440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 29, 1993 03:00 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Continue Kwan Henmi re Subject Index.

2...Current List
.....Listing Criteria
3...Format of Sub-Levels

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Function to replicate for each new project.
2...I am inclined to think we can reduce the current project list for


Subject Index

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Completed SI using KH time card scheme, shown at ref SDS 6 line
040502 - 040910, and discussed with Denis at ref SDS 7 line 230501.
040503 -
040504 - Entered KH "Project Master Roster."
040505 -
040506 -    This is a spreadsheet, that does not show dollar size of projects.
040507 -
040508 -
040509 - Decided to implement KH project numbers in the standard manner for SDS
040510 - subject coding (see "Project ID Codes" below). This required changing
040511 - the 3 projects Denis and I started so far, to conform to the new
040512 - scheme, about 1 hour of work.
040513 -
040514 -
040515 -
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Functions
0409 -
040901 - Entered the standard "Tasks" listed at the bottom of the KH time
040902 - sheet, in SDS Functions under "Design" account 10.
040903 -
040904 -    This is just a simple subset for "Design."
040905 -
040906 -
040907 -
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - Entered Kwan Henmi SI for Projects
0413 -
041301 - Actually the scheme at ref SDS 6 line 040910, was not quite correct. I
041302 - had for some reason considered "Programming" a major catagory, rather
041303 - an just one among others shown with space studies, site studies,
041304 - building studies, etc.
041305 -
041306 -     It appears from the time card layout that groupings are made,
041307 -     since lines separate "Specifications" from "Furniture", and so on.
041308 -     Since they do not have headings, I entered them exactly as shown.
041309 -     We can consider further structure during the next review and/or as
041310 -     the SI is applied.
041311 -
041312 -
041313 -
041314 - Function to replicate for each new project.
041315 -
041316 -
041317 - Now that basic data entry is done, want to consider coding structure,
041318 - below.
041319 -
041320 -
041321 -
041322 -
0414 -
0415 -
0416 - Project ID Codes
0417 -
041701 - KH presently identifies projects thus:
041702 -
041703 -         +-------------------- year e.g. 1992
041704 -         | +------------------ project number, 100 per year
041705 -         | | +---------------- Supplemental assignments per project
041706 -         | | |
041707 -        YYNNnn
041708 -
041709 -
041710 - The main project element starts with nn = 00
041711 -
041712 -   In our initial discussions of how to fit the 6 position scheme with
041713 -   the 5 position SDS project field, we decided to try the following:
041714 -
041715 -
041716 -         +-------------------- year e.g. 1992
041717 -         | +------------------ project number, only 100 per year
041718 -         | | +---------------- Supplemental assignments per project
041719 -         | | |
041720 -         YNNnn
041721 -
041722 -
041723 -     ...this scheme drops the first digit of the year.  Projects that
041724 -     last for over 10 years, can duplicate a new project ID in this
041725 -     scheme.  An example is KH project:
041726 -
041727 -                 830680    Cupertino Waterfalls
041728 -
041729 -     KH has a current project with the number:
041730 -
041731 -                 930300    Strawberry Lighting
041732 -
041733 -        ... shortly there will be a project "930600", so if the first
041734 -        position is dropped, there will be a duplication.
041735 -
041736 -
041737 - I think a better scheme is to keep the year field, and simply place
041738 - the supplemental assignment field in the next level.  It would permit
041739 - a 3 place field for project number, increasing the number of projects
041740 - per year, by 10 fold. This fits very well with SDS design, thus:
041741 -
041742 -
041743 -
041744 -         +-------------------- year e.g. 1992
041745 -         |  +----------------- project number, only 100 per year
041746 -         |  |
041747 -         |  |
041748 -        YYNNN
041749 -
041750 - At the next level, the SI shows:
041751 -
041752 -
041753 -         +-------------------- year e.g. 1992
041754 -         |  +----------------- project number, only 100 per year
041755 -         |  |  +---------------- Supplemental assignments per project
041756 -         |  |  |
041757 -        YYNNN nn
041758 -
041759 -
041760 -
041761 -
041762 -
0418 -
0419 -
0420 - Project Master Roster
0421 -
042101 - This is the printed listing of KH projects.  It appears to be an
042102 - inventory produced by a "Project Management System."
042103 -
042104 -   We can develop a report to list all projects in the manner shown on:
042105 -
042106 -                       Project Master Roster
042107 -
042108 -
042109 -   Is it advantageous to do so though?  If KH has a "system" in place
042110 -   and is happy with it, why duplicate?
042111 -
042112 -   My initial sense, is that this listing would appear in the SDS
042113 -   Master project list.
042114 -
042115 -       Went ahead with this work, replicating the entire Master Roster.
042116 -       I want to get this done, so the current list, can be created in
042117 -       order to experiment with the sub-levels.
042118 -
042119 - Tried to scan in the list, but the print is too faded.  Decided to key
042120 - in and will charge only 1 hour for 4 hours work, so we can get it
042121 - done.  Used following tab macro to set up after scrolling profile
042122 - (file is @tab):
042123 -
042124 -      pft tab
042125 -      settabs 7 13 42 80 88 94 102 118 144
042126 -      pf7 @left
042127 -      purge tab
042128 -
042129 -
042130 -      Left
042131 -
042132 -      of 0
042133 -      loc_cur 0 7
042134 -      immed r
042135 -      up
042136 -
042137 -
042138 -
042139 - Current List
042140 -
042141 - I am inclined to think we can reduce the current project list for
042142 - Denis, so it is not so cluttered.  He is not listed as the sponsor
042143 - for all the projects.
042144 -
042145 -     Listing Criteria
042146 -
042147 -     We can initially list only those for which he is the Principal or
042148 -     the Manager.
042149 -
042150 -     He can then reduce the list further by eliminating projects that
042151 -     are not very active.
042152 -
042153 -         The remaining projects will be processed with the sub-level
042154 -         subjects.
042155 -
042156 -
042157 -
042158 -
042159 - Format of Sub-Levels
042160 -
042161 - When a new level is created, the SDS code grabs the entire line,
042162 - including the diagnostics from the main listing.  I think this can be
042163 - removed, so it only appears in the Master list.
042164 -
042165 - As of this evening it is also in the current list.  I will remove it,
042166 - so the program is not burdened with duplicate data that takes up mem-
042167 - ory.   If a User needs the information, it is readily available from
042168 - the Master Roster.
042169 -
042170 -
042171 -