440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 30, 1993 12:24 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Called Wayne Wetzel re using SDS.


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0201 - Dep Natrl Rscrs & Consvn           406 444 6699 fax 0533
020101 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel
020102 - Director's Office

DNRC Support
New Tasks and Linking
Help & Menus
Linking & Citations

0808 -    ..
0809 - Summary/Objective
0810 -
081001 - Program is running fine.  He is using it right now to prepare budget
081002 - reduction for DNRC of 10% in the event a state initiative passes to
081003 - roll back an income tax passed by the legislature last term.  If the
081004 - initiative passes State government will have to cut another $100M.
081005 -
081006 - He routinely uses existing tasks to make new ones so there is a link
081007 - between them.  Wayne finds it is very helpful to be able to step back
081008 - to last discussion or analysis on a subject.  He is frustrated at not
081009 - being able to figure out how to link tasks other than by making a new
081010 - one.
081011 -
081012 -      I suggested he create a task for next week to call me for assist-
081013 -      ance with this.  He may have the problem Denis reported of using
081014 -      ESC after marking target record, to get to the object record, ref
081015 -      SDS 3 line 76.
081016 -
081017 -
081018 - Menus
081019 -
081020 - Wayne said the menus help figure out how to do things by simply
081021 - opening and trying hunches from the description of tasks.
081022 -
081023 - He said he has not had time lately to use Help to learn more SDS
081024 - features.
081025 -
081026 -
081027 -
081028 -
081029 -
0811 -

DNRC Broadwater, Voith

0905 - Summary/Objective
0906 -
090601 - Wayne said they got a favorable clarification from arbitration panel.
090602 - DNRC will be reimbursed for the cost of engineering, and the engineer
090603 - remains in charge of the project.
090604 -
090605 - He said they decided not to request a clarification of the date pre-
090606 - sumed damages should run, as discussed at ref SDS 6 line 174.  They
090607 - were concerned about alienating the panel.  The favorable results
090608 - received on what was requested, indicate the panel may have been open
090609 - to considering the full range of needed clarifications.
090610 -
090611 - It is not clear whether they have been awarded some or part of their
090612 - lost revenue as a result of Voith's failure to perform.  DNRC cannot
090613 - do the repair this year, because August is here, and it is too late
090614 - for preparations.  So they are planning for the work to be done next
090615 - year.
090616 -
090617 - He said the Engineer has prepared a preliminary CPM for completion,
090618 - and Voith has responded with 30 pages of obfuscation.  Greg Snyder
090619 - wrote the letter, contrary to their request for another engineer to
090620 - manage the project.
090621 -
090622 -
090623 -
090624 -
0907 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"