440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 24, 1993 09:04 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Called Micorsoft re printing on com1 in Windows.


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0201 - Kwan Henmi Arch & Planng           415 626 6766
020101 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Principal
0202 - Microsoft Corporation              Telephone
020201 - Ms. Lori Schulz; Technician
020202 - Windows Support  206 637 7098 fax 206 936 7329

Kwan Henmi, SDS
Develop & Maintain Hardware System
Printing on com1, 930624

0506 -    ..
0507 - Summary/Objective
0508 -
050801 - Talked to Suzanne, then talked to KC.  Explained problem per ref SDS 6
050802 - line 050705 and ref SDS 7 line 051101.
050803 -
050804 -     Where is mouse attached?
050805 -
050806 -        KD said bus mouse normally runs on IRQ 5.
050807 -
050808 -        We don't know where the mouse is running.
050809 -
050810 -
050811 - KC thinks he has found a solution.  Put me on hold...
050812 -
050813 - He came back on line, and advised that mode needs to set the communi-
050814 - cation parameters in autoexec.bat.  I advised this has been done, and
050815 - printing works fine under DOS.
050816 -
050817 - The only com support I find in Windows is under control panel, ports,
050818 - and this just seems to allow for settings.
050819 -
050820 - How does Windows know another application is using Windows?  Wonder if
050821 - Wordperfect has been configured to use com1 each time Windows is
050822 - booted?  The Windows "Start" folder could be configured to boot this
050823 - automatically.
050824 -
050825 -
050826 - Nathan feels this should not be a problem.
050827 -
050828 - Do we have anything on com3?
050829 -
050830 -
050831 - Have we tried booting Windows in Standard Mode.
050832 -
050833 -                win /s
050834 -
050835 - He does not know of anything that should stop Windows from printing
050836 - over com1 with the DOS print command.
050837 -
050838 -
050839 -
050840 -
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050843 -
0509 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"