440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 11, 1993 11:39 PM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Begin develop marketing survey to distribute SDS brochures.
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SDS Brochure Review
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 2 0001.
040502 -
040503 - We have issued quite a few SDS brochures and advertizing
040504 - materials, yet have had few inquiries. This record is to consider
040505 - why, and how to improve response.
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0408 - Concept
0409 -
040901 - General idea is to give out SDS brochures with a survey and $2.00 to
040902 - encourage people to think about their work and how SDS features can
040903 - help them do a better job, and make more money as a result.
040904 -
040905 - [On 001227 considered porting this idea to Internet. ref SDS 3
040906 - YH6F
040907 -
040908 - Many people like to take surveys, i.e. to give their opinion. Paying
040909 - people to take the survey even a small amount will encourage those
040910 - who would otherwise be reluctant. We can get 50 responses with $100,
040911 - at $2 per survey.
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0412 - Analysis
0413 -
041301 - It seems axiomatic that human progress arises from its intellectual
041302 - capacity. Other species excell in speed, strength, balance, agility
041303 - and durability. Humans excell in creating, acquiring and applying
041304 - knowledge and ideas. Developments like speech, mathematics, writing,
041305 - printing press, education, mail, telecommunications, all help people
041306 - think, remember and communicate knowledge and ideas.
041307 -
041308 - SDS improves the ability to think, remember and communicate. It
041309 - should therefore be of keen interest to people, yet the brochure which
041310 - announces this opportunity does not seem to captivate attention. I
041311 - suspect this is because people do not directly associate their success
041312 - with their ability to think, remember and communicate, and/or have no
041313 - experience that this ability can be increased. Another concern is the
041314 - lack of "faith" people have in remedies with which they have no
041315 - experience and no credible source of support, per ref SDS 1 line
041316 - 092440.
041317 -
041318 - We need to develop a survey that leads the respondent to focus on
041319 - underlying capacities and fundamentals of human progress, implicitly,
041320 - rather than by direct statement.
041321 -
041322 - The survey will avoid fundamentals, and instead address higher
041323 - order tasks which executives perform everyday.
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