440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 19, 1993 00:11 AM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Received letter from Ann re UP position on Pier 11 Fender account.
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0201 - Knecht, Haley, Lawrence & Smith 415 896 6930 fax 0818
020101 - Ms. Anne M. Bevington, Esquire
SDS Business Development, Financing
Pier 11 Fender Reconstruction
Payment Arrangement
0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Received ref DRT 1, from Ann asking that I call to discuss
060702 - status of marketing SDS.
060703 -
060704 - Ann said UP and I agreed in September 1991 that UP would forbear
060705 - from pursuing its indemnity claim arising from the Pier 11 project,
060706 - for a period of 3 years.
060707 -
060708 - My record shows on 910921 that these discussions took place and were
060709 - to be confirmed by a letter to be signed by the parties, per
060710 - ref SDS 11 0001. However, I never received the letter, and so no
060711 - particular understandings exist, other than that I intend to pay UP
060712 - when possible.
060713 -
060714 - Ann indicates in her letter today that UP claims an interest in SDS.
060715 -
060716 - I disagree. UP has a claim against me, and to the extent SDS
060717 - produces revenue that can pay UP, they will receive such payment.
060718 - Encumbering SDS per se, seems to diminish interest by others in
060719 - contributing financing. In any case, I am sure a reasonable posi-
060720 - tion can be developed to protect UP.
060721 -
060722 -
060723 -
060724 -
0608 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"