440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 5, 1991 03:15 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Discussed with Wayne using SDS in network for Broadwater job.
2...Implementing POIMS Concepts with SDS at DNRC for Broadwater
3...DNRC Staff Interest in SDS
4...SDS Training, Application - need PCs, Welch Helpful
5...SDS Usefulness to DNRC
6...Executive Application of Communication Analyst
....Wayne disagreed; not enough time to analyse communication...
........Reminders and Prompts Make Writing Fast and Easy
........Creativity, Enlightenment, SDS Adds Value to Writing
........Struggle Writing Language Yields Insight Discovery Innovation
........SDS Aids Writing Creativity Discovery Innovation Enlightenment
....Improved Management - Para Manager SDS Specialist
....Secretarial Application
.......What To Do First?
.......Staff Support
.......Document Log
8...Budget Justification
9...Wayne feels there is well founded skepticism about the prospect of
10...Implementation Plan
.....Replace Dec Units
.....Improved Coordination to Support
.....Broadwater Management & Litigation
.........Cost Savings
.........Printing, Copying Storing Reduced
.........Limit Discovery
.....$10K to Recover $Millions?
11...Presentation Strategies
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0201 - Dep Natrl Rscrs & Consvn O-00000395 0102
020101 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel
A01 - Furnish Voith; Claim Computer; SDS
Software & Training;
Learning time, Create SI, Contacts DB
Testimonials on product
1006 -
1006 - ..
1007 - Summary/Objective
1008 -
100801 - Follow up
100802 -
100803 - Discussed getting SDS installed for Wayne, Sarah and Walt to manage
100804 - the Broadwater contract closeout and litigation.
100806 - ..
100807 - I will raise the matter with the Director when we discuss POIMS next
100808 - week.
100810 - ..
1009 -
1010 -
1011 - Discussion
101201 - ..
101202 - Implementing POIMS Concepts with SDS at DNRC for Broadwater
101203 -
101204 - I gave Sarah and Wayne the POIMS article on October 23, 1991.
101205 -
101206 - Wayne has read through the article, but has not completed his
101207 - comments. We discussed applying the ideas in the POIMS article at
101208 - DNRC, particularly to support the Broadwater project closeout and
101209 - litigation effort.
101211 - ..
101212 - I mentioned the memo from Sarah yesterday, requesting Welch provide
101213 - SDS training so she and others can use the SDS database.
101214 -
101216 - ..
101217 - DNRC Staff Interest in SDS
101218 -
101219 - We reviewed Sarah's discussion today with Mike Sims on how he is using
101220 - SDS to manage the Broadwater power plant. Mike showed her the large
101221 - flow chart he made for his subject index that correlates information
101222 - according to issues at the plant. Sarah said that SDS would be helpful
101223 - to organize the large number of documents that occur in her legal
101224 - work for the department.
101226 - ..
101227 - Yesterday, Walt requsted that I spend an hour or so today helping him
101228 - get started using SDS. However, he was unable to fit this in today.
101229 -
101231 - ..
101232 - SDS Training, Application - need PCs, Welch Helpful
101233 -
101234 - I expressed concern that unless Sarah and others have a PC that lets
101235 - them use SDS routinely there is a low likelihood they can learn enough
101236 - of SDS to use the data base without a skilled operator. This is
101237 - because SDS has a wide variety of tools that work in conjunction with
101238 - one another to keep pace with a manager's daily work experience. The
101239 - tools have little meaning if they are not used together throughout the
101240 - day to associate and retrieve related information.
101242 - ..
101243 - Wayne said he has found from his experience using SDS that it requires
101244 - the context of the work day to recognize the purpose and method of
101245 - various functions. He has found that with Welch on-site, it has been
101246 - much easier to see the utility, necessity and advantage of using the
101247 - SDS system of "plan, perform and report," based on daily interaction
101248 - and support from Welch. see POIMS, ref OF 1 6649
101249 - ..
101250 - I mentioned that everybody seems to have difficulty catching on
101251 - to the advantage of the SDS design, until they are exposed to it for
101252 - awhile and have help using it, as Wayne experienced on the Broadwater
101253 - Dam project in 1988. ref SDS 1 6006
101254 -
101255 -
101256 -
101257 -
1013 -
Usefull Technology Can be Used A Lot
1203 -
120401 - ..
120402 - SDS Usefulness to DNRC
120403 -
120404 - Wayne said that SDS would be valuable to DNRC both for a research tool
120405 - on the existing data base, and to capture and organize the record in
120406 - the period ahead.
120407 -
120408 - We considered the need for careful management of the new Engineer in
120409 - that DNRC cannot simply turn over the reins without having a way to
120410 - monitor performance and record results. DNRC will have Tudor, the new
120411 - Engineer and Voith to oversee; and may eventually wind up with a new
120412 - Contractor. This is 3 to 4 different contracts that have to be treat-
120413 - ed separately but in a coordinated manner. It requires a tool like
120414 - SDS to do the job well, or more people.
120415 -
120416 -
120417 -
120418 -
1205 -
Writing Fear Don't Know What to Write Struggle Resisted Engineers, M
COO Supplements CEO - Communication Manager
Reengineer Communication Management SDS Adds Metrics Alignment Organ
Com Manager Leadership Executive Aide COO Prepares People Before Mee
Executive Aide Com Manager Ensures Management Productive Organizing
5307 -
530801 - ..
530802 - Executive Application of Communication Analyst
530803 -
530804 - We reviewed our discussion this morning when Wayne dropped by to
530805 - explain some points he had in mind about something-or-other he wanted
530806 - in the record. ref SDS 10 0800 I suggested this afternoon that he
530807 - could have saved time by entering this himself, if he had the SDS tool
530808 - available.
530810 - ..
530811 - Wayne disagreed; not enough time to analyse communication...
530812 -
530813 - He explained that when he enters information himself (e.g. writing
530814 - a letter), it takes much longer because he pauses to struggle with
530815 - the language structure and to collect and organize his thoughts.
530816 -
530817 - Aligns with Morris' comments on 911121. ref SDS 7 8467
530819 - ..
530820 - Wayne feels on the other hand that he can discuss his views with me
530821 - then go do other things while I use SDS to research and analyse the
530822 - record, craft and organize language that accomplishes his objective
530823 - in a way that aligns with work history. He knows that analysis
530824 - with SDS finds documents and events from meetings, calls, seminars,
530825 - etc., to cite in the letter that demonstrate alignment, and he
530826 - further knows that, if inconsistency occurs, he will be notified
530827 - for consideration. Wayne said a support role for communication
530828 - analysis saves a lot of time for him to work at a higher level
530829 - exercising leadership rather than chasing details to avoid mistakes
530830 - carrying out vision and strategy.
530832 - ..
530833 - I agreed that communication analysis is a good use of staff to
530834 - support an executive.
530835 -
530836 - [On 920110 Wayne explains SDS aides daily management; does not
530837 - direct the work. ref SDS 11 0869
530838 -
530839 - [On 920128 Com Manager does not "direct" anyone, the record shows
530840 - what needs to be done. ref SDS 12 3354
530842 - ..
530843 - [On 921205 analysis of Covey's ideas on need to link up dialog in
530844 - order to make communication effective. ref SDS 13 1558]
530846 - ..
530847 - [On 941012 Wayne suggests support for using SDS adds value to an
530848 - organization, similar to explanation today. ref SDS 16 UM7F
530850 - ..
530851 - [On 941201 Jeff Ghilardi feels support for SDS is useful.
530852 - ref SDS 17 TZ4J
530854 - ..
530855 - [On 950204 SDS gives executives a lot of "fire power" using
530856 - "intelligence. ref SDS 18 0550]
530858 - ..
530859 - [On 950327 Communication Metrics defined based on complexity of
530860 - information environment. ref SDS 20 3279]
530862 - ..
530863 - [On 951109 proposed SDS to support collaboration for expansion
530864 - program at SFIA. ref SDS 23 6381]
530866 - ..
530867 - [On 950710 SDS supports key management practices, from review of
530868 - Landauer's book "The Trouble with Computers", ref SDS 22 8490]
530870 - ..
530871 - [On 960105 executive support explained to USACE. ref SDS 24 7488]
530873 - ..
530874 - [On 960629 SDS supports Internet goals to enhance collaboration.
530875 - ref SDS 25 1607]
530877 - ..
530878 - [On 960920 alignment discussed with USACE. ref SDS 27 2565]
530880 - ..
530881 - [On 960911 SFIA building program failing because of inadequate
530882 - collaboration. ref SDS 26 9043]
530884 - ..
530885 - [On 950517 managers and executives are angry about prospect that
530886 - leaders can improve leadership by writing. ref SDS 21 8849 and
530887 - ref SDS 21 7229]
530889 - ..
530890 - [On 001219 steps for new way working. ref SDS 28 QT6F
530892 - ..
530893 - [On 010725 Wayne recommends using a Com Manager to implement SDS
530894 - for executive support. ref SDS 29 03DW
530895 -
530897 - ..
530898 - Reminders and Prompts Make Writing Fast and Easy
530899 - Creativity, Enlightenment, SDS Adds Value to Writing
530900 - Struggle Writing Language Yields Insight Discovery Innovation
530901 - SDS Aids Writing Creativity Discovery Innovation Enlightenment
530902 -
530903 - We did not discuss that difficulty and struggle to construct
530904 - comprehensible language that is clear, concise, and complete is
530905 - the source of insight for understanding, which yields discovery
530906 - and innovation, as explained in POIMS ref OF 1 21G6 Common
530907 - complaints causing people not to write are not having enough
530908 - time to write everything down, and struggling to decide what
530909 - part of everything to write down within the time available,
530910 - expressed as...
530911 -
530912 - There's not enough time to write everything down, 890809,
530913 - ref SDS 3 3S6H,
530915 - ..
530916 - I don't know what to write, 911121. ref SDS 7 8467
530918 - ..
530919 - Instant access in SDS to relevant history, and to prior views
530920 - of affected parties in relation to objectives, requirements and
530921 - commitments enables people to write accurate, comprehensive
530922 - records and new analysis of events without taking notes (which
530923 - Wayne mentioned). Therefore, executives will always need to do
530924 - some writing in order to figure out what they think, and to
530925 - bring their hard won experience to bear on issues effectively.
530926 - SDS makes this writing task a lot faster and easier than using
530927 - innate memory with conventional information technologies like
530928 - wordprocessing, email, pen and paper.
530930 - ..
530931 - [On 931130 Drucker says analysis primary responsiblity of
530932 - management. ref SDS 14 7911 Difficulty writing shows
530933 - incomplete understanding. ref SDS 14 4966
530935 - ..
530936 - SDS helps executives think through writing, cited in POIMS,
530937 - ref OF 1 3742, by providing a wide range of reminders, as set
530938 - out in NWO, ref OF 3 RP5J, for intelligence support...
530939 -
530940 - 1. Fast access to collateral information for verifying
530941 - accuracy of understanding (in any other program "fast
530942 - access" is an oxymoron)
530944 - ..
530945 - 2. Prompts to facilitate short term recollection during data
530946 - development
530948 - ..
530949 - 3. Prompts to identify scope of implications through the
530950 - Subject Index and facile ways to apply it.
530952 - ..
530953 - 4. Links to formal documentation and People/Organizations
530955 - ..
530956 - 5. Multiple paths to retrieve information at a later time
530958 - ..
530959 - 6. Facile links to information from disparate events, showing
530960 - that "A" supports "B" and/or "B" caused "G" based on the
530961 - organic structure of context.
530963 - ..
530964 - For the same reasons, SDS improves staff work so that the
530965 - overall productivity and quality of work for an organization is
530966 - improved.
530967 -
530968 - [On 940714 reviewed IBM. ref SDS 15 6894.]
530969 -
530970 - [On 950204 explained how SDS improves writing and gives
530971 - executives a lot of "fire power" ref SDS 19 0550]
530973 - ..
530974 - [On 950710 SDS advantages supported by Landauer's book on
530975 - automated management. ref SDS 22 8490]
530976 -
530978 - ..
530979 - Improved Management - Para Manager SDS Specialist
530980 -
530981 - We discussed how SDS gives the executive like Wayne an opportunity
530982 - to write what they wish, have staff provide support, but at all
530983 - times the boss can access information for review or to edit as
530984 - necessary without having to ask anyone for it, or depend upon
530985 - someone remembering to do something. In SDS the writing (i.e.
530986 - knowledge and ideas) is always ORGANIZED according to subject,
530987 - chronology, contact, document or work file, so it can be retrieved
530988 - in- stantly to find out or verify facts or ideas, or be assembled
530989 - for "subject" reports (e.g. claims, an issue in a claim, hiring an
530990 - en- gineer, planning a conference, fixing a computer or baking a
530991 - cake). It can be worked and shaped over time to reflect more
530992 - complete and deeper understanding as events unfold.
530994 - ..
530995 - This means fewer mistakes and better decisions.
530996 -
530997 -
530998 -
5310 -
Secretarial Support
Add Value to Existing Staff
5504 -
550501 - ..
550502 - Secretarial Application
550503 -
550504 - I mentioned the possibility of JoAnn trying SDS since she has a PC
550505 - on her desk. Wayne recalled she requested an 80 MB drive. I noted
550506 - having recommended that she request a 120 MB drive for SDS, ref SDS
550507 - 4 line 73.
550509 - ..
550510 - Wayne wondered how valuable SDS would be for JoAnn?
550512 - ..
550513 - What To Do First?
550514 -
550515 - I explained there is no experience from which to evaluate this
550516 - potential, except that everyone has a list of things to do. SDS
550517 - at a minimum automatically facilitates choosing to do important
550518 - matters first while assuring that tasks are not overlooked.
550519 -
550520 - [See consideration in 1989, ref SDS 2 line 42.]
550522 - ..
550523 - Staff Support
550524 -
550525 - We would have to experiment to see whether and to what extent
550526 - support at JoAnn's level could be applied in the manner Wayne
550527 - cited above as being helpful to save time for executives.
550529 - ..
550530 - Document Log
550531 -
550532 - SDS can be of immediate value to the Department if JoAnn and
550533 - other secretaries simply used the SDS document log. Currently
550534 - DNRC like every other organization public and private is wasting
550535 - time looking for documents in file cabinets or in computer
550536 - directories or by key word, etc.
550537 -
550539 - ..
550540 - Wayne indicated the viability of these ideas and the need for an
550541 - improvement in DNRC's existing computer capability to implement it.
550542 -
550543 -
550544 -
550545 -
5506 -
Project Management Training
5603 -
560401 - ..
560402 - Workstations
560403 -
560404 - I suggested that DNRC consider acquiring 4 PC's to connect in a net-
560405 - work and a tape backup system to protect its data. I explained the
560406 - problem Mike Sims encountered of his computer failing today, and he
560407 - has not had time to back it up with floppys.
560408 -
560410 - ..
560411 - Budget Justification
560412 -
560413 - Wayne said that the Director needs adequate justification to support
560414 - acquisition of additional computers.
560415 -
560416 - I suggested the advantage of replacing expensive consultants with
560417 - inexpensive hardware and software.
560419 - ..
560420 - Wayne feels there is well founded skepticism about the prospect of
560421 - using computers to improve productivity.
560422 -
560423 - I pointed out this arises from exaggerated claims by computer
560424 - marketing people on the capability of their products. An example
560425 - is DNRC's existing computer network. DNRC has learned it does not
560426 - improve productivity as promised. DNRC has also learned however
560427 - that SDS does. (see "Executive" and "Secretarial Applications"
560428 - above; see "Improved Coordination" below).
560430 - ..
560431 - [See later review of book on automating management, ref SDS 22 line
560432 - 533.]
560434 - ..
560435 - Wayne noted that DNRC has 5 computers now for Broadwater and only 3
560436 - people assigned to the project. He, Sarah and Walt have DEC work-
560437 - stations and there are two PC's for plant monitoring.
560438 -
560439 - I noted that the Broadwater computers can only be helpful, if
560440 - properly applied, the same as for any other project component,
560441 - like the turbine, the concrete, piping and so forth. Merely hav-
560442 - ing a computer does not improve management, any more than dumping
560443 - a load of concrete on the ground will produce electricity. You
560444 - need the right design in order to benefit from capital improve-
560445 - ments. Mike has concluded that SDS is a major assistance to him
560446 - in managing plant operations, and Wayne has found my support of
560447 - his work very valuable, because I have the right computer and the
560448 - right program to improve management by leveraging his knowledge
560449 - and ideas in a timely manner.
560450 -
560451 -
560453 - ..
560454 - Implementation Plan
560455 -
560456 - I suggested the following steps to implement SDS at DNRC:
560458 - ..
560459 - Replace Dec Units
560460 -
560461 - The new PC's would replace the DEC workstations. They would offer
560462 - the capability to access the DEC, plus connect to each other for
560463 - accessing SDS data. Thus, the total number of computer units
560464 - would not increase, however, the degree of management support
560465 - would greatly increase.
560466 -
560468 - ..
560469 - Improved Coordination to Support
560470 - Broadwater Management & Litigation
560471 -
560472 - The new system would directly connect the key people responsible
560473 - for managing the Broadwater closeout which will now likely take
560474 - another 3 - 5 years with the litigation that will occur.
560475 -
560476 - This support is needed because the Broadwater problem has greatly
560477 - increased. There are now millions of dollars and possibly some
560478 - reputations at stake.
560480 - ..
560481 - Example
560482 -
560483 - Right now Walt makes a draft of a document, Sarah makes a
560484 - draft and these are circulated. This is the way it has been
560485 - done for hundreds if not thousands of years (the mind reels in
560486 - contemplation of the claims on the pyramids, Athenian Temples,
560487 - the Roman Coliseum - Socrates in fact got his start as a
560488 - management consultant).
560489 - ..
560490 - In SDS they would have access to the document on-line
560491 - plus the history of the issues and other related documents
560492 - that permits quick, but thorough research that is not now
560493 - available. This means better analysis, less time for initial
560494 - production and management review.
560495 -
560497 - ..
560498 - Cost Savings
560499 - Printing, Copying Storing Reduced
560500 -
560501 - The cost of document production and storage would be greatly
560502 - reduced by SDS because drafts and comments can be distributed
560503 - on-line. Personnel productivity would be greatly increased by
560504 - being able to simply make a new version of a document and edit
560505 - it without having to re-enter data, and by not having to dis-
560506 - tribute information manually.
560507 -
560509 - ..
560510 - Limit Discovery
560511 -
560512 - Information distributed on SDS can be done under the attorney
560513 - client privilege to protect confidentiality of analyses and
560514 - recommendations leading up to decisions. Currently a signi-
560515 - ficant body of hard copy documents are being produced to
560516 - accomplish this at great cost to DNRC, but it is also suscep-
560517 - tible to discovery.
560519 - ..
560520 - SDS communications can be accomplished at a much reduced
560521 - exposure to discovery.
560522 -
560524 - ..
560525 - $10K to Recover $Millions?
560526 - --------------------------
560527 - For $10K or so (I think probably less) DNRC can greatly improve
560528 - its chances to successfully manage millions of dollars at risk in
560529 - the Broadwater closeout and litigation by enabling management to
560530 - capture critical information, analyse it and recover it instantly
560531 - when needed, as Welch has been doing the past few months. DNRC
560532 - can avoid significant consultant expense by acquiring this capa-
560533 - bility for itself.
560534 -
560536 - ..
560537 - Presentation Strategies
560538 -
560539 - The Director will be in the office next week. I will inquire about
560540 - the best means to make SDS available to DNRC in the vein of the mes-
560541 - sage in the POIMS article, ref OF 2, which she offered to review and
560542 - comment upon, ref SDS 8 line 1210.
560543 -
560544 -
560545 -
560546 -
560547 -
560548 -
560549 -
560550 -
560551 -
560552 -
5606 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"