440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 17, 1993 08:10 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Called Lucille re roofer corrections.
2...Medical Tests on Pain in Legs from Walking to Prepare for Hike
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Johnston, Property Improvements,
Procurement; Roof Repair
0505 - ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - She said Fred has not been by yet this week.
050702 -
050703 -
0508 -
0509 -
0510 - 2012 called Fred
0511 -
051101 - River City Roofing 916 371 4578
051102 - P.O. Box 807
051103 - West Sacramento, CA 95605
051104 - Contractor's License: 427829
051105 -
051106 -
051107 - Fred said he did not do this work this week, because he did not start
051108 - the <XQ7L
051109 - the job on Vallejo street due to the rain. He does not expect to
051110 - start that job this week, because of possible rain on Friday. He
051111 - expects now to do that job next week.
051112 - ..
051113 - Chimney Repair -------------- Fred said he has to remove and
051114 - replace the flashing at the chim- ney with a new and better
051115 - system. He said the original work was inadequate.
051116 -
051117 -
051118 - Fred said he will call Lucille tomorrow, and he will go and clean the
051119 - gutter, so that will be take care of in advance of the guy who is
051120 - going to clean the exterior siding, per Lucille's request, ref SDS 5
051121 - line 061314.
051122 -
051123 -
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0512 -
0513 -
0514 - 2023 called Lucille
0515 - ..
051501 - Advised Lucille of above. She said she or Bob will be at the
051502 - house all day tomorrow. She will try to get Fred to discuss the fix
051503 - to the inside of the upstairs bedroom that got stained.
051504 -
051505 - I suggested she consider paying Fred in the event the problem with the
051506 - gutters is not his fault. Some rationale for payment of the stains
051507 - from the chimney leak, might also be appropriate, if he performs the
051508 - work adequately.
051509 -
051510 -
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0516 -
Leg Artery Blockage, Notice of Problem
0704 -
070401 - ..
070402 - Medical Tests on Pain in Legs from Walking to Prepare for Hike
070403 -
070404 - Lucille said she is going into the hospital next Tuesday, 930323, for
070405 - an angeogram on her leg because she has experienced considerable pain
070406 - after she walks a few blocks. She started walking recently to begin
070407 - training for our proposed walk across the Golden Gate bridge to
070408 - Sasilito, and after a few blocks she had serious pain in her leg.
070409 -
070410 - She may need angeoplasticy.
070411 -
070412 - [On 930427 tests show Lucille may have brain cancer. ref SDS 6
070413 - 0001
070414 -
070415 - [On 930821 Lucille died. ref SDS 7 0001
070416 -
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070420 -
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0705 -