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1...Still need to submit a Welch Co. Experience statement.
2...Denis asked about the billing system today. I will install it on my
0201 - Kwan Henmi Arch & Planng 415 626 6766
020101 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Principal
Installation, SDS Program
Updates, 930328
0505 - ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Installed updated code on Denis' computer to help him recover from the
050702 - problem reported at ref SDS 9 line 040601.
050703 -
050704 - This has improvements made as explained at ref SDS 8 line 050601.
050705 -
050706 -
050707 - Changed training meeting from tomorrow, to next Tuesday afternoon,
050708 - after the presentation at Kaldveer in Oakland.
050709 -
050710 - No charge for this because may be caused by Welch. Not sure about
050711 - problem with Contacts and his SDS program. That is still a mystery.
050712 -
050713 -
050714 -
0508 -
Training, Schedule Screen
0604 - Summary/Objective
0605 -
060501 - Follow up ref SDS 6 line 070501.
060502 -
060503 - Found Time field is entered on some tasks as a 3 digit number
060504 - instead of 4 digit, and this seems to have crashed the whole thing,
060505 - as explained in detail in Denis' records, ref SDS 10 line 070801.
060506 -
060507 - The problem arose because he printed his Schedule and found
060508 - the time field running into task descriptions. He tried to
060509 - compensate by entering Time one column left, and this messed
060510 - up archiving, and other things, ref SDS 10 line 071266.
060511 -
060512 - I fixed his Schedule, and explained how to avoid the problem; later
060513 - in the day, I changed the SDS code so it is more forgiving, ref SDS
060514 - 11 line 050701, and added feature to enter time automatically with
060515 - mouse, instead of manually typing it in.
060516 -
060517 -
0606 -
0607 -
0608 -
Training Printing
Support, Printing, Printer Setup
0805 - Summary/Objective
0806 -
080601 - Fixed problem he encountered trying to adjust the printed Schedule
080602 - report. Changed the left margin from 17L to 14L, so the time field
080603 - prints with sufficient space in front of the Task Descriptions.
080604 -
080605 - Letterhead Control - 0405431
080606 -
080607 - Made the adjustment above on line 102 of 0450431.
080608 -
080609 - Probably still have to re-set the left margin in 0450431 for
080610 - correspondence and the Subj, Ref fields in the letter format file,
080611 - 0501.
080612 -
080613 -
080614 - Envelope Address - F1 Shift F7
080615 -
080616 - Same situation as before, ref SDS 8 line 100632.
080617 -
080618 -
080619 -
080620 -
0807 -
Kwan Henmi SDS
Develop & Maintain Hardware System
0905 - Summary/Objective
0906 -
090601 - Restored his program to recover from problem at ref SDS 9 line 040601.
090602 -
090603 - Backed up his current sd 08 stuff.
090604 -
090605 - Backup his current sd 06.
090606 -
090607 -
090608 -
090609 - Tape Backup
090610 -
090611 - We used this today to restore his contacts, but they were not all on
090612 - the backup, so I will send him a disk from CPU #3. It seems pretty
090613 - straight forward. It is the same system we have on CPU #2.
090614 -
090615 - Did this at ref DIT 1.
090616 -
090617 - Discussed need to do a fill file backup once a month.
090618 -
090619 - Same concern as at ref SDS 5 line 050633.
090620 -
090621 -
090622 -
0907 -
Develop & Maintain Hardware System
1005 - Summary/Objective
1006 -
100601 - Explained advantages of modem, per ref SDS 6 line 170623, as a means
100602 - to fix things quickly and during off-hours.
100603 -
100604 -
100605 -
100606 -
1007 -
Support, Contacts
Training, Adding New Records
Contact Records
1508 - Summary/Objective
1509 -
150901 - When I returned to the Welch office, I backed up his contacts which we
150902 - have on the I: drive, to a disk and prepared ref DIT 1, to submit the
150903 - disk so he can restore to his computer, to correct problem explained
150904 - at ref SDS 10 line 071276.
150905 -
150906 - Explained how to do a "restore" in the transmittal letter.
150907 -
150908 -
150909 - Using Contact Records
150910 -
150911 -
150912 - Did not show how to open a Contact record and load it to an
150913 - SDS record, nor load a report screen for a report.
150914 -
150915 -
150916 -
150917 -
150918 -
1510 -
1511 -
Subject Index
SDS Records
1806 - Summary/Objective
1807 -
180701 - Reviewed work at ref SDS 6 line 250701.
180702 -
180703 - Showed him how to use Mark 2, instead of mark 1, to copy the
180704 - sub-levels from a sample job to a new job. Showed how this is
180705 - entered automatically when he uses the top of file function,
180706 - clicking in top right corner of record, or using Ctrl F1.
180707 -
180708 -
180709 - I loaded my SI onto Denis' computer so I can continue to demonstrate
180710 - the full range of features on his computer while we are training.
180711 -
180712 -
1808 -
1809 -
1810 -
Terms & Conditions
Transfer SDS records
2005 - Summary/Objective
2006 -
200601 - Updated my records on his computer, per ref SDS 6 line 310506,
200602 - including SI.
200603 -
200604 -
200605 - Invoice
200606 -
200607 - Denis said they have mailed payment of Mar invoice, ref DIP 1.
200608 -
200609 -
200610 - Still need to submit a Welch Co. Experience statement.
200611 -
200612 -
2007 -
Billing System
2104 - Summary/Objective
2105 -
210501 - Denis asked about the billing system today. I will install it on my
210502 - visit next Tuesday. Advised this will require installing Lotus 2.4
210503 - as a math processor.
210504 -
210505 -
2106 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"