440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 30, 1993 00:03 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Continue fix to config.sys for Windows report problem.


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0201 - Microsoft Corporation              Telephone
020101 - Mr. James Shamblin; Technician; MS Dos Support  206 646 5108 (costs $25)

Kwan Henmi SDS
Screen Delayed in Reports, under Windows
Config.sys (himem.sys /m:n)
Mouse, Microsoft v. 8.20a, 920710
Report Screen Refresh Failure, 920715

0807 -    ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - May have found a setting that is compatible with normal windows
080902 - use, and provides near full performance of Smartdrv.exe, per
080903 - ref SDS 4 line 98, following up ref SDS 1 line 99, and further work
080904 - done based on DOS manual, per ref SDS 1 line 237, which failed per
080905 - ref SDS 3 line 33.
080906 -
080907 - We seem to have an adequate solution.
080908 -
080909 -     [On 950507 reviewed history of this problem and solutions.
080910 -     ref SDS 5 0001
080911 -
080912 -
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - Autoexec.bat
0813 -
081301 - Implemented James ideas, by adding settings as follows:
081302 -
081303 - These are trying instructions on page 540 of Windows 3.1 manual.
081304 -
081305 -
081306 -           H:\00\02\SMARTDRV.EXE 2048 2048 C+ D+ E+ F+ G+ H+
081307 -
081308 -
081309 -
081310 -      H:\00\02\SMARTDRV.EXE 2048 2048 C+ D+ E+ F+ G+ H+ /e:8192 /b:16384
081311 -
081312 -
081313 - This ran when I entered a typing error, and used "c" instead of "e"
081314 - for /e..."  When I corrected the error, it failed.
081315 -
081316 -  ..
081317 - Looks like /c switch does the trick.  It writes the cache
081318 - to the disk continuously, and so slows processing.
081319 -
081320 -      H:\00\02\SMARTDRV.EXE 2048 2048 C+ D+ E+ F+ G+ H+ /c
081321 -
081322 - Users evidently have a choice between fast full screen operation, and
081323 - slow windows operation.  Actually, it is not all that slow.  I cannot
081324 - really tell the difference.
081325 -
081326 -     [On 950507 reviewed history of this problem and solutions.
081327 -     ref SDS 5 0001
081328 -
081329 -
081330 -
081331 -
0814 -
0815 -
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