440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 19, 1992 01:34 PM Sunday;
Rod Welch
DNRC doc log; review Voith 911210 punch list, develop solution concept.
2...Purpose of Jan 14 Meeting in York
....SDS Record is Accurate, Voith Has Not Submitted Corrections
3...Posting Dec 10, 1991 letters from Voith on punch list status. Voith
4...Punch List Design Tasks
......Submittal Review
5...Hydro Expertise Needed
6...Meeting with Voith at Site
7...Correspondence Status
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Document Log
Organize existing record, 911004
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Sarah spent a little more time on this today. We are about 30%
050602 - complete with filing what is in the boxes. Still need the other stuff
050603 - in Walt's, Wayne's and Sarah's (CM docs only).
050604 -
050605 -
0507 -
Voith Contract
Speed Increaser Submittals
Engineering Management
Failure to Perform
Submit Shop Drawings for approval, review
Failure to Perform, General Notice to Voith
Accuracy, SDS Records
Leadership Authority Empowers Team to Apply
1311 - Summary/Objective
1312 -
131201 - Posting Dec 5, 1991 letters from Voith on speed increaser design
131202 - submittals.
131203 -
131204 - Today I discovered Mike Sims has a better quality original of the Dec
131205 - 5, 1991 letter responding to DNRC's Nov 21, 1991 letter. I entered
131206 - the main document last night, but could not do the attachments. So
131207 - today I can do the attachments.
131208 -
131209 -
131210 -
131211 - Posted Dec 13, 1991 letter from Voith, ref DIT 1, on the Maritech
131212 - work, which supplements the other letters on this matter, ref DIP 2
131213 - and 3.
131214 -
131215 - The initial Voith letters on this were posted at ref SDS 3 on Dec
131216 - 11. Voith is requests from DNRC on the work of Maritech and that
131217 - it be expedited. Theoretically this has not been addressed by the
131218 - trip to York.
131219 -
131220 -
131221 - ..
131222 - Purpose of Jan 14 Meeting in York
131223 -
131224 - Posted Voith's Dec 20, 1991 letter responding to DNRC's letter of Dec
131225 - 17, 1991, ref DIP 1 0000, which transmitted notes of the 911213
131226 - telecon between Wayne and Greg Snyder. ref SDS 6 0000 This was
131227 - discussed at ref SDS 5.
131228 -
131229 - Greg maintains the Dec 13, notes do not reflect his notes of the
131230 - discussion and that he will be submitting his notes to DNRC to
131231 - complete the record.
131232 -
131233 -
131234 - SDS Record is Accurate, Voith Has Not Submitted Corrections
131235 -
131236 - First, Greg will not submit his notes because he probably does not
131237 - have any notes. Moreover, all of the discussion during the 911213
131238 - call concerning engineering and what people were going to send to
131239 - this, that and the other person, are now obviated by Voith's failed
131240 - performance at the Jan 14 and 15 meetings.
131241 -
131242 - [On 961017 Corps of Engineers' feels different interpretations
131243 - of meetings cause people to get angry. ref SDS 7 5832]
131244 -
131245 - The important point is that Voith complained that DNRC was delaying
131246 - the contractor by not properly mananaging approval of design
131247 - submittals. DNRC responded by agreeing to a meeting in York or
131248 - anywhere designated by Voith that would permit review of the speed
131249 - increaser shop drawings.
131250 -
131251 - Regardless of what Greg recalls was stated, there is no doubt that
131252 - having received DNRC's memo on the 911213 telecon, Voith was
131253 - notified that DNRC was attending the meeting for the sole purpose
131254 - of reviewing the COMPLETE speed increaser shop drawings (see
131255 - Section 01300 para 1.3), per DNRC's 911121 letter. Yet, despite
131256 - notice, Voith did not produce the shop drawings. Instead Voith
131257 - created a situation where further misunderstandings can occur on
131258 - shop drawing submittals. This is not the record of a contractor
131259 - trying to avoid delay, as Voith contends in its writings.
131260 -
131261 - Thus, Voith's complaint appears to be incorrect, such that delay in
131262 - the SI submittals process is Voith's responsibility. It might be
131263 - helpful to DNRC's cause to maintain this posture in the record, and
131264 - encourage better performance from Voith by pointing out its delays
131265 - are costing money for which Voith is liable.
131266 -
131267 -
131268 -
1313 -
Broadwater Project
Substantial Completion Punch List
Engineering Management, 911011
Hydro Plant Expert
Ideas, Methods, Evaluation
Submittals, complete review, 911118
1810 - Summary/Objective
1811 -
181101 - Posting Dec 10, 1991 letters from Voith on punch list status. Voith
181102 - recognizes that the speed increaser remains on the punch list,
181103 - contrary to Tudor.
181104 -
181105 - ..
181106 - Punch List Design Tasks
181107 -
181108 - There appear to be a lot of technical hydro engineering issues that
181109 - need to be investigated by engineers at the site and then designs
181110 - formulated to solve the 20 or so items that need to be completed.
181111 -
181112 - Submittal Review
181113 -
181114 - A major task in completing the punch list is to review the
181115 - submittals to see what level of engineering support exists for
181116 - the entire plant. This should be a top priority of the Engineer
181117 - in order to understand the magnitude of the punch list.
181118 -
181119 - I continue to believe that the best approach on this is for the
181120 - Engineer (Power when the Agreement is signed, but for now DNRC is the
181121 - "Engineer") to demand that Voith send its design team to the
181122 - Broadwater site so we can stop "correcting corrections" from York, and
181123 - get the people with the talent at the place where the work is to
181124 - figure out what needs to be done.
181125 -
181126 - Hydro Expertise Needed
181127 -
181128 - DNRC and Power need independent expertise to oversee this effort. As
181129 - it is now, Voith has not put forth a plan to accomplish the work.
181130 - Voith's Dec 10 letter is just a lot of "... please advise us of this
181131 - and let us know about that..." studiously shifting the burden to DNRC,
181132 - when it should be on Voith to investigate and come forward with a
181133 - comprehensive plan (i.e. design drawings) to be approved the Engineer.
181134 -
181135 - If there were just a few things pending, the past practice would work,
181136 - but there are not a few things and the past practice has not work, and
181137 - seems destined not to work so long as project closeout continues to be
181138 - managed by mail, rather than by appropriate forces on the ground.
181139 - Moreover every time DNRC undertakes to assist Voith in gathering
181140 - information or carrying out a seemingly innocuous repair task, what
181141 - was done by DNRC in good faith, turns out to be the cause of some
181142 - other problem. There is no reason to believe this will end without
181143 - giving the entire responsibility to Voith to compete its work.
181144 -
181145 - An example is the generator brush problem. Voith claims this is a
181146 - function of the operating conditions of the plant. DNRC needs to
181147 - chase this down as to whether the design at Tudor's level is
181148 - inadequate for the site, or whether Voith's design should have
181149 - reasonably accommodated the obviously known conditions.
181150 -
181151 - The ultimate question is whether DNRC got what it paid for
181152 - either from its contractor or its engineer.
181153 -
181154 - A careful analysis needs to be done of the Dec 10, 1991 letter
181155 - along these lines.
181156 -
181157 -
181158 -
181159 - Meeting with Voith at Site
181160 -
181161 - Recommend DNRC and the Engineer schedule a meeting with Voith at
181162 - Helena where Voith can set up its design team at the site to
181163 - investigate each punch list item and develop an integrated design
181164 - solution.
181165 -
181166 -
181167 -
1812 -
Broadwater Project
Engineering Management, 911011
Power's Doc Log
2106 - Summary/Objective
2107 -
210701 - Correspondence Status
210702 -
210703 - There is an uneasy sense documents are piling up that require atten-
210704 - tion.
210705 -
210706 - DNRC should take the opportunity presented by Voith's failure to
210707 - supply the shop drawings requested for review at the meeting in York,
210708 - to respond to Voith's claims that DNRC is delaying progress.
210709 -
210710 - The fundamental problem with all of the matters on the punch list
210711 - including the speed increaser is the lack of adequate engineering
210712 - management by Tudor and Voith with respect to determining what
210713 - needs to be done to complete the work.
210714 -
210715 - Power is now on board, but will be swamped for awhile playing catch
210716 - up with the documents. A technical person is needed who can cut
210717 - through the jargon and ascertain real problems and the real solu-
210718 - tions.
210719 -
210720 -
2108 -