440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 2, 1992 11:11 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Called Ross re status of using SDS.

...........Voice Data Entry
........Culture of Style, Image Resists Improving Management
........Operating System People and Organizations
........SDS Synthesizes Work on Spreadsheets/Wordprocessing
....SDS Outlining is Selling Point
....Current Network Applications
....Welch Goals for Ross - Take Quantum Leap into 21st Century
....DNRC's Evaluation
2...Keyboard conversion cable from Twinhead?
3...Follow Up
4...Marketing Ideas for SDS

Click here to comment!


Comments on usefulness
Evaluation by Individuals, organizations
Computers not used for management
Learning time
Conflict with Existing Computer
Voice Data Entry

1908 -
1908 -    ..
1909 - Summary/Objective
1910 -
191001 - Follow up
191002 -
191003 - Ross is not using SDS and feels it does not have a strong chance of
191004 - replacing his present practice of using manual file folders and
191005 - handwritten materials that comport with the style and image of
191006 - management at IBM, per below. ref SDS 0 0344  Everybody at IBM is
191007 - using Profs and Lotus 123.  These are accepted technologies for
191008 - managers, per below. ref SDS 0 M63N
191009 -
191010 -        I suspected this was the case, since he has not called for
191011 -        assistance.  Same thing happened with Morris at Chips, reported
191012 -        on 920215. ref SDS 6 5820  20 minutes is not enough to learn
191013 -        technology that improves productivity, earnings and stock
191014 -        prices, per discussion with Ross on 890809. ref SDS 1 5U6K  On
191015 -        911123 Morris explained managers prefer "feel good" management.
191016 -        ref SDS 4 1331
191017 -
191018 -             [On 931130 Drucker reports people are giving up trying to
191019 -             improve communication, which is a big part of what SDS
191020 -             accomplishes. ref SDS 12 3851
191022 -              ..
191023 -             [On 950927 Dave Vannier at Intel returned to traditional
191024 -             manual support for management practice, ref SDS 20 7732,
191025 -             giving up on Intel's goal to automate and integrte key
191026 -             management tasks accomplished by SDS. ref SDS 20 8943
191028 -              ..
191029 -             [On 970919 IT has reduced productivity because tools that
191030 -             take 20 minutes to learn do not improve productivity,
191031 -             earnings and stock prices. ref SDS 26 4739
191033 -         ..
191034 -        Ross cited the lack of scanner support as mandating continued
191035 -        use of manual methods.  Does this portend that since all
191036 -        management tasks cannot be automated at once, it is not a good
191037 -        idea to automate those that can?
191039 -         ..
191040 -        I think the real reason is that it is too hard to perform his
191041 -        present workload while learning to do it with SDS.  It takes a
191042 -        strong belief in the value of the outcome to do this.
191043 -
191044 -               [On 950915 Ross showed a lot of determination climbing
191045 -               difficult mountains, ref SDS 19 4930
191047 -            ..
191048 -           He may simply reject the notion of an "automated notebook,"
191049 -           or alternatively believe that SDS is still too awkward
191050 -           despite the improvements in User interface.
191051 -
191052 -
191053 -
191054 -
1911 -

Voice Data Entry Is Less Powerful than
Voice Data Entry Possible Market Enabling Technology

2204 -
220501 -            ..
220502 -           Voice Data Entry
220503 -
220504 -           Ross mentioned the prospect of voice data entry for ease of
220505 -           use.
220507 -            ..
220508 -           I suggested this may not be the boon people expect.   All of
220509 -           the tasks SDS does that are so difficult to learn, still
220510 -           have to be signaled to the computer, so it can distinguish
220511 -           between what is being written as part of the text from
220512 -           commands to manipulate it.
220514 -                ..
220515 -               Actually, I suppose we could use a simple switch to jump
220516 -               between data entry and command mode.  Maybe that is the
220517 -               answer.
220519 -                ..
220520 -               This still does not eliminate the need for the User to
220521 -               learn the tasks SDS can do and how they work together.
220523 -         ..
220524 -        [On 921217 developed concept of keyboard data entry as
220525 -        enhancing creativity like a piano player. ref SDS 10 7182
220527 -         ..
220528 -        [On 991108 Ross submitted a paper Hutch wrote for school on the
220529 -        legend of Prometheus that explains dire consequences of helping
220530 -        folks. ref SDS 30 4355  Ross mentions advances in voice data
220531 -        entry that could help implement the suggestion today.
220532 -        ref SDS 30 7823
220533 -
220534 -
220535 -
220536 -
220537 -
2206 -

Obstacles to Leadership, Ovecoming
Computers Cannot Help Executives, Conflict with Existing Methods
Culture Peer Pressure Encourages Using Software Everybody Else is Usi
Speech Accepted Management Practice
SDS Design Shocking Conflicts Common Sense Traditional Practice Organ
Style Executives Give Ordres Not Use SDS to Figure Out What Orders to
Style Image of Leadership at IBM Conflicts with Using Computer to Con
Style and Image More Important than Content Because Not Enough Time t

3510 -
351101 -         ..
351102 -        Culture of Style, Image Resists Improving Management
351103 -
351104 -        Culture and style at IBM avoids being "tied to a computer all
351105 -        day," which reflects an earlier report on 910911. ref SDS 3
351106 -        5567, that only managers who cannot afford a secretary, use
351107 -        computers. ref SDS 3 UG5I, see also POIMS ref OF 1 24H9  Using
351108 -        SDS to improve the work conflicts with pressures of bureaucracy
351109 -        to maintain good standing by avoiding controversy.  Part of the
351110 -        problem is that people are ignorant about computers programmed
351111 -        to improve management by strengthening the ability to think,
351112 -        remember and communicate, per POIMS. ref OF 1 3742  Ross'
351113 -        concern lines up with Morris' experience at Chips.  On 920215
351114 -        Morris indicated that a company in trouble cannot take the time
351115 -        to improve management because good management is different from
351116 -        the way everybody is working. ref SDS 6 IQ5K
351118 -         ..
351119 -        Concern about image and style presents a cultural barrier to
351120 -        using SDS for improving productivity and earnings by improving
351121 -        organizational memory from investing intellectual capital.  It
351122 -        is curious that organizations, like IBM Credit, who make
351123 -        investments every day, would not find investing intellectual
351124 -        capital is a powerful and attractive proposition. see POIMS
351125 -        ref OF 1 1101
351127 -         ..
351128 -        The image of management, as a talking function that gives
351129 -        orders, see again POIMS, ref OF 1 4079, rather that a continual
351130 -        learning process of determining what orders to give, suggests
351131 -        that people will accept lower earnings for the sake of keeping
351132 -        up appearances.
351133 -
351134 -           [On 960103 executive communication values style because not
351135 -           enough time to understand content. ref SDS 21 8409
351137 -            ..
351138 -           [On 961206 concern about leadership prevented improving
351139 -           management at USACE. ref SDS 25 9584
351141 -            ..
351142 -           [On 990505 attitudes need to change in order to use Com
351143 -           Metrics on project at airport. ref SDS 28 4732
351145 -            ..
351146 -           [On 991108 traditional reliance on talent for talking, also,
351147 -           oratory, and orality, conflicts with power of literacy,
351148 -           since time of Plato. ref SDS 30 7426
351150 -            ..
351151 -           [On 010321 professional practice of Knowledge Management is
351152 -           sharply divided between talent and tools. ref SDS 32 8B4N
351154 -            ..
351155 -           [On 010426 attitude impacts market for SDS. ref SDS 33 FP4G
351157 -            ..
351158 -           [On 010529 IBM's CEO, Lou Goustner, reported in an interview
351159 -           that IBM nearly went bankrupt about the time he took over,
351160 -           in 1992.
351162 -         ..
351163 -        The proposal above for voice data entry, ref SDS 0 4W5M, fits
351164 -        the image of management giving orders, rather than capturing
351165 -        organizational memory and developing critical intelligence.
351167 -         ..
351168 -        On 911123 Morris explained Feel Good management practice that
351169 -        relies on conversation, rather than the record. ref SDS 4 1331
351170 -
351171 -            [On 960612 challenge of cultural peer pressure identified
351172 -            by Lynn Conway who did early work on VLSI technology at
351173 -            Xerox. ref SDS 23 1368
351175 -             ..
351176 -            [On 990527 Morris cited strong cultural forces that prevent
351177 -            managers from improving earnings. ref SDS 29 1233
351179 -             ..
351180 -            [On 010321 image of knowledge work is closely linked in
351181 -            culture to people and communication skills that rely on
351182 -            natural talent for talking. ref SDS 32 8B4N
351184 -         ..
351185 -        Ross' concern today further aligns with discussion on 890809
351186 -        disclosing there are only 20 minutes to learn software to
351187 -        improve earnings, because most of the time is devoted to
351188 -        meetings, calls and documents. ref SDS 1 QY6L  The same day
351189 -        Morris Jones at Chips and Technologies had similar concern, 80%
351190 -        of time is talking and hearing. ref SDS 2 8812  Conversation
351191 -        seems faster and easier than using SDS, just need people to
351192 -        listen better. ref SDS 2 5930
351193 -
351194 -            [On 970919 IT has reduced productivity because tools that
351195 -            take 20 minutes to learn do not improve productivity,
351196 -            earnings and stock prices. ref SDS 26 4739
351198 -         ..
351199 -        Undoubtedly many executives carry a pen or pencil as an
351200 -        "accepted" not overly burdensome method of improving their
351201 -        ability to communicate with themselves and others.  As
351202 -        computers get smaller and lighter, the convenience issue will
351203 -        subside, and perhaps carrying an executive notebook with all of
351204 -        their knowledge and ideas may prove to be a prestige item, as
351205 -        well as a means to do a better job, like an executive pen.
351207 -             ..
351208 -            Pat Welch's example of positive image derived from an
351209 -            article connoting intellectual symbolism, indicates what
351210 -            can occur with SDS.  He recalls that on a construction site
351211 -            someone with a set of pens and pencils in their shirt
351212 -            pocket is considered a "boss," and early in his career he
351213 -            aspired to one day have a shirt pocket full of pencils, so
351214 -            he could be the "boss."  I suspect this is so because over
351215 -            the years, the person in charge on a construction site is
351216 -            the one who writes instructions and reports which are then
351217 -            implemented through physical labor, by everyone else.
351219 -             ..
351220 -            For managers, the hand held phone is the new symbol of
351221 -            executive image.  But mere enhancement of sending and
351222 -            getting information without a means to capture the record
351223 -            and manage it, is a short ride to disasterous mistakes.
351224 -
351225 -
351226 -
3513 -

Spreadsheets Wordprocessing Don't Improve
Operating System for People & Organizations
Management Integrating Craft, Balances,
Mistakes Discover and Fix Proactively
Confusion No Time on Information Highway,
Wordprocessing Spreadsheets Enough to Learn, Don't Want to Learn Anot
SDS Does Not Replace Other Software Operating System for People Organ
SDS Theory Understood Needs Experience to Believe Intelligence Improv
Operating System for People & Organizations
Command Center, 010221
SDS Does Not Replace Other Programs

4413 -
441401 -         ..
441402 -        Operating System People and Organizations
441403 -        SDS Synthesizes Work on Spreadsheets/Wordprocessing
441404 -
441405 -        Ross also mentioned SDS would not replace Lotus 123 and/or
441406 -        Profs in his business practice.
441407 -
441408 -              [On 950428 report that conventional IT has reduced
441409 -              productivity over past 10 years. ref SDS 16 3921
441411 -               ..
441412 -              [On 970919 articles report IT reducing productivity
441413 -              because people select tools they can learn in 20 minutes,
441414 -              then discover this reduces performance. ref SDS 26 0001
441416 -            ..
441417 -           SDS does not intend to "replace" other products, but rather
441418 -           is the command mechanism (actually Ross applied the proper
441419 -           description:  "Operating System") for Lotus and Profs.
441420 -
441421 -              [On 950308 applied Ross' idea. ref SDS 15 0001
441422 -
441423 -              [On 950516 incorporated Operating System for People and
441424 -              Organizations into SDS Typical Day Scenario. ref OF 2
441425 -              03H8, as reported in the record. ref SDS 17 6622
441427 -            ..
441428 -           Right now his mind is the organizer and synthesizer and so,
441429 -           like everyone, he is making a lot of mistakes that are
441430 -           hidden until they become manifest down the road.  SDS
441431 -           improves upon this, eliminating mistakes and disclosing
441432 -           opportunities and ideas that are now hidden by the press of
441433 -           daily information flow.
441434 -
441435 -              [On 960518 research in cognitive science identifies a
441436 -              mental process of meaning drift. ref SDS 22 3734
441438 -               ..
441439 -              [On 990303 research in cognitive science indicates the
441440 -              human mind "recodes" information to aid memory, and this
441441 -              changes meaning, which is accelerated by information
441442 -              overload. ref SDS 27 2838
441444 -            ..
441445 -           Ross has not experienced the benefit of capturing the
441446 -           context of organizational memory and creating structure for
441447 -           the work he does in Lotus and on Profs.  He does not even
441448 -           know what this means, because his mind is doing that for him
441449 -           automatically, as it does for everyone.  Ross indicates he
441450 -           understands the theory of SDS.  This is much different from
441451 -           "knowing" and believing that the theory expresses a correct
441452 -           assessment of new realities that require new capability.
441453 -           Such faith is only attained by experienc.  Only in that way
441454 -           can anyone know that the incremental value SDS adds to
441455 -           working on Lotus and Profs is much more significant than the
441456 -           cost of learning it.
441457 -
441458 -
441459 -
441460 -
441461 -
441462 -
4415 -

Add Value Writing, SDS Organization,
Wordprocessing Different from SDS
Writing First Understand Discover What We
Think, Remember, Communicate, Lift Innate
Covey Implementing 7 Habits, Seek First to
Outlining Helpful in SDS

4908 -
490901 -     ..
490902 -    SDS Outlining is Selling Point
490903 -
490904 -    Ross likes this feature.  He seems to view SDS as a wordprocessor
490905 -    though and this is an error at least to the extent it overlooks the
490906 -    more powerful attributes of managing knowledge and ideas.
490908 -     ..
490909 -    Wordprocessing is a "tool" to inform others what we think and
490910 -    believe we "know."  SDS is a tool to figure out what we think and
490911 -    to discover and refine what we know based upon the correlation of
490912 -    events, people, time and documents.  SDS is leverages the
490913 -    intelligence process for applying what we learn, discover, know for
490914 -    getting things done correctly and in time to be effective saving
490915 -    lives, time, and money.
490916 -
490917 -        [On 020110 Morris reviewed of Microsoft Word and Outlook that
490918 -        support wordprocessing to strengthen style in communication,
490919 -        comparable to the publishing industry; while SDS is useful for
490920 -        getting things done, similar to comparing a Cadillac and a
490921 -        truck. ref SDS 34 S97L
490923 -     ..
490924 -    Some view this as the rhelm of artificial intellegince, but
490925 -    actually, SDS makes it possible to apply and leverage natural
490926 -    intelligence on the thing it does best, exercise judgement, by
490927 -    automating the tasks of capturing, organizing and remembering.  The
490928 -    net effect is to increase intellectual capacity.  So SDS adds value
490929 -    to the alphabet, i.e., to writing.
490931 -     ..
490932 -    Outlining is a major element of this capability because humans
490933 -    think in bursts of concepts, a principal recognized in newspaper
490934 -    and periodical "headings" and legal briefing.
490935 -
490937 -     ..
490938 -    Current Network Applications
490939 -
490940 -    Ross asks if SDS is installed in a network anywhere?
490942 -     ..
490943 -    So far I do not think so.  At Montana DNRC, it is installed on
490944 -    several computers.  A subordinate (Superintendent of the Broadwater
490945 -    Power Plant), manually downloads his work for the previous day to a
490946 -    floppy and this is uploaded to the Deputy Director, so he can track
490947 -    progress on the plant.  These folks have discussed networking the
490948 -    machines, if they decide to stay with SDS.
490949 -
490950 -
490951 -
490952 -
4910 -

Goals for Ross
SDS Needs Experience Base to Permit General
New System of Knowledge Conflicts with
Goals Objectives for Helping Ross
Learning Takes More than 20 Min Improve Skills Productivity Earnings

5607 -
560801 -     ..
560802 -    Welch Goals for Ross - Take Quantum Leap into 21st Century
560803 -
560804 -    Ross asked about my goals in assisting him with SDS.
560805 -
560806 -    1.  Find out what it takes to transition a manager at Ross' level
560807 -        into use of SDS, i.e., climbing the mountain of resistance, to
560808 -        accept a new system of knowledge, changing from "documents" to
560809 -        a continuous information stream.
560810 -
560811 -           [On 950915 discussion about "climbing mountains" on trip to
560812 -           Yosemite, ref SDS 19 4930
560814 -            ..
560815 -           [On 960612 this challenge was later identified by Lynn
560816 -           Conway who did early work on VLSI at Xerox, ref SDS 23 1368
560818 -            ..
560819 -           [On 960620 defined concept of Knowledge Space to summarize
560820 -           "continuous information stream." ref SDS 24 3516
560822 -            ..
560823 -           [On 970919 IT has reduced productivity because tools that
560824 -           take 20 minutes to learn do not improve productivity,
560825 -           earnings and stock prices. ref SDS 26 4739
560827 -         ..
560828 -        Part of this exercise is to find out what it takes to change
560829 -        someone's mind.  They take a look initially and are overwhelmed
560830 -        by all that it does and the task of learning it, leading to the
560831 -        exclamation: "Oh, SDS has much more functionality than I need."
560833 -         ..
560834 -        After they learn it, they say "I made a mistake!.  SDS has the
560835 -        functionality I need to make more money as an executive, and
560836 -        here are some other things I would like it to do."
560838 -         ..
560839 -    2.  Obtain product improvement requirements.
560840 -
560841 -        Initially, I am asking Ross to take a quantum leap of faith to
560842 -        try again by spending another couple of long nights learning
560843 -        it, as he did two years ago, and "struggle" with using it so he
560844 -        can truly find out if what he believes now is true.  Then he
560845 -        would be positioned to write a memo saying this is not a better
560846 -        method than I am using now because I need this, that and the
560847 -        other, and SDS does not do that.  Then I can fix it.
560848 -
560849 -           [On 940629 IBM sponsored an event for customers to take the
560850 -           Quantum Leap to the Information Highway. ref SDS 13 5523
560852 -            ..
560853 -           [On 941114 IBM considered taking the Quantum Leap by
560854 -           supporting SDS. ref SDS 14 5380
560856 -            ..
560857 -           [On 950607 IBM changed course and tried to take a Quantum
560858 -           Leap into KM with Lotus Notes. ref SDS 18 6006
560860 -            ..
560861 -           [On 001130 IBM discovered Lotus Notes cannot accomplish SDS
560862 -           capability to support KM. ref SDS 31 F26K
560864 -         ..
560865 -    3.  Develop steps to incorporate SDS into a large organizational
560866 -        culture.  This requires an opportunity to do the task like at
560867 -        DNRC, and that requires nuturing the effort.
560869 -         ..
560870 -    4.  Ross, like Morris, is well positioned to provide insights into
560871 -        what it takes to make a sale in the market.  Therefore, I need
560872 -        from him a written analysis of SDS from his perspective, both
560873 -        as a User (because he is a reasonable representative of the
560874 -        market for SDS), and as an observer of the exegencies of the
560875 -        market place.  He asked a few questions (see below), but this
560876 -        needs to be considered much more carefully.
560878 -         ..
560879 -    5.  Credibility.  Because SDS is new technology whose benefits are
560880 -        not entirely clear until after it is used for awhile (similar
560881 -        to the alphabet) and requires Users to change their practice,
560882 -        we need an installed User base among credible sources (e.g. IBM
560883 -        or IBM employees) who can say how wonderful it is.  Therefore,
560884 -        we have to bring some initial people into the SDS orbit, and do
560885 -        whatever it takes to accomplish that.
560886 -
560888 -     ..
560889 -    DNRC's Evaluation
560890 -
560891 -    The above goals for Ross are exemplified by the memo Mike Sims
560892 -    wrote on his use of SDS to manage the Broadwater Power Plant, per
560893 -    his memo on 920127, ref SDS 5 0001 (which is on Ross' computer, but
560894 -    which I will submit as part of a memo for ease in reference).
560895 -
560896 -
560897 -
560898 -
560899 -
5609 -

IBM Consideration SDS for Management Support

5703 -
570401 -  ..
570402 - Keyboard conversion cable from Twinhead?
570403 -
570404 - Ross got the cable; I explained it is for the keyboard I got for him
570405 - last year.  His PS/2 cable will plug directly into the laptop socket.
570406 -
570408 -  ..
570409 - Follow Up
570410 -
570411 - Sounds like he may make a little more effort on this, so we decided
570412 - to continue the experiment.  I will call him in a few weeks.
570413 -
570414 -
570415 -
570416 -
570417 -
570418 -
5705 -

SDS Marketing, Plans, options, analysis
Computer notebook, laptop
Automated Notebook, SDS
Ease of Use All History Documents Analysis
Design Objectives
Transition Leader/Manager/Team To

6309 -
631001 -  ..
631002 - Marketing Ideas for SDS
631003 -
631004 - Ross asked some questions about the target market, citing "Novel"
631005 - networks and similar issues.
631006 -
631007 - We ran down some of the practical matters about product convenience,
631008 - in which I explained that the hardware side needs to move just a bit
631009 - more to reach the cost/performance capability that makes SDS closer to
631010 - the pencil and paper "tools" executives now feel comfortable using on
631011 - the fly, so we can provide an "automated" notebook.
631013 -  ..
631014 - We need a more detailed discussion, possibly a joint meeting with
631015 - Morris.  Maybe for background (and practice) Ross could research the
631016 - SDS data base on this subject.
631018 -  ..
631019 - There are three elements to marketing SDS:
631020 -
631021 -    1.  Product.
631022 -
631023 -        This means the value to the customer is much greater than the
631024 -        cost in dollars, time and frustration of acquisition, learning
631025 -        and implementation.  I believe this has been acheived.
631027 -         ..
631028 -        As Ross noted on 890809 SDS needs to provide some scaled down
631029 -        capability people can learn in 20 minutes and begin getting
631030 -        immediate benefits, so they are encouraged to continue use and
631031 -        learn the full range of the application. ref SDS 1 5U6K  This
631032 -        is a little tricky, because if the capability is reduced too
631033 -        far, then no real advantage will be discerned from ordinary
631034 -        wordprocessing.
631036 -         ..
631037 -        SDS must be delivered in a "box" people can easily carry with
631038 -        them, i.e. the small laptop, notebook computers now coming on
631039 -        the market.  The technology and price of these systems are
631040 -        respectively improving and dropping so executives and middle
631041 -        managers can be shown it is practical to carry SDS records the
631042 -        way they presently use pen and pencils, hand held dictation
631043 -        units, etc.
631045 -         ..
631046 -    2.  Credibility
631047 -
631048 -        Since SDS is new and requires change, we need to get its con-
631049 -        cepts dissemented through articles and seminars as a "new and
631050 -        improved" way to make money through automating and integrating
631051 -        existing manual methods of scheduling, reporting and informa-
631052 -        tion retrieval.  The "Power of POIMS" is improved ability to
631053 -        think, plan, remember and communicate.
631055 -         ..
631056 -    3.  Sales and Training people
631057 -
631058 -        We have to get some people trained and into the field showing
631059 -        the product and then provide the training to transition some
631060 -        large organizations in its use.  This is an investment.  We
631061 -        have to do whatever it takes to create a User base so they can
631062 -        validate and reinforce the intellectual message under item 2.
631064 -  ..
631065 - People will make a considerable effort to learn SDS, if they believe
631066 - they can become more intelligent and thereby advance their interests.
631067 -
631068 -     [See later discussion with Dave Vannier at Intel, ref SDS 20 line
631069 -     536.]
631070 -
631071 -
631073 -  ..
6311 -
6312 -
6313 - Discussion with Vera Jones
6314 -
631401 - This evening a family friend and her husband came over for dinner.
631402 -
631403 - Vera recently took early retirement as a middle manager from PacBell,
631404 - and got a large bonus.  I was very suprised when she suddenly launched
631405 - into a vigorous set of ideas about how to market SDS at PacBell and
631406 - other large organizations.  She suggested a wide range of methods to
631407 - obtain free advertizing through publications and other media.  I did
631408 - not realize she knew or cared that much about SDS.  We need this kind
631409 - of energy, interest and vision to succeed in the market place.
631411 -  ..
631412 - Evidently it is possible to generate it with SDS.
631414 -  ..
631415 - I suspect we can give her a notebook computer and see what she can to
631416 - carry out her ideas on presenting SDS at large organizations, the same
631417 - way we are loaning Morri a computer in Tacoma, to try his ideas on SDS
631418 - product development.
631420 -  ..
631421 - Why though don't people exercise their big ideas on marketing at our
631422 - major enterprises while they are sill employed as insiders, rather
631423 - coming up with brilliant plans, after they leave the scene?
631424 -
631425 -      [Vera and her husband Don later emigrated to Costa Rica to take
631426 -      up work managing a hotel.]
631427 -
631428 -
631429 -
631430 -
631431 -
631432 -
631433 -
631434 -
631435 -
631436 -
631437 -
6315 -