440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 17, 1993 10:08 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Considered changing SDS DIR structure.


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SDS v 3.0
Dir Structure and Filenames
Directory Structure

0505 -    ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Follow up ref SDS 1 159L.
050702 -
050703 - Need to change the SDS records dir structure for reasons on 901104.
050704 - ref SDS 1 I86I
050705 -
050706 - The last time this was changed was on 901104. ref SDS 2 0001
050707 -
050708 - Started doing this today, but decided to hold off.  I do not seem to
050709 - have the energy for it today afterall.
050710 -
050711 -
050712 -
050713 -  ..
0508 -
0509 -
0510 - Analysis
0511 -
051101 - Have been working with this for 2 years.  This experience indicates a
051102 - dir structure like alternate #2 shown on 901104, ref SDS 1 I86I, would
051103 - facilitate maintenance.  I think the problem of creating directories
051104 - for all years which is occurring now when we transfer records via
051105 - laplink between computers, can be eliminated by using the new feature.
051106 - We would be able to specify a year for a User.  Under the present
051107 - scheme to do this we have to specify User, type and year, and do this
051108 - 5 times.  That has proven more burdensome than expected when I created
051109 - the present structure on 901104. ref SDS 1 VL6F
051110 - ..
051111 - I would also like to increase the User ID from 5 to 6 or 7
051112 - characters, but think I will leave it alone for now.  We creep up on
051113 - doing the sensible thing.  I seem to be getting stogy in my midlife
051114 - years.
051115 -
051116 -
051117 -
051118 -  ..
0512 -
0513 -
0514 - Procedure
0515 -
051501 - Need to back up all the existing code and data, so if the effort does
051502 - not go well, we can put everything back the way it is now.
051503 -
051504 - Will use the macros changed at ref SDS 2 0000, to modify the new code.
051505 -
051506 - All that matters is where the files are stored on the disk.  We are
051507 - not changing the structure of the SDS program.
051508 -
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051510 -
051511 -
0516 -
0517 -
0518 - 000003
0519 -   ..
051901 - At this time, I don't see anything in this file that needs to be
051902 - changed.  Possibly something in the menu code, macro 80 might require
051903 - some modifications.
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0520 -
0521 -
0522 - 000004
0523 -
052301 - Line 237 - macro 88, seems like this is the only thing that requires
052302 - a change.
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052304 -
052305 -
0524 -
0525 - 04701
0526 -   ..
052601 - Help, is now in sd 05, not 01 05
052602 -
052603 -
052604 -
0527 -
0528 - 06113
0529 -
052901 - Line 1428 examines the current SDS records for today, and locates any
052902 - documents issued today.
052903 -
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0530 -