440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 10, 1993 02:04 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Integrate letterhead control with Doc Log and Contacts systems.
2...Two Problems
3...Controlling Changes
......Maybe No problem
5...Contact Name and Title
6...Error Messages
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Letter/correspondence PCL formats
Concepts and Plans, General
Billing system, 16.bat
Contacts, Records
Post Letterhead Macro for Writing Letters
0809 - ..
0810 - Summary/Objective
0811 -
081101 -
081102 -
081103 - Coded contacts macro 02601 to get the name and title for the contact
081104 - entered in the Doc Log "From" field, when a letter spec is entered in
081105 - an SDS record.
081106 -
081107 - Added ability to get an alternate organization name style for the
081108 - complimentary close field in 0450431, that enters letterhead data in
081109 - the letter format file, 0501.
081110 -
081111 - This will be field 0010
081112 -
081113 - Will also create a new field to post ASCII text header formats to
081114 - the macros that need it.
081115 -
081116 - This will be field 0011
081117 - ..
081118 - Made interface between Doc Log, Contacts, and Letterhead, only
081119 - valid for Issued Today documents.
081120 -
081121 -
081122 -
081123 - ..
0812 -
0813 -
0814 - Evaluation
0815 -
081501 - This is now working and is helpful in enabling the User to apply
081502 - printer control and formatting for writing letters and SDS memos.
081503 -
081504 - It allows users to change these params through the doc log spec.
081505 -
081506 - Two Problems
081507 -
081508 - 1. Doc Log data entry is slower for "From" contact field.
081509 -
081510 - Note: As of 930417, working with system shows this has not
081511 - been a problem.
081512 -
081513 - 2. Need better way for each user to set standard letterhead and
081514 - complimentary close fields in Contact records (see Controlling
081515 - Changes, under Concepts below).
081516 - ..
081517 - Think complimentary close field should part of each
081518 - contact name listed for an organization, rather than a generic
081519 - field for the entire record.
081520 -
081521 - This would allow separate close headings for each person in
081522 - a single organization.
081523 -
081524 -
081525 -
0816 -
0817 -
0818 - Concepts
0819 -
081901 - We can post the ASCII letterheads from 0450431, or we could enter in
081902 - the Contact record a 2 line string in field 0011, since 0009 is for
081903 - PCL letterhead format, and 0010 is for complimentary close.
081904 - ..
081905 - Think I will use the Contact record and make another field.
081906 -
081907 - Will also put the complimentary close in the Contact record.
081908 -
081909 - ..
081910 - Controlling Changes
081911 -
081912 - As of today, the program updates 0450431 everytime a letter is
081913 - written. When the "From" field is processed, 02601 conforms 0450431
081914 - to the contents of the contact record.
081915 -
081916 - This causes a problem.
081917 -
081918 - Contact records are common, rather than local. The author's depart-
081919 - ment and other details of complimentary close which are entered in the
081920 - 0010.. lines in the contact record, and any secondary identification
081921 - of the primary letterhead address, can vary within a large organiza-
081922 - tion. Therefore in order for someone to use a common record, like
081923 - contacts, they would have to constantly change the detail part to suit
081924 - their particular level in the organization.
081925 -
081926 - ..
081927 - Solution
081928 -
081929 - A possible solution is to let the code in 02601, that posts stuff
081930 - to 0450431, execute only when someone opens a Contact record,
081931 - rather than every time a doc log spec is executed.
081932 -
081933 - We could go back to having Alt F2 execute a special save function
081934 - to write a letterhead format to 0450431. This would disconnect
081935 - the absolute link between the From field and the letterhead in
081936 - the letter format file. Accuracy would suffer slightly, but
081937 - speed should improve, and it would allow letterhead data to
081938 - remain in a local 0450431 macro, while other users apply the
081939 - contact record. The contact record becomes only a medium for
081940 - applying very occassional updating of letterhead macro.
081941 -
081942 -
081943 - ..
081944 - Maybe No problem
081945 -
081946 - Sine 0450431 is updated each time someone writes a letter, and
081947 - since most SDS records are issued with a transmittal letter, if
081948 - the letter is created before appending the SDS record, which is
081949 - most of the time, then 0450431 will have the correct header.
081950 -
081951 - It could be a hassle where SDS is used internally, without
081952 - transmittals, then 0450431 would not be reset as part of
081953 - creating the transmittal. But normally, a transmittal
081954 - should always be created, so there is a record of who got
081955 - what and when a response is due via doc log.
081956 -
081957 - [On 021013 abandoned 0450431 for entering PCL, because the
081958 - Internet came along and reduced need for printed
081959 - documents. ref SDS 9 6F9F
081960 -
081961 -
081962 - ..
0820 -
0821 -
0822 - 0450431
0823 -
082301 - Line 180 - entered special page configuration for Billing reports
082302 - called from macro 0602.
082303 -
082304 -
082305 - Line 135 - Made it avoid entering the primary letterhead for compli-
082306 - mentary close after Sincerely, for personal correspondence.
082307 -
082308 -
082309 -
0824 -
0825 -
0826 - 0602
0827 -
082701 - Line 800 - called macro 0450431 and set flag to us a different line
082702 - spacing and font.
082703 - ..
082704 - User will have to set the return address to the main
082705 - organization address, if it has been set to something else by the
082706 - letter writ- ing operation. This just requires calling a
082707 - separate letter from the Doc Log with the From address the orgz
082708 - to be used in the Billing. This will configure file 0440431. See
082709 - for more explana- tion the record at ref SDS 8 line 061212.
082710 -
082711 -
082712 -
082713 -
0828 -
0829 -
0830 - 0611312
0831 -
083101 - Line 875 - the work to apply 0450431 was done initially at ref SDS 6
083102 - line 074801. Today, as a result of changing the order of the letter-
083103 - head entries in 0405431, per ref SDS 8 line 061616, just had to add a
083104 - "top" command, because I moved the field for the alternate
083105 - organization name, to the top of 0450431.
083106 -
083107 -
083108 -
083109 -
083110 -
0832 -
0833 -
0834 - 02601
0835 -
083501 - Prior work was done at ref SDS 8 line 083401.
083502 -
083503 - See also Controlling Changes, above under Concepts.
083504 -
083505 -
083506 - Created code to get from Contact record and post to 0450431 an
083507 - alternate complimentary close organization name string, if User wishes
083508 - to do so. This is needed in the case of a large organization, where
083509 - the 1st line of the return address is not necessarily descriptive
083510 - enough to define the writer's postion in the organization.
083511 -
083512 - ..
083513 -
083514 - Line 915 - here is -label cName, this is where the code is called to
083515 - post return address to 0450431.
083516 -
083517 - Set conditional to avoid calling letterhead processing for
083518 - "Received" documents. Flag is set in 047041 using counter 129.
083519 -
083520 - Line 1375 - added conditional here as well to avoid processing
083521 - letterhead operations, if it is Received letter.
083522 -
083523 -
083524 -
083525 - Line 3422 - about 40 lines below label Lngth, begin code for posting
083526 - complimentary close in 0450431.
083527 -
083528 - It will process the 001001 lines.
083529 -
083530 -
083531 - ASCII
083532 -
083533 - Decided not to post the ASCII from this file. Would like to use a
083534 - different macro, because using 02601, greatly slows processing in
083535 - opening 3 or 4 more files during the letter spec operation in SDS
083536 - records for Doc Log.
083537 -
083538 -
083539 - ..
083540 - Contact Name and Title
083541 -
083542 - Line 1115 - here is -label aM_sDs_c, where we can capture the writer's
083543 - contact name and title.
083544 -
083545 - Line 1365 - here is -label DcLog, where we do the actual work of get-
083546 - ting the contact name. Decided not to use the code for extracting
083547 - these fields used in correspondence and SDS records, because it takes
083548 - too many modfications to avoid getting phone numbers, and testing for
083549 - correct field structure. This code should be much simpler because any
083550 - organization that is to be designated as a return address for a cor-
083551 - respondence, would ordinarily have all the detail needed.
083552 -
083553 - For now, we will just grab what is there and go on.
083554 -
083555 -
083556 - Line 1435 - here is -label dc_pLH, where we end processing if it is a
083557 - personal contact record.
083558 -
083559 -
083560 - ..
083561 - Error Messages
083562 -
083563 - If there is no letterhead format, field "0009", for an entry, we could
083564 - use the main heading.
083565 -
083566 - Line 2830 - near -label noAdss, decided not to do this, because it is
083567 - too complicated. The code takes up too much memory. Will just give
083568 - error message, and User can mae a correction. This problem will only
083569 - come up rarely, because there a limited number of addresses for
083570 - letterheads.
083571 -
083572 -
083573 -
0836 -
0837 -
0838 - 047041
0839 -
083901 - Line 95 - created flag to distinguish between Issued and Received, so
083902 - code in 02601 for letterhead is only used for correspondence that is
083903 - issued.
083904 -
083905 -
083906 -
0840 -
0841 -
0842 - 0501
0843 -
084301 - Line 120 - here is -label 9r3, where the SDS user's name is captured
084302 - to be entered into the letter format file, as complimentary close.
084303 -
084304 - Since we are now getting this from the Contact record, via 02601,
084305 - explained above, we can disconnect this part of the code. Also
084306 - disconnected the code in 0501, where the name was pasted into the
084307 - letter format file.
084308 -
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0844 -