440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 9, 1993 11:36 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Called Morrie re progress on SDS development; agreed to extend

1... 2...Summary/Objective

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0201 - Frank Russell Company              206 572 9500                                                                                                                    O-00000065 0201
020101 - Mr. Maurice E. Smyth
020102 - Systems Development =fax 206 591 3495

Morri Contract
Development Plan

0404 -    ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - He has not gotten a second job yet.  He is very busy at work, still
040602 - mostly working on main frame programming.
040603 -
040604 - Morri would like to work on PC software at Frank Russel, so he can
040605 - improve his rate of learning to program for SDS under Windows.  He has
040606 - not had opportunity to do this yet.  Morri said his has been putting
040607 - in a lot of hours at work lately and has not been able to make any
040608 - further progress on his SDS development project at home.
040609 -
040610 -
040611 -
040612 -
0407 -

Morri Contract
SDS Marketing, Customer Perceived Value
Subject Index
Evauation by Individuals
Subject Index, 910906

0709 - Summary/Objective
0710 -
071001 - Morri said he is using the subject index to find records of projects
071002 - he has not worked for several weeks or months.  He is not making
071003 - detailed breakdowns of projects.
071004 -
071005 -
071006 -
071007 -
071008 -
0711 -

Morri Contract
Development Plan
Configuration & Software
Norton 6.0, SN:  07001 71600 08240
76897, 910701
DOS 5.0, Product #147-095V500, 910615
Power Disk SN:  621875  v. 1.10

1111 -
111101 - He said Power Disk program that de-fragments files files on the hard
111102 - disk would not run under DOS 6.0 compression program that increases
111103 - capacity of the drives.  So he purchased Norton 7.0, and found it runs
111104 - under the DOS 6.0 compresson code, and it has sufficient capacity to
111105 - handle the directories on his disk.
111106 -
111107 -
111108 -
1112 -

SDS Business Development
Morri Contract
Extend Contract to 940731
Motherboard failure, 920617

1308 - Summary/Objective
1309 -
130901 - We agreed to extend the contract, ref DIP 1, to July 31, 1994.  He did
130902 - not really have a chance to use the computer until July of last year
130903 - due to mechancial difficulties, ref SDS 2 line 060701. So decided to
130904 - use July, as the one year contract period.
130905 -
130906 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30, to extend the agreement.  Morri needs to
130907 - return a signed copy.
130908 -
130909 -
1310 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"