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1...Maks.bat still does not create a monochrome version. Need to add
SDS Marketing, Distribution
Assemble User Program Disk, Batch
Single User, W/O Executive Services & Coordination
Single User Version
Marketing plan
0807 - ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Did more analysis of product definition. Work was done at ref SDS 3
080902 - 0500.
080903 -
080904 - Seem to have completed a new set of code today, to assemble alternate
080905 - versions of SDS for distribution. Put them in g: sd 54, and can
080906 - simply copy them to distribution disks. Maks.bat does all this.
080907 -
080908 -
080909 -
080910 -
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - Procedures
0813 -
081301 - ..
081302 - Creating & Updating User Version
081303 -
081304 - The User version of SDS is created with macro 0815 from within SDS
081305 - using the menu "Other" and "Make New SDS Program." This creates
081306 - e.exe and e.dmo. This User version of SDS is stored at:
081307 -
081308 - g: sd 51 01
081309 - 02
081310 -
081311 - ... explanation is at ref SDS 1 7739
081312 -
081313 -
081314 -
081315 -
081316 - Assembling User Program Disk
081317 -
081318 - This is done in two stages:
081319 -
081320 - 1. Create zip file for appropriate program type.
081321 -
081322 - 2. Copying the program zip file and its corresponding install.bat
081323 - file to a disk to give to a user.
081324 -
081325 -
081326 - Maks.bat
081327 -
081328 - This is run from the DOS prompt. It creates the various SDS User
081329 - program "types" in a single run by processing the files in the
081330 - g:\sd\51.
081331 -
081332 - Maks.bat produces the following:
081333 -
081334 - g: sd 54 01 Multi-user with coordination and Executive Services
081335 - g: sd 54 02 Multi-user with coordination only
081336 - g: sd 54 03 Single user version of SDS.
081337 - g: sd 54 04 Demo of multi-user, coordination and Exec. Services
081338 -
081339 - [On 920920, I decided to change the above and put the User
081340 - program zip files in sd 50, instead of 54.]
081341 -
081342 -
081343 - Installation
081344 -
081345 - Also created following install.bat files that have to be copied from
081346 -
081347 - g: sd 54 ins01 Multi-user with coordination and Executive Services
081348 - g: sd 54 ins02 Multi-user with coordination only
081349 - g: sd 54 ins03 Single user version of SDS.
081350 - g: sd 54 ins04 Demo of multi-user, coordination and Exec. Services
081351 -
081352 - To make a user program, we just copy zip file and its
081353 - corresponding batch file, and change the name of the batch file
081354 - to...
081355 -
081356 - install.bat
081357 -
081358 -
081359 -
081360 -
081361 -
081362 - Distribution Plan
081363 -
081364 - To sell product, I am going to carry disks with both versions,
081365 - and also have the Single User version on CPU #7, so it can be
081366 - laplinked to another computer for quick installation on the spot.
081367 -
081368 - Actually, I can just have the zip files on CPU #7, and then make
081369 - a program set as necessary.
081370 -
081371 -
0814 -
0815 -
0816 - Analysis
0817 -
081701 - To create the single User program, all we have to do is modify
081702 - 04702 line 20 from > to =.
081703 -
081704 - I think the way to do this is to create the alternate file in 0815,
081705 - and put it in dir:
081706 -
081707 - g: sd 53
081708 -
081709 - Then substitute 04702 in g: sd 53, for the one in g: sd 51.
081710 -
081711 -
081712 - Will also modify 0815 to create the Schedule "Manage" menu (file
081713 - 050406), to eliminate Executive Services and Coordination.
081714 -
081715 - Actually Executive Services is already being eliminated in 0815,
081716 - so we can sell SDS with and without this feature. The makex.bat
081717 - assembles the version with Executive services, and makue.bat
081718 - updates that version.
081719 -
081720 - This is the 050406e file in g: sd 51 04 ...
081721 -
081722 - Today, we need merely create another version of 050406, that
081723 - eliminates Coordination, as well.
081724 -
081725 -
081726 - E.PRG
081727 -
081728 - With new system implemented today, of relying on pkzip, we do not need
081729 - e.prg any more, because we are creating the User programs with a
081730 - different method.
081731 -
081732 -
081733 -
0818 -
0819 -
0820 - 1350 User program creation
0821 -
082101 - We will begin using pkzip, because it lets us create files that can
082102 - then be copied anytime, rather than having to make special backups
082103 - everytime we make a User program.
082104 -
082105 - Will use:
082106 -
082107 - g: sd 54
082108 -
082109 - ... for directory to contain alternate program sets.
082110 -
082111 - Multi-User, Executive & Coordination g: sd 54 01
082112 - " Coordination only g: sd 54 02
082113 - Single User g: sd 54 03
082114 - Demo g: sd 54 04
082115 -
082116 -
082117 - Now we have to create a zip file that gets the files we need
082118 - beginning after the sd 51 directory:
082119 -
082120 -
082121 - z -P -r -a tst *.*
082122 -
082123 -
082124 - 01 02 maks.bat
082125 -
082126 - Created this new batch file to create all User program zip files
082127 - which are stored in g: sd 54, along with their respective
082128 - installation batch files.
082129 -
082130 - When we create a User distribution disk, we have to change the
082131 - name of the insNN, to install.bat.
082132 -
082133 - Maks.bat still does not create a monochrome version. Need to add
082134 - that.
082135 -
082136 -
082137 -
0822 -
0823 -
0824 -
0825 - 0815
0826 -
082601 - Line 365 - added code to save Schedule "Manage" menu,
082602 -
082603 - c: 01 04 0504060
082604 -
082605 - ...after it is modified to eliminate Executive Services, to a
082606 - temporary file, so it can be loaded again to remove Coordination.
082607 - The temp file is deleted at the end of
082608 -
082609 - c: 01 02 321.bat
082610 -
082611 -
082612 - Line 427 - added code to call the temp file created above, to then
082613 - remove Coordination option, and save it to:
082614 -
082615 - g: sd 53 04 050406
082616 -
082617 -
082618 - Line 410 - added code to create a version of 04702 that uses an "="
082619 - instead of ">" and saves to g: sd 53 03, so it can be substituted to
082620 - make a single user version of sds in maks.bat.
082621 -
082622 -
082623 -
082624 -