440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 3, 1992 07:14 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Complete prepare tax report for 1991.

...Check Register for Current Year
......Outstanding Checks
...Check Register for Prior Year Used to Prepare Tax Return
2...Tax Report for Prior Year
3...Create Sorted List by Account Code

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Personal, Finance, Taxes, 91

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Completed posting the reports and obligations.  Still need to format,
040502 - print and submit.
040503 -
040504 -
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Procedure
0409 -   ..
040901 - I segmented check register for 1992 from 1991 at ref SDS 4 line
040902 - 32.
040903 -
040904 -
040905 -   Check Register for Current Year
040906 -
040907 -   •  Bring up current register and post account codes for Welch
040908 -      Company register.  This is not necessary for Millie's check
040909 -      register.
040910 -
040911 -      Save to ...92.wk1.
040912 -
040913 -   •  Now the current screen is 92.wk1.
040914 -
040915 -   •  Post the value in the Actual Balance column "B...", for the last
040916 -      date in Dec 91 to cell B13, which is the initial Actual Balance
040917 -      for the new year.
040918 -
040919 -   •  Change the date cell in H13, to 1-Jan 93.
040920 -
040921 -   •  Change the check number in cell I13 to the actual check number
040922 -      shown in the cell, rather than the formula, since this is the
040923 -      first entry and so the cell formula is shown as an "error."
040924 -
040925 -   •  Delete all rows from below the initial row 13, to the last
040926 -      transaction in Dec 91.  This will make the cell formulas in the
040927 -      new row 14 all "errors."
040928 -
040929 -   •  Copy all cell formulas from row 15 to the row above, 14, BEFORE
040930 -      doing a calculation, F9, because otherwise the errors in row 13
040931 -      are replicated throughout the spreadsheet.
040932 -
040933 -   •  After copying the formulas, press F9.  The ending balance in the
040934 -      new spreadsheet should be the same as in the existing one for
040935 -      1991.  If not, check the steps.
040936 -
040937 -      Outstanding Checks
040938 -
040939 -      A primary cause of a difference in the ending balance is there
040940 -      remain some outstanding checks from the prior year.  If there are
040941 -      outstanding checks, these need to be recognized in the formulas.
040942 -
040943 -    ..
040944 -   Check Register for Prior Year Used to Prepare Tax Return
040945 -
040946 -   •  Open the check register for the prior year and remove the rows
040947 -      from the end of last year to the current date, so that the file
040948 -      contains only activity for the prior year.
040949 -
040950 -   •  Leave the last row, so the formulas in the various Totals fields
040951 -      will compute Ending Balance at the bottom of the spreadsheet, and
040952 -      will not get messed up with ERR messages.
040953 -
040954 -   •  After removing the rows, copy the formulas from the second-to-
040955 -      last row to the last row.
040956 -
040957 -   •  Still have to adjust the formulas in the cells for Totals
040958 -      summaries to reflect changed ranges from deleting rows that
040959 -      remove current year transactions.
040960 -
040961 -
040962 -  ..
040963 - Tax Report for Prior Year
040964 - Create Sorted List by Account Code
040965 -
040966 - IRS account codes are initially posted in col "L1" only of the
040967 - check register in order to create the expense and income report, ref
040968 - OF 9. It is created after posting the account codes from Schedule C of
040969 - Form 1040.  Sort criteria is...
040970 -
040971 -                   Field L1, and Date and Check # fields as secondary
040972 -                   criteria.
040973 -
040974 -
040975 - Another sort can be done on the date/check and account number fields,
040976 - to create an order that has all of the entries subject to inclusion in
040977 - Millie's obligation analysis.  The sort puts all entries without an
040978 - account number at the top where they can be deleted so the result can
040979 - be "extracted" to another file as values only, since the formulas are
040980 - not needed in the obligations spreadsheet (in fact it uses different
040981 - formulas).  Have to close the check register without saving it since
040982 - we have changed the structure.
040983 -
040984 -    Actually, to accomplish the sort, it is a good idea to open the
040985 -    check register as another file in order to avoid saving it after it
040986 -    has been sorted.
040987 -
040988 - The extracted file can then be "combined" into the spreadsheet for the
040989 - obligations, ref OF 4 for formatting and extension of the formulas on
040990 - this new data.
040991 -
040992 - The explanations of the transactions generally need to be changed
040993 - because the field is much smaller than is available in the check
040994 - register, in order to accomodate printing.
040995 -
040996 -
040997 -
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - Obligations, Millie
0413 -
041301 - Looks like we again have an incorrect formula on interest.  We have
041302 - not been charging any of the payments to the interest account, but
041303 - have been simply reducing the principal amount.  We should have been
041304 - reducing the interest owed similarly with principal.  Seems like we
041305 - should pro-rate the payment so both accounts are reduced.
041306 -
041307 - Modifed the formula accordingly.
041308 -
041309 - Changed the application of interest owed to Millie in the summary. It
041310 - is still not accurate, but may be closer.  The calculation works for
041311 - other obligations because so far we have been unable to make payments
041312 - on them, so the interest is computed annually.  But with Millie we
041313 - have made payments during the year with the result that the amount of
041314 - interest owed at the end of the year does not reflect the amount of
041315 - interest paid during the year.  Since the latter is accumulated, I
041316 - changed the Summary for Millie to use the total interest paid for her,
041317 - rather than the remaining balance, which is what we had been showing.
041318 -
041319 - This had the effect of reducing slightly the amount of interest showed
041320 - as owing for the prior years.
041321 -
041322 -
041323 -
0414 -