SDS 5 7H7O
070815 -
070816 -
070817 -
070818 -
070819 -  ..
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - Analysis
0712 -
071201 - This objective can be met in part by assigning a unique user string to
071202 - the filename, such as initials.  If a User assigns a filename that has
071203 - already been issued, then when they press <Enter>, a document will
071204 - show up instead of a letter format file.
071205 -
071206 -  ..
071207 - Special Bin
071208 -
071209 - The work done yesterday at ref SDS 4 line 43, was only capturing the
071210 - documents issued by current user.  To get all users with that code
071211 - design, would have required a lot more code and would have greatly
071212 - reduced the speed of the DL reporting process, because it would have
071213 - had to analyse every User's current diary records.
071214 - ..
071215 - I think documents issued today, need to go into a special
071216 - general directory, so Doc Log report system does not have to examine
071217 - every User's current directory to find documents issued today.
071218 - Normally, on project work, there would only be perhaps 4 or 5 people
071219 - on the system, and so the search might take 30 seconds, but if there
071220 - are 20, it could take several minutes.  We do not want to wait around
071221 - to find out what we need to know in order to do our work.
071222 -
071223 -  ..
071224 - Evaluate Only Current Records
071225 -
071226 - Up until today, to speed the process, we were only processing records
071227 - reported in the Schedule as being diaries, i.e. performed tasks, those
071228 - with a dot status.  This procedure greatly speeds the process relative
071229 - to evaluating all records in the 00 schedule directory, but if a User
071230 - does not open a diary in the Schedule, then no actual SDS record is
071231 - created, and Supersort stops processing when it finds a missing record
071232 - in a list, so this condition prevents getting any current Dog Log
071233 - entries, if even one record does not exist.
071234 -
071235 -      This problem occurs a lot for some users.  They enter tasks in
071236 -      the Schedule, set status as "diary", but do not report what is
071237 -      accomplished and do not make an actual SDS record.  That appears
071238 -      to be the reason the Doc Log report failed at Denis' office the
071239 -      other day, ref SDS 2 line 95.
071240 -
071241 -  ..
071242 - Options & Limitations
071243 -
071244 - We could create a new directory to store files by User that contain
071245 - documents issued or received today.  This could be created when a new
071246 - document is opened.  A way is needed to delete a document from this
071247 - inventory, if we decide not to issue it.
071248 -
071249 -      It is not essential that this method be completely comprehensive,
071250 -      since it is only used on current date.  The next day, all of the
071251 -      reporting factors are fully applied.
071252 -
071253 -
071254 - We could post a current DL inventory file with all issued and received
071255 - documents in a current SDS record when a document is opened. This is
071256 - not as comprehensive as needed, especially for received documents,
071257 - since we may not open them.
071258 - ..
071259 - Received documents may not even be loaded onto the disk and so
071260 - cannot be opened.  We need a transparent means to get these loaded
071261 - into a comprehensive inventory file, and deleted when necessary.
071262 -
071263 -
071264 -  ..
071265 - Solution
071266 -
071267 - A better approach might be to post the inventory file at the time
071268 - subjects and contacts are entered for a document. This would omit
071269 - entries in the cross reference fields, which is typically entered
071270 - after contacts and subjects are entered, but that stuff would be
071271 - available the next day.
071272 -
071273 - This means we would get it line by line.
071274 - ..
071275 - Where do we put it?
071276 -
071277 -     e: sd 08 00000 06 00002
071278 -
071279 -
071280 - We have to start this file over every day.  Open it on first pass and
071281 - make sure if it has any contents, the date is today, otherwise delete
071282 - it, and start over.
071283 -
071284 -
071285 -  ..
071286 - Implementation
071287 -
071288 - Have to save following files to keep what has been created the past
071289 - few days, ref SDS 4 line 041401:
071290 -
071291 -                     c: 01 04 0470410
071292 -                     c: 01 04 061130
071293 -                     c: sd 03 000004
071294 -                     c: sd 03 000006
071295 -                     c: sd 03 000008
071296 -
071297 - ..
071298 - Created macro 1813 in 0000009 to accomplish the objective.
071299 - Called this new macro in both 0000009 when a contact is entered, and
071300 - in macro file 04101 when a subject is posted to a DL from a Control
071301 - Field line.
071302 -
071303 -
071304 -  ..
071305 - Multiple Users
071306 -
071307 - Still have problem of providing access to other User's SDS records,
071308 - and to figure out how to avoid disclosing personal documents.
071309 -
071310 -    We may be able to develop a table that provides access to specified
071311 -    directories but not to others, or we could put a flag on some
071312 -    documents so they are excluded from the document log, unless the
071313 -    User ID matches that of the person calling the report.  This would
071314 -    enable Users to avoid having some of their documents known to
071315 -    others.  That still does not provide levels of access.  Maybe a
071316 -    better way is with Subject.  When someone does an "All records,
071317 -    they get only their own, and any subjects for which they have
071318 -    authorized access.  This gets back to a table that permits access
071319 -    to various subjects.
071320 -
071321 - ..
071322 - This is not real bad, since other users are blocked from
071323 - changing someone else's records.
071324 -
071325 -
071326 -
071327 -
0714 -

SDS Reports, Doc Log
Dir Structure and Filenames
Doc Log Current Date Data File, F2

100501 -  ..
100502 -
100503 - Began implementation of ideas and objectives explained above.
100504 -
100505 -
100506 -  ..
1006 -
1007 -
1008 - 000009
1009 -
100901 - Line 1655 -label orgzDL, removed code that posts record "time" after
100902 - contact ID data in column 340.  This code was created at ref SDS 4
100903 - line 043001.
100904 -
100905 -     Doc Log operations are identified by 90 = 1128.
100906 -
100907 - ..
100908 - Line 1730 - label DcLog, tried debug 100, here to figure out why
100909 - the Knecht record would not load correctly.  Might be caused by lack
100910 - of doc log field for organization or a title line.
100911 -
100912 -
100913 -
100914 - Line 2130 - purge MSG, call new macro 1813, to capture the DL line and
100915 - the SDS record header, then post to new doc log inventory file:
100916 -
100917 -                    e: sd 08 00000 06 00002
100918 -
100919 -  ..
100920 - Line 3595 - entry 1813, moved the code to do the above to this line
100921 - number, and made it a compiled macro, so it can be called by 04101 to
100922 - also be run when a subject if loaded.
100923 -      ..
100924 -      This code still only lets us enter one extra contact line
100925 -      and one extra subject line.  It deletes duplicate lines based on
100926 -      the filename and type string.  I may be able to figure a simple
100927 -      algorithm later to accept multiple contact and subject lines. For
100928 -      today, will not consider it any further.
100929 -
100930 -      Changed it so prior diary records that are updated or modified,
100931 -      are not loaded into inventory file.
100932 -
100933 -
100934 -
100935 -
100936 -  ..
1010 -
1011 -
1012 - 061130
1013 -
101301 - Line 1230 - setcnt 115 0, we see if current date was included in
101302 - selection spec, and set flag 82 997 to show it was.
101303 -
101304 -
101305 - Line 1360 - if @82 != 997, this is where the main code begins to
101306 - extract documents created today for inclusion in DL reports.  Should
101307 - have major surgery here.
101308 -     ..
101309 -     For now, I made it just get everybody.  Later, we may be able to
101310 -     do some weeding out by reading the specified User's in 06113 and
101311 -     deleting those not covered.  That should not be too difficult.
101312 -
101313 -     Similarly, if a global user is specified, we can delete any that
101314 -     do not meet the spec.
101315 -
101316 -
101317 -      ..
101318 -     Transferring records
101319 -
101320 -     This presents a problem, but not a big one.  This thing only
101321 -     lasts one day.  The next day everyone's stuff is archived and in
101322 -     the regular pointer file.  It seems quite rare that someone will
101323 -     write a letter, download the SDS records to another computer and
101324 -     then need to do a doc log report that depends on having current
101325 -     DL data.
101326 -
101327 -
101328 -  ..
101329 - Future Improvements
101330 -
101331 - I think we can add another level of selection for User ID's, similar
101332 - to that for main data base, and go through a sequence of extracting
101333 - each one specified.
101334 -
101335 -
101336 -
101337 -
101338 -  ..
1014 -
1015 -
1016 - 04101
1017 -
101701 - Line 235 - label no_fN, this is the macro that does cross referencing
101702 - and posts subjects to DL entry lines; at this location, call new macro
101703 - 1813 from 000009 to post composite DL inventory file. This creates
101704 - quite a bit of redundancy, but should be enough to insure this enables
101705 - us to get multiple subjects and contacts, when those are used.
101706 -
101707 -      We could put all the code in this macro file 04101, and remove it
101708 -      from 000009, to save Medit size, but that would slow the thing
101709 -      down quite a bit.
101710 -      ..
101711 -      Right now, the process time is not even noticable.
101712 -
101713 -
101714 -
101715 -
101716 -  ..
1018 -
1019 -
1020 - 000004
1021 -
102101 - Line 120 - removed code that saved time to globals, created at
102102 - ref SDS 4 line 042205.
102103 -
102104 -
102105 -
102106 -  ..
1022 -
1023 -
1024 - 047041
1025 -
102501 - Line 115 - removed code that captures record header, created at ref
102502 - SDS 4 line 041801.
102503 -
102504 -
102505 -
102506 -
102507 -
102508 -
102509 -
102510 -
102511 -
1026 -