440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 18, 1993 03:30 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Meeting with Denis for further SDS training.

2...Group Manager
.....Function key with left hand
.....Load Fonts
.....SDS Memos - F1 Ctrl F5
.........Alternate letterheads - Alt F4
7...Document Log - F1 F8 Format
......Envelope Address - F1 Shift F7
..........Line Draw - F1 F1 F2
....Config.sys & Autoexec.bat
....Monitor, Video
10...Tape Backup
12...Integrate with CPM

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0201 - Kwan Henmi Arch & Planng           415 626 6766
020101 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Principal

Kwan Henmi SDS

0404 -    ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Did additional training and discussed scope of possible SDS
040602 - application at Kwan Henmi.
040603 -
040604 -     1.  Configure printer - cannot do this until Thrusday
040605 -     2.  Print SDS Memos
040606 -     3.  Configure Wordperfect -
040607 -     4.  Contacts list, per ref SDS 10 line 040504.
040608 -     5.  Subject Index
040609 -
040610 -
040611 - Scheduled follow up for 930323 1400.  Entered into Denis' schedule.
040612 -
040613 -
0407 -
0408 -
0409 - Progress
0410 -
041001 - Installed updated code to apply new Contact record format, Alt F4
041002 - feature to modify letterhead in SDS memos, and other corrections.
041003 -
041004 -
041005 - Group Manager
041006 -
041007 - Removed extra SDS User Denis created at ref SDS 9 line 041007.
041008 -
041009 -
041010 -
041011 - Keyboard
041012 -
041013 -
041014 -     Capitals
041015 -
041016 -     Task descriptions and proper names.
041017 -
041018 -         Denis seems to have this down pretty well now.
041019 -
041020 -
041021 -     Function key with left hand
041022 -
041023 -     Using both hand for Ctrl and Shift F10, left hand for everything
041024 -     else.
041025 -
041026 -         He is making good progress on this.
041027 -
041028 -
041029 - Schedule
041030 -
041031 - Are performed tasks at top per ref SDS 7 line 041014.
041032 -
041033 -     Moving tasks with F4, F5, and Alt F4.
041034 -     Deleting tasks - Alt F8
041035 -
041036 -        I explained the distinctions between using these functions in
041037 -        the Schedule, v. an SDS record.
041038 -
041039 -        He did some of these editing functions today.  There is still
041040 -        some confusion about which functions to use.  He is a little
041041 -        concerned about his progress.  If he will continue to struggle
041042 -        with it for awhile, it will be okay.  He is so used to using
041043 -        Wordperfect functions, that having to learn something new is
041044 -        burdensome.
041045 -
041046 -     Diary Prior Date
041047 -
041048 -        I went through this today, just to let him know it is
041049 -        available.
041050 -
041051 -
041052 -
041053 - Documentation
041054 -
041055 - Told Denis I will prepare a binder for SDS printed documentation on
041056 - using SDS, with tabs.
041057 -
041058 -
041059 -
041060 - Printing
041061 -
041062 -
041063 -     Load Fonts
041064 -
041065 -     This is accomplished with
041066 -
041067 -                      fl flist
041068 -
041069 -         After Jerry DeWalt got the printer connected with the
041070 -         software, we were able to run this.  It took almost 20
041071 -         minutes to load throught the special LAN software program
041072 -         Jerry has installed.
041073 -
041074 -         I recommended leaving the printe turned on.
041075 -
041076 -         We can experiment to see what fonts are available in the
041077 -         native system, so we can reduce the flist file.
041078 -
041079 -
041080 -     SDS Memos - F1 Ctrl F5
041081 -
041082 -     I printed a memo.  It comes out okay, except it seems not to be
041083 -     centered quite the same as on the Panasonic.  I expect the HP
041084 -     printer may have a slightly different minimum border margin for
041085 -     the origin.
041086 -
041087 -     I may have to adjust the left margin value.
041088 -
041089 -         Alternate letterheads - Alt F4
041090 -
041091 -         Tested this and it seems to work.
041092 -
041093 -
041094 -
041095 - Writing Letters
041096 - Document Log - F1 F8 Format
041097 -
041098 - Set up standard left margin to suit KH's letterhead format, per ref
041099 - SDS 9 line 041173.
041100 -
041101 -     Modify ref OF 3 line 80.
041102 -
041103 -         Did not have time to modify macro for formal correspondence.
041104 -
041105 -
041106 -
041107 - Reviewed procedures at ref SDS 9 line 041074.
041108 -
041109 -
041110 -      Scrolling Doc Log Choices - F8
041111 -      F1 or ESC - Restores Profile
041112 -
041113 -      Document File Specification - F1 Alt F1
041114 -      Integration with Subject Control Field
041115 -
041116 -      Secondary Doc Log Fields - F8
041117 -
041118 -          "From" - Contacts
041119 -          TO - Addressee
041120 -
041121 -
041122 -      Opening & Writing Letter - Enter
041123 -
041124 -          Letter Format File
041125 -          Automated Data Entry
041126 -
041127 -
041128 -      Print
041129 -
041130 -      Did not have time to test for printing a letter or envelope.
041131 -
041132 -
041133 -      Envelope Address - F1 Shift F7
041134 -
041135 -      Showed Denis how to address the envelope and a label.
041136 -
041137 -
041138 -
0412 -
0413 -
0414 - Other Programs
0415 -
041501 - Wordperfect
041502 -
041503 - Determined today, he is using Wordperfect for Windows.  It cannot be
041504 - opened from SDS, as Wordperfect 5.1 can.
041505 -
041506 - I explained this to Denis.
041507 -
041508 -
041509 -
0416 -
0417 -
0418 - Data Entry
0419 -
041901 - Reviewed last week's lesson, ref SDS 7 line 041401:
041902 -
041903 -     Paragraphs - Alt F9
041904 -
041905 -         Insert
041906 -
041907 -         Emphasis need to turn insert off after using it.
041908 -
041909 -
041910 - Did a few exercises on these functions:
041911 -
041912 -
041913 -     Moving Lines - F4, F5
041914 -     Copying Lines - F3, F5
041915 -
041916 -     Left, Right, Up, Down,
041917 -
041918 -         Left Margin - F7
041919 -
041920 -     Deleting Lines - Alt F8, F1 Alt F8
041921 -
041922 -
041923 -     Outlining
041924 -
041925 -     Noticed in Denis' records he is using outlining, so he is making
041926 -     good progress on this.
041927 -
041928 -          Line Draw - F1 F1 F2
041929 -
041930 -          He needs some support on line draw still.
041931 -
041932 -
041933 -
0420 -
0421 -
0422 - Follow Up Procedures
0423 -
042301 - Reviewed Help under "Procedures", "Follow Up", per ref SDS 9 line
042302 - 042425, then see if he needs special diagram.
042303 -
042304 - We went through the various explanations in Help.  Denis seems to have
042305 - these down, except for using citations.  He had not understood how to
042306 - link to disparate records, so I helped him do several test links, and
042307 - he seems to see the procedure.  I wrote out in his record how to do
042308 - this.
042309 -
042310 -
042311 -
0424 -
0425 -

Kwan Henmi SDS
Develop & Maintain Hardware System
Upgrade Motherboard For SDS, & Mouse

0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Check hardware stats with Norton si.
060702 -
060703 -    Did not do this, but the program is definitely humming.  Denis
060704 -    noticed the increased speed of SDS menus, and other operations.
060705 -
060706 -
060707 -    Config.sys & Autoexec.bat
060708 -
060709 -    Discussed with Jerry my making some enhancements to improve RAM. He
060710 -    feels no changes can adversely effect his configuration of the
060711 -    printer.  He explained to Denis the advantages of increasing RAM
060712 -    for mememory resident programs like SDS.
060713 -
060714 -
060715 -    Monitor, Video
060716 -
060717 -    New motherboard is using local bus technology.  It is apparent in
060718 -    the smoothness of Windows screens.  I was concerned Denis might
060719 -    need a better monitor, but today, it looks great.
060720 -
060721 -
060722 -
060723 - Mouse
060724 -
060725 - Jerry DeWalt installed a bus mouse, and it is working great with the
060726 - new 486 motherboard.
060727 -
060728 -
060729 - Tape Backup
060730 -
060731 - Try to investigate this to make sure it is getting done.
060732 -
060733 -    Did not do anything about this today.  I am concerned the tape
060734 -    backup operation is not as routine as it should be to easily
060735 -    recover from problems from inadvertant data loss.  Somehow we have
060736 -    lost the Contact records and the SI created last week.  We should
060737 -    be able to pop these back from backups.  I asked Jerry about this.
060738 -    The dynamics of the situation did not permit pushing it very hard,
060739 -    but this matter requires some concentrated effort to develop
060740 -    adequate backup support.
060741 -
060742 -
060743 -
060744 -
0608 -

Develop & Maintain Hardware System
Letterhead for Correspondence

0806 - Summary/Objective
0807 -
080701 - Jerry got the printer going today, ref SDS 9 line 050641.  He said it
080702 - was a problem with a special printer program.
080703 -
080704 - Now I can configure and test SDS correspondence formats to use KH
080705 - standard letterhead, get font load going, etc.
080706 -
080707 -
080708 -
0808 -
0809 -

Develop & Maintain Hardware System

0905 - Summary/Objective
0906 -
090601 - Denis remains open to this.  He asked Jerry if they have a phone line
090602 - available to do the hook up.  Jerry is not sure, but will investigate
090603 - tomorrow.  Jerry said there is a slot available in the motherboard to
090604 - support a modem.
090605 -
090606 -
090607 - Notebook
090608 -
090609 - Denis' wife has an AST notebook with a 386 probably 25 Mhz processor.
090610 - It could be used with SDS.
090611 -
090612 -
090613 -
0907 -


1004 - Summary/Objective
1005 -
100501 - Need printed list of Contacts, ref SDS 9 line 060530.
100502 -
100503 -     Denis wants to be able to print the Summary.  I can make a
100504 -     function to do this.
100505 -
100506 -     The hardware changeover seems to have resulted in loosing the
100507 -     contacts I created for Denis, and the Subject Index.  Hopefully,
100508 -     I can get them from the KH dir on CPU #3 I: drive.
100509 -
100510 -
100511 -     Received the list of contacts from Microsoft Windows Cardfile.
100512 -
100513 -        I will enter these and install next Tuesday.
100514 -
100515 -     Denis added 3 new contacts today.  I need to avoid overwriting
100516 -     them, when the original contacts are restored from CPU #3.
100517 -
100518 -
100519 -
1006 -
1007 -

Subject Index

1104 - Summary/Objective
1105 -
110501 - Review this further with respect to common elements he may want to
110502 - track across projects, per ref SDS 9 line 070501.
110503 -
110504 - I have to restore the SI I made on Monday, because it seems to be
110505 - lost from the hardware change over.
110506 -
110507 -
110508 -
110509 -
1106 -

Windows Icon
Loss of Data on Hard Disk

1305 - Summary/Objective
1306 -
130601 - As a result of hardware changes discussed above, the SDS windows
130602 - installation pif file and icon were lost.  I need to install it again,
130603 - per ref SDS 4 line 081903.
130604 -
130605 -
130606 -
130607 -
1307 -
1308 -

Subject Index
Review & Correct SDS records
Subject Index
Integrate with existing systems
CPM for Projects

1608 - Summary/Objective
1609 -
160901 - Integrate with CPM
160902 -
160903 - This requires further consideration for new projects.
160904 -
160905 -    Did not talk about this today.
160906 -
160907 -
160908 -
1610 -
1611 -

Terms & Conditions

1704 - Summary/Objective
1705 -
170501 - Install my notes on the KW work on Denis' computer, so he has it
170502 - available.
170503 -
170504 -     Did not do this today.
170505 -
170506 -
170507 - Review providing Contract Management support, ref SDS 9 line 110514.
170508 -
170509 -     Did not do this today.
170510 -
170511 -
170512 -
1706 -
1707 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"