440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 24, 1992 09:37 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Called Morri re his question on Medit; mentioned using Prodigy.


ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Need to submit this backspace problem to Morri.

0201 - Frank Russell Company              206 572 9500
020101 - Mr. Maurice E. Smyth
020102 - Systems Development =fax 206 591 3495

SDS Business Development
Morri Smyth Contract
Assembly Language Support, Morris

0405 -    ..
0406 - Summary/Objective
0407 -
040701 - Called and left message about whether Morri contacted Morris on his
040702 - question at ref SDS 4 line 040713, and my call to Morris, ref SDS 5
040703 - line 090701.
040704 -
040705 - Mentioned potential to use Prodigy or Compuserve as a way to transmit
040706 - messages in writing, ref SDS 4 line 061201, which is included in the
040707 - next record segment.
040708 -
040709 -     This is a test of the backspace feature to see what happens.
040710 -
040711 -
0408 -
0409 -
0410 - 0954 Morri called back
0411 -
041101 - He solved the problem he had encountered of a conflict between his
041102 - Turbo compiler and the Microsoft compiler we use for Medit.
041103 -
041104 - He said he has not heard from Morris, since he left a message for him
041105 - per our discussion, ref SDS 4 line 040713.  I explained Morris has
041106 - been out sick for awhile.
041107 -
041108 -
041109 -
0412 -

SDS Business Development
Morri Smyth Contract
Development Plan
Product Definition
Coordination with Morris/Rod etc.
Domestic Issues & Costs

0809 - Summary/Objective
0810 -
081001 - He has not made much progress lately because they are in the process
081002 - of moving.  They may be in a motel for a week or so because of
081003 - difference between the date when the sale of their current house
081004 - occurs and when they can move into their new home.
081005 -
081006 -
081007 -
0811 -
0812 -
0813 - Coordination
0814 -
081401 - Prodigy or Compuserve.
081402 -
081403 -    When Morri called back, we discussed this.  He is in the process of
081404 -    moving to a new house.  When that is complete, he will investigate
081405 -    getting a second phone line to use for computer communications, and
081406 -    we can consider the use of Prodigy and Compuserve at that time.
081407 -
081408 -
081409 -
0815 -

SDS Business Development
Morri Smyth Contract
SDS code changes and updates

0906 - Summary/Objective
0907 -
090701 - I explained where Help is for the citation feature, which he asked
090702 - about last time, and I was unable to locate, ref SDS 4 line 070706.
090703 -
090704 - Advised of new features on the way, including changing Enter and
090705 - adding printer support for Help.  Morri mentioned Morris' point the
090706 - other day that an SDS Windows application would eliminate a lot of
090707 - the problems in creating printer support.
090708 -
090709 -
0908 -

SDS Development, Medit
Morri's Workproduct, General

1106 - Summary/Objective
1107 -
110701 - Explained problem with backspace, per ref SDS 6 line 071001.  Tried it
110702 - while we were talking, and it did not crash.
110703 -
110704 - Need to submit this backspace problem to Morri.
110705 -
110706 -
1108 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"