440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 23, 1992 10:08 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Visited Connecting Point in Palo Alto to inspect Compaq Lite 386 SLc

3...Not Available
4...General Appearance
10...General Appearance
12...Disk Performance
17...PCMCIA Slot
19...Not Available
23...No Trackball
24...Not Available
25...General Appearance
27...Disk Performance

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Laptop Computer, to demonstrate SDS
Presentation Tools, e.g. Color
Notebook Computer
Product Specifications

0506 -    ..
0507 - Summary/Objective
0508 -
050801 - Examined a variety of products; best seems to be the Sharp, second
050802 - best is the Toshiba T4400SX.
050803 -
050804 - Need to get a price for a 120 MB system on Sharp.
050805 -
050806 -
050807 - Visited
050808 -
050809 - Connecting Point - 415 323 8195 Ext 2101 for John Lynch
050810 - 490 California Avenue, #100,
050811 - Palo Alto, CA  94306      323 8308 fax
050812 - Corner El Camino & California in Palo Alto
050813 -
0509 -
0510 -
0511 - Compaq LTE Lite /25c
0512 -
051201 - Not Available
051202 -
051203 - This was only on display.  It is not shipping to customers for another
051204 - 6 to 8 weeks.
051205 -
051206 -     Since this unit is not available yet, my sense is that even if new
051207 -     units are announced in the next few weeks or months, there will be
051208 -     no actual product available for several more months after that.
051209 -
051210 -
051211 - General Appearance
051212 -
051213 - I did not like this unit as well as the Sharp.  Its beige color seems
051214 - washed out and plastic, relative to the Sharp.  It is also heavier
051215 - than the Sharp, but not much.  The spec sheet, ref OF 3 line 464 says
051216 - the thing weighs 6.5 lbs, which is only half a pound heavier than the
051217 - sharp at 5.9 lbs, ref OF 2 line 45.  It seemed heavier, perhaps
051218 - because of the contrast in the elegance of the Sharp unit.
051219 -
051220 -
051221 - Trackball
051222 -
051223 - I did not like the trackball.  When you let off pressure with your
051224 - thumb, the pointer tends to jump or fall off of the target position.
051225 - My general impression is that this component is poorly constructed.
051226 - This may be a problem only on the demonstration unit.
051227 -
051228 - It seemed awkward to apply the trackball with the thumb on the inside
051229 - of the screen cover, and the fingers on buttons on the outside of the
051230 - cover. Compaq's liturature indicates this is an efficient ergonomic
051231 - design, and the Connecting Point sales people indicated the feel of
051232 - this design takes about a day to become comfortable.
051233 -
051234 -
051235 - Screen
051236 -
051237 - The screen seemed to display SDS from DOS and within Windows
051238 - adequately, but not as well as the Sharp screen.
051239 -
051240 -
051241 - Keyboard
051242 -
051243 - This is okay for a notebook computer, but the feel is not as good as
051244 - the Sharp or the Toshiba.  I think it has 12 function keys, but they
051245 - seem smaller, more crampted and so difficult to use with SDS.
051246 -
051247 -
051248 -
051249 -
051250 -
0513 -
0514 -
0515 - Sharp PC 6881
0516 -
051601 - Price
051602 -
051603 - $4,099 with 2 MB of RAM 80 MB disk and no modem.
051604 -
051605 -     John advised another company, Tot-a-lap will sell the unit with a
051606 -     120 MB drive.  They are listed in Computer Currents.
051607 -
051608 -
051609 - Available
051610 -
051611 - These are in stock and so are available for immediate delivery today.
051612 -
051613 -
051614 - General Appearance
051615 -
051616 - This system gives a great executive appearance, in color, texture and
051617 - shape of the case.  It seems very light, yet substantial for
051618 - durability.  I liked it the best of the 4 or 5 systems I examined
051619 - today.  The low weight lends to the better appearance.
051620 -
051621 -
051622 - Processor
051623 -
051624 - Uses the i386 SL 25 Mhz.  It seems to be configured to run quite fast.
051625 - Screens seemed to flash quickly from one condition to the next,
051626 - including the menus.  The Dairy Summary seemed to explode on the
051627 - screen.  The few data base reports I pulled seemed fast enough for
051628 - sales demos.
051629 -
051630 - Seemed to run Windows adequately, and as well as the other systems,
051631 - including the 486 25 Mhz Toshiba T4400sx.
051632 -
051633 -
051634 - Disk Performance
051635 -
051636 - SDS loaded as fast or faster on this machine than on the others. It
051637 - was about 3 times faster loading than on the NEC.
051638 -
051639 - John indicated it has a Conner hard drive.
051640 -
051641 -
051642 - Screen
051643 -
051644 - This seems like it has a better screen than either of the other
051645 - notebooks I examined, including the Toshiba T4400sx and the Compaq LTE
051646 - Lite/25c.  It has the advantage of being able to read the screen from
051647 - a wide range of angles, which is critical in sales presentations.
051648 -
051649 - Simultaneous CRT display is supported.
051650 -
051651 -
051652 - Trackball
051653 -
051654 - This is better because it is in the plane of the keyboard, instead of
051655 - the cover, so the pointer does not seem to loose its place as occurs
051656 - with the Compaq.  The disadvantage is that the buttons are on the left
051657 - side of the case, so it takes two hands to use the thing.
051658 -
051659 - Modem
051660 -
051661 - There is not a modem available for this unit now; John expects one
051662 - will be on the market for use in the expansion slot, called the
051663 - PCMCIA, about Sep, 1992.
051664 -
051665 -
051666 -
051667 - Memory
051668 -
051669 - This will only take 8 MB now; John believes additional RAM can be
051670 - installed through the PCMCIA slot.  Not sure if this would conflict
051671 - with installing a modem.
051672 -
051673 -
051674 - PCMCIA Slot
051675 -
051676 - John explained this is constructed in the Sharp for future expansion,
051677 - but for now there is not any hardware to use this feature.
051678 -
051679 -
051680 - Keyboard
051681 -
051682 - I like the feel and layout of the keyboard on the Sharp better than
051683 - for the Compaq, the Nec and the Toshiba, although I liked the Toshiba
051684 - keyboard.  This has 12 function keys, with Ctrl and Alt keys on both
051685 - sides of the space bar.  The Enter key is sufficiently large to permit
051686 - moderately efficient data entry.
051687 -
051688 - A very significant, but subtle feature is that the keys are set back
051689 - from the front of the system case, so the palm of the hands can rest
051690 - on this area.  It seems much easier to use the keyboard as a result.
051691 - This is where the battery is installed, and my have been an unintended
051692 - benefit.
051693 -
051694 -
051695 -
0517 -
0518 -
0519 - Toshiba T4400SX
0520 -
052001 - Not Available
052002 -
052003 - These are 2 - 3 weeks for delivery.
052004 -
052005 -
052006 - Screen
052007 -
052008 - This seemed not as crisp as the Sharp screen in Windows and SDS. In
052009 - Windows particularly, the graphic representations of text, seemed
052010 - fuzzier than the Sharp screen.
052011 -
052012 -
052013 - Processor
052014 -
052015 - This moves like a 486sx.  I like it a lot, which makes the decision
052016 - difficult between price and a better screen on the Sharp.
052017 -
052018 -
052019 - Keyboard
052020 -
052021 - These keys are layed out the best for production data entry and there
052022 - are 12 function keys.  The keys are closer to standard size, including
052023 - the layout of the arrow keys.  However, they give up having Ctrl and
052024 - Alt keys on the right side of the space bar.
052025 -
052026 -
052027 - No Trackball
052028 -
052029 - This does not have a trackball, but I like the mouse connection better
052030 - anyway.  I tried the mouse with SDS in Windows and it worked well.
052031 -
052032 - John indicated it is a bus mouse, which leaves the serial port open
052033 - for an external pocket modem.
052034 -
052035 -
052036 -
0521 -
0522 -
0523 - NEC UltraLite SL/25C
0524 -
052401 - Not Available
052402 -
052403 - These are several days to a week or so for delivery.
052404 -
052405 -
052406 - General Appearance
052407 -
052408 - This gives a good executive appearance because of its dark case, but
052409 - it seems much more plastic than the Sharp.
052410 -
052411 -
052412 - Screen
052413 -
052414 - This gives good contrast between colors, but its screen is otherwise
052415 - very poor.  It was very difficult to read it no matter how I adjusted
052416 - the tilt of the screen.  I turned it away from the window to eliminate
052417 - glare, but could not imporve the ability to read the screen.
052418 -
052419 -
052420 - Disk Performance
052421 -
052422 - This was extremely poor.  It took at least 3 times longer to install
052423 - SDS than on the other machines.
052424 -
052425 -
052426 -
052427 -
0525 -