440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 13, 1992 11:31 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Added function to set status for access to SDS through Group Manager.
2...Executive Services
........Disconnect Executive Services Menu
.....I.suppose someone might want to purchase Executive Services for
.....the convenience of easier configuration than through the Group
.....Manager during initialization.
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SDS v. 3.0 Initialization
Setup Screen Functions
Group Manager Functions
F4 - configure 04702 to call Setup instead of Group Manager
Ctrl F4 - configure 04702 to call Group Manager
Marketing, Product Definition
Corporate, Executive SDS
Concepts Security and Privacy, SDS Records
1210 - ..
1211 - Summary/Objective
1212 -
121201 - Created functions for the owner of the Multi-User and/or
121202 - Executive Services programs to set the mode for starting the program
121203 - to the Set Up screen, rather than Group Manager, per work on 921013.
121204 - ref SDS 5 LO7I
121205 -
121206 - F4 in Group Manager sets Single User mode, and Ctrl F4 in the
121207 - Setup screen, sets Group Manager mode.
121208 -
121209 - My general sense is that most Users in an organization will use the
121210 - Single User mode created by this improvement.
121211 -
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1213 -
1214 -
1215 - Analysis
1216 -
121601 - A data base like SDS requires varying degrees of access based on
121602 - authority, responsibility and/or need to know, see ref SDS 2 line
121603 - 081001.
121604 -
121605 - The access level is set based on the value of counter 73 in 04702, per
121606 - ref SDS 3 line 091682.
121607 -
121608 - Previously, there was not a direct means to set this criteria. A User
121609 - had to open 04702 and set the value. This was daunting, though
121610 - simple, because the User had to confront the code.
121611 -
121612 - The F4 function created today, gives a responsible manager a simple
121613 - means to configure the SDS program on a particular computer so it
121614 - bypasses the Group Manager. It provides a means for purchasers of
121615 - Corporate SDS to configure other Users to have a lower level of access
121616 - to the data base.
121617 -
121618 - It also explains how to change the configuration from within the
121619 - Set-Up screen, so the Group Manager will begin appearing.
121620 -
121621 - Executive SDS will execute this function without the getkey feature.
121622 -
121623 - Actually, we use getkey for the messages, then kick out to normal
121624 - mode.
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1217 -
1218 -
1219 - 04702
1220 -
122001 - Line 365 - created code for F4, to enter setcnt 73 1, so a manager can
122002 - set up a particular computer to open SDS only to the Set-Up screen,
122003 - which means counter 73 = 1.
122004 -
122005 - We cannot let F4, simply scroll through the choices, because once the
122006 - Single User mode is set, the Group Manager screen does not appear.
122007 -
122008 - Actually, we do this feature for Exective services.
122009 -
122010 - But that will be a function key, not something that comes in the
122011 - standard Group Manager user interface.
122012 -
122013 -
122014 - Executive Services
122015 -
122016 - Line 385 - provided flag to exit from getkey loop, so this same code
122017 - can be used with F4 in Executive Services.
122018 -
122019 - This seems a bit of a push. Executive services is intended to be
122020 - used solely by the Executive. It is not clear why an Executive
122021 - would set his own program for limited use. What might occur is
122022 - for an executive to provide his program to another user, but in
122023 - that case it would have the Executive Services menu choice which
122024 - provides access to the Group Manager, at the highest level.
122025 -
122026 - This tends to suggest Executive services does not need access
122027 - to this feature.
122028 -
122029 - Disconnect Executive Services Menu
122030 -
122031 - One possibility would be have the feature unplug the Executive
122032 - services menu choice.
122033 -
122034 - This would render the program a Single User program, and
122035 - would enable an Executive to purchase one program, and copy
122036 - it to other computers, then configure them through Executive
122037 - Services. If he elected to disconnect Group Manager, then
122038 - ...
122039 -
122040 -
122041 - Decided to not provide this feature through Executive Services, for
122042 - the reasons above. I would initially want to limit the tendency for
122043 - purchasers to copy the program, rather than purchase the Corporate SDS
122044 - version.
122045 -
122046 - I suppose someone might want to purchase Executive Services for
122047 - the convenience of easier configuration than through the Group
122048 - Manager during initialization.
122049 -
122050 -
122051 -
122052 - Line 420 - went ahead and coded this to look for Executive Services
122053 - in the Schedule "Manage" menu, and if it is there, to comment it out.
122054 -
122055 - This permits someone to configure an Executive Services program for
122056 - a Single User, in order to get the advantage of stronger editing
122057 - functions available in SDS Executive.
122058 -
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1221 -
1222 -
1223 - 1311 : 0470211
1224 -
122401 - Line 170 - added code to restore the program to provide Group Manager
122402 - mode at start up. This simply means setting counter 73 0 in 04702.
122403 -
122404 - Also "Executive Services" is restored in the Schedule "Manage" menu,
122405 - if it is in the menu.
122406 -
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