440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 11, 1992 12:45 PM Sunday; Rod Welch

Completed integration of SDS initialization with Executive Services.

2...Debug Problem
3...Save - F2

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1...Find out what is creating the file:


SDS, New User setup ideas
User interface, front end, 047024
Debug 100

0706 -    ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Completed function to delete entries in Group Manager screen, and to
070802 - save it.  Fixed the problem with debug 99 so the error message system
070803 - works better.  Modified code so no more than 8 characters can be
070804 - entered in the password field.
070805 -
070806 -
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - Pending Tasks
0712 -
071201 - Yesterday, I created a delete function for Corporate SDS to remove
071202 - entries from the Group Manager screen, ref SDS 1 line 081622.
071203 -
071204 - Today, I added code to remove the password for the person whose name
071205 - is removed from the list.
071206 -
071207 - Test and fix problem that occurred during installation at Morris' last
071208 - night, ref SDS 2 line 070701.
071209 -
071210 - Find out what is creating the file:
071211 -
071212 -      KKQJ
071213 -
071214 -
071215 -
071216 - Debug Problem
071217 -
071218 - Encountered a problem today with keyboard input causing the Medit code
071219 - to jump out of debug 99 mode, which crashes our menu messaging system,
071220 - developed at ref SDS 1 line 051416.
071221 -
071222 -    Debug typically functions by processing every key, except the dash,
071223 -    as simply a signal to process the next command in a non-compiled
071224 -    macro.  Evidently the debug modes that are different from debug
071225 -    100, permit stepping out of the mode with the Home, Enter and End
071226 -    keys, per ref OF 5 line 1440.
071227 -
071228 -       Called Morris.  He modified the code so it does not accept any
071229 -       keys during debug when it is called with parameters of 1 - 99,
071230 -       instead of simply debug 100, see
071231 -
071232 -
071233 -
071234 -
0713 -
0714 -
0715 - 04702
0716 -
071601 - Line 290 - added code to remove the password from the list in 047027
071602 - using the Alt F8 function, created at ref SDS 1 line 081623.
071603 -
071604 -    Undo
071605 -    ----
071606 -    This can be a future improvement.  We can simply duplicate the
071607 -    existing screen, so it is below the existing screen.  If F2 is
071608 -    pressed, can delete the stuff below, and save the remaining
071609 -    stuff.  If the undo key is pressed, we can replace the screen.
071610 -    Actually might make it so F2 is undo, and anyother key saves and
071611 -    does the next step.
071612 -
071613 -
071614 - Save - F2
071615 -
071616 - How do we save a revised Group Manager list?
071617 -
071618 - Line 310 - added code for a message to use F2 to save revised list,
071619 - and if F2 is not used, to press another key to continue.
071620 -
071621 - This code makes F2 available only when Alt F8 is called to delete
071622 - something, and only if F2 is pressed immediately after Alt F8 is
071623 - pressed.  It is not necessary to save the Group Manager file for any
071624 - reason other than to accomodate deletions.  Additionas are all
071625 - accomplished through the Setup screen, or through Executive Services.
071626 -
071627 -
071628 -
071629 - Line 165 - changed code so ins_cur 42, which enters the * characters
071630 - in the password field will permit data entry beyond the field width.
071631 - Thd code had been entering a star on the line that separates the
071632 - password from the User name field.
071633 -
071634 -
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0717 -