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1...yesterday. This weekend, I will try to get a more definitive set
2...Need to set this new project up from scratch.
0201 - Kwan Henmi Arch & Planng 415 626 6766
020101 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Principal
Kwan Henmi SDS
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Did additional training and discussed scope of possible SDS
040602 - application at Kwan Henmi.
040603 -
040604 - Incurred $7 cab fare on the way over, and anther $6 on the way
040605 - back, because I walked back to 4th street and Mission, then took a
040606 - cab to be on time for tennis with Dick Hennig.
040607 -
040608 - Received payment for SDS program installed yesterday.
040609 -
040610 -
040611 -
0407 -
0408 -
0409 - Progress
0410 -
041001 - Denis remembered his password this morning. When I arrived, he had
041002 - entered a lot of records.
041003 -
041004 - He has done a pretty good job so far using the Schedule.
041005 -
041006 - He needs more practice on the keyboard, to handle capitals at
041007 - beginning of sentence, and for proper names.
041008 -
041009 - Denis mentioned he could not find the caps lock key. He is used
041010 - to it being next to A key, but on the new keyboard, it is next to
041011 - the space bar.
041012 -
041013 -
041014 - Mentioned the advantage of keeping performed records at the top of
041015 - the list.
041016 -
041017 -
041018 - We went through Training lesson #1, in detail, and he tried Help.
041019 -
041020 - Showed him how to scroll the profile and how to do line draw
041021 - functions.
041022 -
041023 -
041024 - He said a printer is connected to his computer, so on Monday, we will
041025 - try loading fonts and printing a memo/letter.
041026 -
041027 -
041028 -
041029 -
0411 -
0412 -
0413 - Data Entry
0414 -
041401 - Emphasized the importance of using a space for segmenting paragraphs,
041402 - so Alt F9 will justify and assemble lines into paragraphs.
041403 -
041404 -
041405 - Showed how F7, F8, F9 and F10, are for going left, right, up and
041406 - down. Showed how F7, also jumps the cursor to the left margin.
041407 -
041408 - Outlining was demonstrated so he can commence typing anywhere and it
041409 - will begin a new outline level.
041410 -
041411 -
041412 -
0415 -
0416 -
0417 - Follow Up Procedures
0418 -
041801 - Using F1 F8 in SDS Records
041802 -
041803 - Denis figured out how to use F1 Shift F1 to make a new record from a
041804 - prior record, or at least I think that's what he did.
041805 -
041806 -
041807 - This afternoon, I showed how he can make a series of calls to a
041808 - particular Contact within a single record, instead of making a
041809 - separate record for each contact. Showed how F1 F8 makes an outline
041810 - level and enters the current time.
041811 -
041812 -
041813 -
0419 -
0420 -
0421 - Data Entry Phone Calls
0422 -
042201 - Denis asked if I enter stuff in SDS while I am talking on the phone. I
042202 - explained I do this sometimes, but usually make general notes on
042203 - scratch paper, then enter the detail I feel is necessary after the
042204 - call. I try to enter during the call as much as possible though,
042205 - because that avoides a separate step.
042206 -
042207 - At a minimum, I create the record of the call during the call, and
042208 - flag it for follow up. This reqires getting the last record on this
042209 - subject or with the Contact, and using it to make a new task.
042210 -
042211 - Sometimes there is not time for this, so the paper notes of the
042212 - calls are saved and entered later.
042213 -
042214 -
042215 -
042216 -
0423 -
0424 -
0425 -
Kwan Henmi SDS
Develop & Maintain Hardware System
Terms & Conditions
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - We updated the planning record he has for discussing upgrades with his
060702 - computer consultant, which we set up yesterday, ref SDS 2 line 081558.
060703 -
060704 - Added an item that the hard disk light is not coming to indicate when
060705 - a read or write is occurring.
060706 -
060707 - Also added that the turbo switch does not seem to be working. Denis
060708 - noticed that his other programs are running very slow, per ref SDS 3
060709 - line 050601.
060710 -
060711 -
060712 - Scope of SDS Installation
060713 -
060714 - Dennis envisions several of the firms architects using SDS to track
060715 - work progress. He would like to be able to do billings with the SDS
060716 - control field.
060717 -
060718 -
060719 -
0608 -
0704 - Summary/Objective
0705 -
070501 - Yesterday he marked some entries, but I did not take this with me, so
070502 - I got it afternoon. Over the weekend, I will load them.
070503 -
070504 -
070505 -
0706 -
0707 -
Subject Index
0804 - Summary/Objective
0805 -
080501 - Contract Obligations
080502 -
080503 - I explained the primary idea of the Subject Index is to reflect the
080504 - commitments and deliverables of an organization in its contracts, see
080505 - for example ref OF 1 line 260.
080506 -
080507 - Subjects are the deliverables.
080508 - Functions are the types of tasks needed to accomplish Subjects.
080509 -
080510 -
080511 - We discussed how the distinction between Subject and Function
080512 - can blur, for instance "design" can be a subject, since it is
080513 - a major obligation of an architect to deliver a "design" that
080514 - consists of plans and specs. As well, "design" can be a
080515 - function, since plans are developed by a processes of
080516 - "design."
080517 -
080518 -
080519 - Kwan Henmi Existing Practice
080520 -
080521 - We layed out on the blackboard in the downstairs conference room,
080522 - various ideas about structuring the information he typically captures
080523 - on projects, to visualize the structure of a project.
080524 -
080525 - Considered further how to apply his current project numbering scheme
080526 - within the 5 digits available for projects in SDS. He is using the
080527 - year, then the next two digits thus:
080528 -
080529 - 923800
080530 -
080531 - ...where 92 = 1992
080532 - 38 = project #38 in 1992
080533 - 00 = changes to the original scope.
080534 -
080535 - Since the six digits are one more than the standard, and the latter
080536 - is configured to fit doc log, etc, we considered omitting the 9,
080537 - since until 2000, that position will be constant.
080538 -
080539 - That's one idea. Another would be to move the "changes" field to a
080540 - detailed level. I think the current system intends to apply all of
080541 - the lower level elements to each change.
080542 -
080543 -
080544 - I received his standard time card, which we discussed a little
080545 - yesterday. This weekend, I will try to get a more definitive set
080546 - of functions and subjects.
080547 -
080548 -
080549 -
0806 -
0807 -
Subject Index
Review & Correct SDS records
Subject Index
1006 - Summary/Objective
1007 -
100701 - Download his SDS 08 and 06 records. Just backed this up, so I can
100702 - work on them over the weekend to help Denis with initial formatting,
100703 - tagging with Contacts and Subjects.
100704 -
100705 -
100706 -
1008 -
Kwan Henmi SDS
Billings & statements
1206 - Summary
1207 -
120701 - Submitted invoice, ref DIP 2, via transmittal, ref DIP 3.
120702 -
120703 - Received Check #9175 in the amount of $596.75, dated 930312.
120704 -
120705 -
120706 -
1208 -
Marketing, Business Development
Welch Co. Management Support Services Statement
Professional Relationships
Obtain Names of Prospects
1507 - Summary/Objective
1508 -
150801 - Follow up CM potential at Cheda Knolls and other projects, per ref
150802 - SDS 9 line 080801.
150803 -
150804 - Did not do this today. But did discuss my sitting in on a project
150805 - meeting to demonstrate how to prepare SDS notes.
150806 -
150807 -
150808 - Kwan Henmi New Assignment
150809 -
150810 - While we were meeting, Denis received a call that KH has been awarded
150811 - the assignment to do some design/studies on Delores Park.
150812 -
150813 - Need to set this new project up from scratch.
150814 -
150815 -
1509 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"